#!/usr/bin/python from MgaRepo import Error, config from MgaRepo import mirror, layout, log, binrepo from MgaRepo.svn import SVN from MgaRepo.simplerpm import SRPM from MgaRepo.util import execcmd from MgaRepo.command import default_parent import rpm import urlparse import tempfile import shutil import string import glob import sys import os def get_spec(pkgdirurl, targetdir=".", submit=False): svn = SVN() tmpdir = tempfile.mktemp() try: geturl = layout.checkout_url(pkgdirurl, append_path="SPECS") mirror.info(geturl) svn.export("'%s'" % geturl, tmpdir) speclist = glob.glob(os.path.join(tmpdir, "*.spec")) if not speclist: raise Error, "no spec files found" spec = speclist[0] shutil.copy(spec, targetdir) name = os.path.basename(spec) path = os.path.join(targetdir, name) print "Wrote %s" % (name) finally: if os.path.isdir(tmpdir): shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) def rpm_macros_defs(macros): defs = ("--define \"%s %s\"" % macro for macro in macros) args = " ".join(defs) return args #FIXME move it to another module def rev_touched_url(url, rev): svn = SVN() info = svn.info2(url) if info is None: raise Error, "can't fetch svn info about the URL: %s" % url root = info["Repository Root"] urlpath = url[len(root):] touched = False entries = svn.log(root, start=rev, limit=1) entry = entries[0] for change in entry.changed: path = change.get("path") if path and path.startswith(urlpath): touched = True return touched def get_srpm(pkgdirurl, mode = "current", targetdirs = None, version = None, release = None, revision = None, binrev = None, packager = "", revname = 0, svnlog = 0, scripts = [], submit = False, template = None, macros = [], verbose = 0, strict = False, use_binrepo = False, binrepo_check = True): svn = SVN() tmpdir = tempfile.mktemp() topdir = "--define '_topdir %s'" % tmpdir builddir = "--define '_builddir %s/%s'" % (tmpdir, "BUILD") rpmdir = "--define '_rpmdir %s/%s'" % (tmpdir, "RPMS") sourcedir = "--define '_sourcedir %s/%s'" % (tmpdir, "SOURCES") specdir = "--define '_specdir %s/%s'" % (tmpdir, "SPECS") srcrpmdir = "--define '_srcrpmdir %s/%s'" % (tmpdir, "SRPMS") patchdir = "--define '_patchdir %s/%s'" % (tmpdir, "SOURCES") try: if mode == "version": geturl = layout.checkout_url(pkgdirurl, version=version, release=release) elif mode == "pristine": geturl = layout.checkout_url(pkgdirurl, pristine=True) elif mode == "current" or mode == "revision": #FIXME we should handle revisions specified using @REV geturl = layout.checkout_url(pkgdirurl) else: raise Error, "unsupported get_srpm mode: %s" % mode strict = strict or config.getbool("submit", "strict-revision", False) if strict and not rev_touched_url(geturl, revision): #FIXME would be nice to have the revision number even when # revision is None raise Error, "the revision %s does not change anything "\ "inside %s" % (revision or "HEAD", geturl) mirror.info(geturl) svn.export(geturl, tmpdir, rev=revision) binrepo.download_binaries(tmpdir) srpmsdir = os.path.join(tmpdir, "SRPMS") os.mkdir(srpmsdir) specsdir = os.path.join(tmpdir, "SPECS") speclist = glob.glob(os.path.join(specsdir, "*.spec")) if config.getbool("srpm", "run-prep", False): makefile = os.path.join(tmpdir, "Makefile") if os.path.exists(makefile): execcmd("make", "-C", tmpdir, "srpm-prep") if not speclist: raise Error, "no spec files found" spec = speclist[0] if svnlog: submit = not not revision log.specfile_svn2rpm(pkgdirurl, spec, revision, submit=submit, template=template, macros=macros, exported=tmpdir) for script in scripts: #FIXME revision can be "None" status, output = execcmd(script, tmpdir, spec, str(revision), noerror=1) if status != 0: raise Error, "script %s failed" % script if packager: packager = " --define 'packager %s'" % packager defs = rpm_macros_defs(macros) sourcecmd = config.get("helper", "rpmbuild", "rpmbuild") execcmd("%s -bs --nodeps %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s" % (sourcecmd, topdir, builddir, rpmdir, sourcedir, specdir, srcrpmdir, patchdir, packager, spec, defs)) # copy the generated SRPMs to their target locations targetsrpms = [] urlrev = None if revname: urlrev = revision or layout.get_url_revision(geturl) if not targetdirs: targetdirs = (".",) srpms = glob.glob(os.path.join(srpmsdir, "*.src.rpm")) if