from RepSys import Error, config, mirror, layout from RepSys.util import execcmd, rellink from RepSys.svn import SVN import sys import os import string import stat import shutil import re import tempfile import hashlib import urlparse import threading from cStringIO import StringIO DEFAULT_TARBALLS_REPO = "/tarballs" BINARIES_DIR_NAME = "SOURCES" BINARIES_CHECKOUT_NAME = "SOURCES-bin" PROP_USES_BINREPO = "mdv:uses-binrepo" PROP_BINREPO_REV = "mdv:binrepo-rev" BINREPOS_SECTION = "binrepos" SOURCES_FILE = "sha1.lst" class ChecksumError(Error): pass def svn_baseurl(target): svn = SVN() info = svn.info2(target) if info is None: # unversioned resource newtarget = os.path.dirname(target) info = svn.info2(newtarget) assert info is not None, "svn_basedir should not be used with a "\ "non-versioned directory" root = info["Repository Root"] url = info["URL"] kind = info["Node Kind"] path = url[len(root):] if kind == "directory": return url basepath = os.path.dirname(path) baseurl = mirror.normalize_path(url + "/" + basepath) return baseurl def svn_root(target): svn = SVN() info = svn.info2(target) if info is None: newtarget = os.path.dirname(target) info = svn.info2(newtarget) assert info is not None return info["Repository Root"] def enabled(url): #TODO use information from url to find out whether we have a binrepo # available for this url use = config.getbool("global", "use-binaries-repository", False) return use def default_repo(): base = config.get("global", "binaries-repository", None) if base is None: default_parent = config.get("global", "default_parent", None) if default_parent is None: raise Error, "no binaries-repository nor default_parent "\ "configured" comps = urlparse.urlparse(default_parent) base = comps[1] + ":" + DEFAULT_TARBALLS_REPO return base def translate_url(url): url = mirror.normalize_path(url) main = mirror.normalize_path(layout.repository_url()) subpath = url[len(main)+1:] # [binrepos] # updates/2009.0 = svn+ssh:// ## svn+ssh:// ## would translate to ## svn+ssh:// binbase = None if BINREPOS_SECTION in config.sections(): for option, value in config.walk(BINREPOS_SECTION): if subpath.startswith(option): binbase = value break binurl = mirror._joinurl(binbase or default_repo(), subpath) return binurl def translate_topdir(path): """Returns the URL in the binrepo from a given path inside a SVN checkout directory. @path: if specified, returns a URL in the binrepo whose path is the same as the path inside the main repository. """ baseurl = svn_baseurl(path) binurl = translate_url(baseurl) target = mirror.normalize_path(binurl) return target def is_binary(path): raw = config.get("binrepo", "upload-match", "\.(7z|Z|bin|bz2|cpio|db|deb|egg|gem|gz|jar|jisp|lzma|"\ "pdf|pgn\\.gz|pk3|rpm|rpm|run|sdz|smzip|tar|tbz|"\ "tbz2|tgz|ttf|uqm|wad|war|xar|xpi|xz|zip)$") maxsize = config.getint("binrepo", "upload-match-size", "1048576") # 1MiB expr = re.compile(raw) name = os.path.basename(path) if return True st = os.stat(path) if st[stat.ST_SIZE] >= maxsize: return True return False def find_binaries(paths): new = [] for path in paths: if os.path.isdir(path): for name in os.listdir(path): fpath = os.path.join(path, name) if is_binary(fpath): new.append(fpath) else: if is_binary(path): new.append(path) return new def make_symlinks(source, dest): todo = [] tomove = [] for name in os.listdir(source): path = os.path.join(source, name) if not os.path.isdir(path) and not name.startswith("."): destpath = os.path.join(dest, name) linkpath = rellink(path, destpath) if os.path.exists(destpath): if (os.path.islink(destpath) and os.readlink(destpath) == linkpath): continue movepath = destpath + ".repsys-moved" if os.path.exists(movepath): raise Error, "cannot create symlink, %s already "\ "exists (%s too)" % (destpath, movepath) tomove.append((destpath, movepath)) todo.append((destpath, linkpath)) for destpath, movepath in tomove: os.rename(destpath, movepath) for destpath, linkpath in todo: os.symlink(linkpath, destpath) def download(targetdir, pkgdirurl=None, export=False, show=True, revision=None, symlinks=True, check=False): assert not export or (export and pkgdirurl) svn = SVN() sourcespath = os.path.join(targetdir, "SOURCES") binpath = os.path.join(targetdir, BINARIES_CHECKOUT_NAME) if pkgdirurl: topurl = translate_url(pkgdirurl) else: topurl = translate_topdir(targetdir) binrev = None if revision: if pkgdirurl: binrev = mapped_revision(pkgdirurl, revision) else: binrev = mapped_revision(targetdir, revision, wc=True) binurl = mirror._joinurl(topurl, BINARIES_DIR_NAME) if export: svn.export(binurl, binpath, rev=binrev, show=show) else: svn.checkout(binurl, binpath, rev=binrev, show=show) if symlinks: make_symlinks(binpath, sourcespath) if check: check_sources(targetdir) def import_binaries(topdir, pkgname): """Import all binaries from a given package checkout (with pending svn adds) @topdir: the path to the svn checkout """ svn = SVN() topurl = translate_topdir(topdir) sourcesdir = os.path.join(topdir, "SOURCES") bintopdir = tempfile.mktemp("repsys") try: svn.checkout(topurl, bintopdir) checkout = True except Error: bintopdir = tempfile.mkdtemp("repsys") checkout = False try: bindir = os.path.join(bintopdir, BINARIES_DIR_NAME) if not os.path.exists(bindir): if checkout: svn.mkdir(bindir) else: os.mkdir(bindir) binaries = find_binaries([sourcesdir]) update = update_sources_threaded(topdir, added=binaries) for path in binaries: name = os.path.basename(path) binpath = os.path.join(bindir, name) os.rename(path, binpath) try: svn.remove(path) except Error: # file not tracked svn.revert(path) if checkout: svn.add(binpath) log = "imported binaries for %s" % pkgname if checkout: rev = svn.commit(bindir, log=log) else: rev = svn.import_(bintopdir, topurl, log=log) svn.propset(PROP_USES_BINREPO, "yes", topdir) svn.propset(PROP_BINREPO_REV, str(rev), topdir) update.join() svn.add(sources_path(topdir)) finally: shutil.rmtree(bintopdir) def create_package_dirs(bintopdir): svn = SVN() binurl = mirror._joinurl(bintopdir, BINARIES_DIR_NAME) silent = config.get("log", "ignore-string", "SILENT") message = "%s: created binrepo package structure" % silent svn.mkdir(binurl, log=message, parents=True) def parse_sources(path): entries = {} f = open(path) for rawline in f: line = rawline.strip() try: sum, name = line.split(None, 1) except ValueError: # failed to unpack, line format error raise Error, "invalid line in sources file: %s" % rawline entries[name] = sum return entries def check_hash(path, sum): newsum = file_hash(path) if newsum != sum: raise ChecksumError, "different checksums for %s: expected %s, "\ "but %s was found" % (path, sum, newsum) def check_sources(topdir): spath = sources_path(topdir) if not os.path.exists(spath): raise Error, "'%s' was not found" % spath entries = parse_sources(spath) for name, sum in entries.iteritems(): fpath = os.path.join(topdir, "SOURCES", name) check_hash(fpath, sum) def file_hash(path): sum = hashlib.sha1() f = open(path) while True: block = if not block: break sum.update(block) f.close() return sum.hexdigest() def sources_path(topdir): path = os.path.join(topdir, "SOURCES", SOURCES_FILE) return path def update_sources(topdir, added=[], removed=[]): path = sources_path(topdir) entries = {} if os.path.isfile(path): entries = parse_sources(path) f = open(path, "w") # open before calculating hashes for name in removed: entries.pop(removed) for added_path in added: name = os.path.basename(added_path) entries[name] = file_hash(added_path) for name in sorted(entries): f.write("%s %s\n" % (entries[name], name)) f.close() def update_sources_threaded(*args, **kwargs): t = threading.Thread(target=update_sources, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) t.start() t.join() return t def upload(path, message=None): from RepSys.rpmutil import getpkgtopdir svn = SVN() if not os.path.exists(path): raise Error, "not found: %s" % path # XXX check if the path is under SOURCES/ paths = find_binaries([path]) if not paths: raise Error, "'%s' does not seem to have any tarballs" % path topdir = getpkgtopdir() bintopdir = translate_topdir(topdir) binurl = mirror._joinurl(bintopdir, BINARIES_DIR_NAME) sourcesdir = os.path.join(topdir, "SOURCES") bindir = os.path.join(topdir, BINARIES_CHECKOUT_NAME) silent = config.get("log", "ignore-string", "SILENT") if not os.path.exists(bindir): try: download(topdir, show=False) except Error: # possibly the package does not exist # (TODO check whether it is really a 'path not found' error) pass if not os.path.exists(bindir): create_package_dirs(bintopdir) svn.propset(PROP_USES_BINREPO, "yes", topdir) svn.commit(topdir, log="%s: created binrepo structure" % silent) download(topdir, show=False) for path in paths: if svn.info2(path): sys.stderr.write("'%s' is already tracked by svn, ignoring\n" % path) continue name = os.path.basename(path) binpath = os.path.join(bindir, name) os.rename(path, binpath) svn.add(binpath) if not message: message = "%s: new binary files %s" % (silent, " ".join(paths)) make_symlinks(bindir, sourcesdir) update = update_sources_threaded(topdir, added=paths) rev = svn.commit(binpath, log=message) svn.propset(PROP_BINREPO_REV, str(rev), topdir) sources = sources_path(topdir) svn.add(sources) update.join() svn.commit(topdir + " " + sources, log=message, nonrecursive=True) def mapped_revision(target, revision, wc=False): """Maps a txtrepo revision to a binrepo datespec This datespec can is intended to be used by svn .. -r DATE. @target: a working copy path or a URL @revision: if target is a URL, the revision number used when fetching svn info @wc: if True indicates that 'target' must be interpreted as a the path of a svn working copy, otherwise it is handled as a URL """ svn = SVN() binrev = None if wc: spath = sources_path(target) if os.path.exists(spath): infolines =, xml=True) if infolines: rawinfo = "".join(infolines) # arg! found ="(.*?)", rawinfo).groups() date = found[0] else: raise Error, "bogus 'svn info' for '%s'" % spath else: raise Error, "'%s' was not found" % spath else: url = mirror._joinurl(target, sources_path("")) date = svn.propget("svn:date", url, rev=revision, revprop=True) if not date: raise Error, "no valid date available for '%s'" % url binrev = "{%s}" % date return binrev def markrelease(sourceurl, releasesurl, version, release, revision): svn = SVN() binrev = mapped_revision(sourceurl, revision) binsource = translate_url(sourceurl) binreleases = translate_url(releasesurl) versiondir = mirror._joinurl(binreleases, version) dest = mirror._joinurl(versiondir, release) svn.mkdir(binreleases, noerror=1, log="created directory for releases") svn.mkdir(versiondir, noerror=1, log="created directory for version %s" % version) svn.copy(binsource, dest, rev=binrev, log="%%markrelease ver=%s rel=%s rev=%s binrev=%s" % (version, release, revision, binrev))