not srpms: # something fishy happened raise Error, "no SRPMS were found at %s" % srpmsdir for srpm in srpms: name = os.path.basename(srpm) if revname: name = "@%s:%s" % (urlrev, name) for targetdir in targetdirs: newpath = os.path.join(targetdir, name) targetsrpms.append(newpath) if os.path.exists(newpath): # should we warn? os.unlink(newpath) shutil.copy(srpm, newpath) if verbose: sys.stderr.write("Wrote: %s\n" % newpath) return targetsrpms finally: if os.path.isdir(tmpdir): shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) def patch_spec(pkgdirurl, patchfile, log=""): #FIXME use get_spec svn = SVN() tmpdir = tempfile.mktemp() try: geturl = layout.checkout_url(pkgdirurl, append_path="SPECS") svn.checkout(geturl, tmpdir) speclist = glob.glob(os.path.join(tmpdir, "*.spec")) if not speclist: raise Error, "no spec files found" spec = speclist[0] status, output = execcmd("patch", spec, patchfile) if status != 0: raise Error, "can't apply patch:\n%s\n" % output else: svn.commit(tmpdir, log="") finally: if os.path.isdir(tmpdir): shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) def put_srpm(srpmfile, markrelease=False, striplog=True, branch=None, baseurl=None, baseold=None, logmsg=None, rename=True): svn = SVN() srpm = SRPM(srpmfile) tmpdir = tempfile.mktemp() if baseurl: pkgurl = mirror._joinurl(baseurl, srpm.name) else: pkgurl = layout.package_url(srpm.name, distro=branch, mirrored=False) print "Importing package to %s" % pkgurl try: if srpm.epoch: version = "%s:%s" % (srpm.epoch, srpm.version) else: version = srpm.version versionurl = "/".join([pkgurl, "releases", version]) releaseurl = "/".join([versionurl, srpm.release]) currenturl = "/".join([pkgurl, "current"]) currentdir = os.path.join(tmpdir, "current") ret = svn.mkdir(pkgurl, noerror=1, log="Created package directory") if ret or not svn.ls(currenturl, noerror=1): svn.checkout(pkgurl, tmpdir) svn.mkdir(os.path.join(tmpdir, "releases")) svn.mkdir(currentdir) svn.mkdir(os.path.join(currentdir, "SPECS")) svn.mkdir(os.path.join(currentdir, "SOURCES")) #svn.commit(tmpdir,log="Created package structure.") version_exists = 1 else: raise Error, "package already exists or error creating package directory" specsdir = os.path.join(currentdir, "SPECS") sourcesdir = os.path.join(currentdir, "SOURCES") unpackdir = tempfile.mktemp() os.mkdir(unpackdir) try: srpm.unpack(unpackdir) uspecsdir = os.path.join(unpackdir, "SPECS") usourcesdir = os.path.join(unpackdir, "SOURCES") uspecsentries = os.listdir(uspecsdir) usourcesentries = os.listdir(usourcesdir) specsentries = os.listdir(specsdir) sourcesentries = os.listdir(sourcesdir) # Remove old entries for entry in [x for x in specsentries if x not in uspecsentries]: if entry == ".svn": continue entrypath = os.path.join(specsdir, entry) os.unlink(entrypath) svn.remove(entrypath) for entry in [x for x in sourcesentries if x not in usourcesentries]: if entry == ".svn": continue entrypath = os.path.join(sourcesdir, entry) os.unlink(entrypath) svn.remove(entrypath) # Copy all files execcmd("cp -rf", uspecsdir, currentdir) execcmd("cp -rf", usourcesdir, currentdir) # Add new entries for entry in [x for x in uspecsentries if x not in specsentries]: entrypath = os.path.join(specsdir, entry) svn.add(entrypath) for entry in [x for x in usourcesentries if x not in sourcesentries]: entrypath = os.path.join(sourcesdir, entry) svn.add(entrypath) finally: if os.path.isdir(unpackdir): shutil.rmtree(unpackdir) specs = glob.glob(os.path.join(specsdir, "*.spec")) if not specs: raise Error, "no spec file found on %s" % specsdir if len(specs) > 1: raise Error, "more than one spec file found on %s" % specsdir specpath = specs[0] if rename: specfile = os.path.basename(specpath) specname = specfile[:-len(".spec")] if specname != srpm.name: newname = srpm.name + ".spec" newpath = os.path.join(specsdir, newname) sys.stderr.write("warning: renaming spec file to '%s' " "(use -n to disable it)\n" % (newname)) os.rename(specpath, newpath) try: svn.remove(specpath) except Error: # file not tracked svn.revert(specpath) svn.add(newpath) specpath = newpath if striplog: specpath = specpath fspec = open(specpath) spec, chlog = log.split_spec_changelog(fspec) fspec.close() fspec = open(specpath, "w") fspec.writelines(spec) fspec.close() chlog.seek(0, os.SEEK_END) if chlog.tell() != 0: chlog.seek(0) #FIXME move it to layout.py oldurl = baseold or config.get("log", "oldurl") pkgoldurl = mirror._joinurl(oldurl, srpm.name) svn.mkdir(pkgoldurl, noerror=1, log="created old log directory for %s" % srpm.name) logtmp = tempfile.mktemp() try: svn.checkout(pkgoldurl, logtmp) miscpath = os.path.join(logtmp, "log") fmisc = open(miscpath, "w+") fmisc.writelines(chlog) fmisc.close() svn.add(miscpath) svn.commit(logtmp, log="imported old log for %s" % srpm.name) finally: if os.path.isdir(logtmp): shutil.rmtree(logtmp) binrepo.import_binaries(currentdir, srpm.name) svn.commit(tmpdir, log=logmsg or ("imported package %s" % srpm.name)) finally: if os.path.isdir(tmpdir): shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) # Do revision and pristine tag copies pristineurl = layout.checkout_url(pkgurl, pristine=True) svn.remove(pristineurl, noerror=1, log="Removing previous pristine/ directory.") currenturl = layout.checkout_url(pkgurl) svn.copy(currenturl, pristineurl, log="Copying release %s-%s to pristine/ directory." % (version, srpm.release)) if markrelease: svn.copy(currenturl, releaseurl, log="Copying release %s-%s to releases/ directory." % (version, srpm.release)) def create_package(pkgdirurl, log="", verbose=0): svn = SVN() tmpdir = tempfile.mktemp() try: basename = layout.package_name(pkgdirurl) if verbose: print "Creating package directory...", sys.stdout.flush() ret = svn.mkdir(pkgdirurl, log="Created package directory for '%s'." % basename) if verbose: print "done" print "Checking it out...", svn.checkout(pkgdirurl, tmpdir) if verbose: print "done" print "Creating package structure...", svn.mkdir(os.path.join(tmpdir, "current")) svn.mkdir(os.path.join(tmpdir, "current", "SPECS")) svn.mkdir(os.path.join(tmpdir, "current", "SOURCES")) if verbose: print "done" print "Committing...", svn.commit(tmpdir, log="Created package structure for '%s'." % basename) print "done" finally: if os.path.isdir(tmpdir): shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) def create_markrelease_log(version, release, revision): log = """%%repsys markrelease version: %s release: %s revision: %s %s""" % (version, release, revision, ("Copying %s-%s to releases/ directory." % (version, release))) return log def mark_release(pkgdirurl, version, release, revision): svn = SVN() releasesurl = layout.checkout_url(pkgdirurl, releases=True) versionurl = "/".join([releasesurl, version]) releaseurl = "/".join([versionurl, release]) currenturl = layout.checkout_url(pkgdirurl) binrepo.markrelease(currenturl, releasesurl, version, release, revision) if svn.ls(releaseurl, noerror=1): raise Error, "release already exists" svn.mkdir(releasesurl, noerror=1, log="Created releases directory.") svn.mkdir(versionurl, noerror=1, log="Created directory for version %s." % version) pristineurl = layout.checkout_url(pkgdirurl, pristine=True) svn.remove(pristineurl, noerror=1, log="Removing previous pristine/ directory.") svn.copy(currenturl, pristineurl, log="Copying release %s-%s to pristine/ directory." % (version, release)) markreleaselog = create_markrelease_log(version, release, revision) svn.copy(currenturl, releaseurl, rev=revision, log=markreleaselog) def check_changed(pkgdirurl, all=0, show=0, verbose=0): svn = SVN() if all: baseurl = pkgdirurl packages = [] if verbose: print "Getting list of packages...", sys.stdout.flush() packages = [x[:-1] for x in svn.ls(baseurl)] if verbose: print "done" if not packages: raise Error, "couldn't get list of packages" else: baseurl, basename = os.path.split(pkgdirurl) packages = [basename] clean = [] changed = [] nopristine = [] nocurrent = [] for package in packages: pkgdirurl = os.path.join(baseurl, package) current = layout.checkout_url(pkgdirurl) pristine = layout.checkout_url(pkgdirurl, pristine=True) if verbose: print "Checking package %s..." % package, sys.stdout.flush() if not svn.ls(current, noerror=1): if verbose: print "NO CURRENT" nocurrent.append(package) elif not svn.ls(pristine, noerror=1): if verbose: print "NO PRISTINE" nopristine.append(package) else: diff = svn.diff(pristine, current) if diff: changed.append(package) if verbose: print "CHANGED" if show: print diff else: if verbose: print "clean" clean.append(package) if verbose: if not packages: print "No packages found!" elif all: print "Total clean packages: %s" % len(clean) print "Total CHANGED packages: %d" % len(changed) print "Total NO CURRENT packages: %s" % len(nocurrent) print "Total NO PRISTINE packages: %s" % len(nopristine) return {"clean": clean, "changed": changed, "nocurrent": nocurrent, "nopristine": nopristine} def checkout(pkgdirurl, path=None, revision=None, binrev=None, branch=None, distro=None, spec=False, use_binrepo=False, binrepo_check=True, binrepo_link=True): o_pkgdirurl = pkgdirurl pkgdirurl = layout.package_url(o_pkgdirurl, distro=distro) append = None if spec: append = "SPECS" current = layout.checkout_url(pkgdirurl, branch=branch, append_path=append) if path is None: path = layout.package_name(pkgdirurl) mirror.info(current, write=True) svn = SVN() svn.checkout(current, path, rev=revision, show=1) binrepo.download_binaries(path) def getpkgtopdir(basedir=None): #FIXME this implementation doesn't work well with relative path names, # which is something we need in order to have a friendlier output if basedir is None: basedir = os.path.curdir while not ispkgtopdir(basedir): if os.path.abspath(basedir) == "/": raise Error, "can't find top package directories SOURCES and SPECS" basedir = os.path.join(basedir, os.path.pardir) if basedir.startswith("./"): basedir = basedir[2:] return basedir def ispkgtopdir(path=None): if path is None: path = os.getcwd() names = os.listdir(path) return (".svn" in names and "SPECS" in names and "SOURCES" in names) def sync(dryrun=False, commit=False, download=False): svn = SVN() topdir = getpkgtopdir() # run svn info because svn st does not complain when topdir is not an # working copy svn.info(topdir) specsdir = os.path.join(topdir, "SPECS/") sourcesdir = os.path.join(topdir, "SOURCES/") for path in (specsdir, sourcesdir): if not os.path.isdir(path): raise Error, "%s directory not found" % path specs = glob.glob(os.path.join(specsdir, "*.spec")) if not specs: raise Error, "no .spec files found in %s" % specsdir specpath = specs[0] # FIXME better way? try: rpm.addMacro("_topdir", os.path.abspath(topdir)) spec = rpm.TransactionSet().parseSpec(specpath) except rpm.error, e: raise Error, "could not load spec file: %s" % e srclist = spec.sources if isinstance(spec.sources, (list, tuple)) \ else spec.sources() sources = dict((os.path.basename(name), name) for name, no, flags in srclist) sourcesst = dict((os.path.basename(path), (path, st)) for st, path in svn.status(sourcesdir, noignore=True)) toadd = [] toremove = [] # add the spec file itself, in case of a new package specstl = svn.status(specpath, noignore=True) if specstl: specst, _ = specstl[0] if specst == "?": toadd.append(specpath) # add source files: for source, url in sources.iteritems(): sourcepath = os.path.join(sourcesdir, source) if sourcesst.get(source): if not os.path.islink(sourcepath) and sourcesst.get(source)[1] == '?': toadd.append(sourcepath) elif not download and not os.path.isfile(sourcepath): sys.stderr.write("warning: %s not found\n" % sourcepath) elif download and not os.path.isfile(sourcepath): print "%s not found, downloading from %s" % (sourcepath, url) fmt = config.get("global", "download-command", "wget -c -O '$dest' $url") context = {"dest": sourcepath, "url": url} try: cmd = string.Template(fmt).substitute(context) except KeyError, e: raise Error, "invalid variable %r in download-command "\ "configuration option" % e try: status, output = execcmd(cmd, show=True) except Error, e: os.unlink(sourcepath) raise Error, "Could not download file %s\n" % url if os.path.isfile(sourcepath): toadd.append(sourcepath) else: raise Error, "file not found: %s" % sourcepath # rm entries not found in sources and still in svn found = os.listdir(sourcesdir) for entry in found: if entry == ".svn" or entry == binrepo.SOURCES_FILE: continue status = sourcesst.get(entry) path = os.path.join(sourcesdir, entry) if entry not in sources: if os.path.isfile(path) and (os.path.islink(path) or status is None): toremove.append(path) for path in toremove: print "D\t%s" % path if not dryrun: delete([path], commit=commit) for path in toadd: print "A\t%s" % path if not dryrun: upload([path], commit=commit) def commit(target=".", message=None, logfile=None): svn = SVN() status = svn.status(target, quiet=True) if not status: print "nothing to commit" return info = svn.info2(target) url = info.get("URL") if url is None: raise Error, "working copy URL not provided by svn info" mirrored = mirror.using_on(url) if mirrored: newurl = mirror.switchto_parent(svn, url, target) print "relocated to", newurl # we can't use the svn object here because svn --non-interactive option # hides VISUAL opts = [] if message is not None: opts.append("-m \"%s\"" % message) if logfile is not None: opts.append("-F \"%s\"" % logfile) mopts = " ".join(opts) os.system("svn ci %s %s" % (mopts, target)) if mirrored: print "use \"mgarepo switch\" in order to switch back to mirror "\ "later" def spec_sources(topdir): specs = glob.glob(os.path.join(topdir, "SPECS/*.spec")) spec_path = specs[0] # FIXME use svn info to ensure which one ts = rpm.ts() spec = ts.parseSpec(spec_path) sources = [name for name, x, y in spec.sources()] return sources def download_binaries(target, pkgdirurl=None, export=False, revision=None, binrev=None, symlinks=True, check=False): refurl = pkgdirurl if refurl is None: refurl = binrepo.svn_root(target) if binrepo.enabled(refurl): binrepo.download(target, pkgdirurl, export=export, revision=revision, binrev=binrev, symlinks=symlinks, check=check) def update(target=None): svn = SVN() info = None svn_target = None br_target = None if target: svn_target = target else: top = getpkgtopdir() svn_target = top br_target = top if svn_target: svn.update(svn_target, show=True) if br_target: info = svn.info2(svn_target) if not br_target and not svn_target: raise Error, "target not in SVN nor in binaries "\ "repository: %s" % target url = info["URL"] binrepo.download_binaries(br_target) def upload(paths, commit=True): for path in paths: if os.path.isdir(path) or binrepo.is_binary(path): binrepo.upload(path, commit=commit) else: svn = SVN() svn.add(path, local=True) if commit: silent = config.get("log", "ignore-string", "SILENT") message = "%s: new file %s" % (silent, path) svn.commit(path, log=message) def delete(paths, commit=True): refurl = binrepo.svn_root(paths[0]) if not binrepo.enabled(refurl): raise Error, "binary repository is not enabled for %s" % refurl for path in paths: if binrepo.is_binary(path): binrepo.remove(path, commit=commit) else: svn = SVN() svn.remove(path, local=True) if commit: silent = config.get("log", "ignore-string", "SILENT") message = "%s: delete file %s" % (silent, path) svn.commit(path, log=message) def switch(mirrorurl=None): svn = SVN() topdir = getpkgtopdir() info = svn.info2(topdir) wcurl = info.get("URL") if wcurl is None: raise Error, "working copy URL not provided by svn info" newurl = mirror.autoswitch(svn, topdir, wcurl, mirrorurl) print "switched to", newurl def get_submit_info(path): path = os.path.abspath(path) # First, look for SPECS and SOURCES directories. found = False while path != "/": if os.path.isdir(path): specsdir = os.path.join(path, "SPECS") sourcesdir = os.path.join(path, "SOURCES") if os.path.isdir(specsdir) and os.path.isdir(sourcesdir): found = True break path = os.path.dirname(path) if not found: raise Error, "SPECS and/or SOURCES directories not found" # Then, check if this is really a subversion directory. if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, ".svn")): raise Error, "subversion directory not found" svn = SVN() # Now, extract the package name. info = svn.info2(path) url = info.get("URL") if url is None: raise Error, "missing URL from svn info %s" % path toks = url.split("/") if len(toks) < 2 or toks[-1] != "current": raise Error, "unexpected URL received from 'svn info'" name = toks[-2] url = "/".join(toks[:-1]) # Finally, guess revision. max = -1 files = [] files.extend(glob.glob("%s/*" % specsdir)) files.extend(glob.glob("%s/*" % sourcesdir)) for file in files: try: info = svn.info2(file) except Error: # possibly not tracked continue if info is None: continue rawrev = info.get("Last Changed Rev") if rawrev: rev = int(rawrev) if rev > max: max = rev if max == -1: raise Error, "revision tag not found in 'svn info' output" if mirror.using_on(url): url = mirror.switchto_parent_url(url) return name, url, max # vim:et:ts=4:sw=4