#!/usr/bin/python3 from MgaRepo import Error, config from MgaRepo import mirror, layout, log, binrepo from MgaRepo.git import GIT from MgaRepo.svn import SVN from MgaRepo.simplerpm import SRPM from MgaRepo.util import execcmd, CommandError from MgaRepo.command import default_parent import rpm import urllib.parse import tempfile import shutil import string import glob import sys import os def detectVCS(url): if ':' in url: protocol,uri = url.split(":") if "svn" in protocol: return SVN() elif "git" in protocol: return GIT() elif "http" in protocol: if uri.endswith(".git"): return GIT() elif "svn" in uri: return SVN() else: raise Error("Unknown protocol %s for %s" % (protocol, url)) elif os.path.exists(url) and os.path.isdir(url): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(url,".svn")) and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(url,".svn")): return SVN() if os.path.exists(os.path.join(url,".git")) and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(url,".git")): return GIT() else: raise Error("No supported repository found at path: %s" % url) def get_spec(pkgdirurl, targetdir=".", submit=False): svn = detectVCS(pkgdirurl) tmpdir = tempfile.mktemp() try: geturl = layout.checkout_url(pkgdirurl, append_path="SPECS") mirror.info(geturl) svn.export(geturl, tmpdir) speclist = glob.glob(os.path.join(tmpdir, "*.spec")) if not speclist: raise Error("no spec files found") spec = speclist[0] shutil.copy(spec, targetdir) name = os.path.basename(spec) path = os.path.join(targetdir, name) print("Wrote %s" % (name)) finally: if os.path.isdir(tmpdir): shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) #FIXME move it to another module def rev_touched_url(url, rev): svn = detectVCS(url) info = svn.info2(url) if info is None: raise Error("can't fetch svn info about the URL: %s" % url) root = info["Repository Root"] urlpath = url[len(root):] touched = False entries = svn.log(root, start=rev, limit=1) entry = entries[0] for change in entry.changed: path = change.get("path") if path and path.startswith(urlpath): touched = True return touched def get_srpm(pkgdirurl, mode = "current", targetdirs = None, version = None, release = None, revision = None, packager = "", revname = 0, svnlog = 0, scripts = [], submit = False, template = None, macros = [], verbose = 0, strict = False): svn = detectVCS(pkgdirurl) tmpdir = tempfile.mktemp() topdir = "_topdir %s" % tmpdir builddir = "_builddir %s/%s" % (tmpdir, "BUILD") rpmdir = "_rpmdir %s/%s" % (tmpdir, "RPMS") sourcedir = "_sourcedir %s/%s" % (tmpdir, "SOURCES") specdir = "_specdir %s/%s" % (tmpdir, "SPECS") srcrpmdir = "_srcrpmdir %s/%s" % (tmpdir, "SRPMS") patchdir = "_patchdir %s/%s" % (tmpdir, "SOURCES") temppath = "_tmppath %s" % (tmpdir) rpmdefs = [("--define", expr) for expr in (topdir, builddir, rpmdir, sourcedir, specdir, srcrpmdir, patchdir, temppath)] try: if mode == "version": geturl = layout.checkout_url(pkgdirurl, version=version, release=release) elif mode == "pristine": geturl = layout.checkout_url(pkgdirurl, pristine=True) elif mode == "current" or mode == "revision": #FIXME we should handle revisions specified using @REV geturl = layout.checkout_url(pkgdirurl) else: raise Error("unsupported get_srpm mode: %s" % mode) strict = strict or config.getbool("submit", "strict-revision", False) if strict and not rev_touched_url(geturl, revision): #FIXME would be nice to have the revision number even when # revision is None raise Error("the revision %s does not change anything "\ "inside %s" % (revision or "HEAD", geturl)) mirror.info(geturl) svn.export(geturl, tmpdir, rev=revision) binrepo.download_binaries(tmpdir) srpmsdir = os.path.join(tmpdir, "SRPMS") os.mkdir(srpmsdir) specsdir = os.path.join(tmpdir, "SPECS") speclist = glob.glob(os.path.join(specsdir, "*.spec")) if config.getbool("srpm", "run-prep", False): makefile = os.path.join(tmpdir, "Makefile") if os.path.exists(makefile): execcmd(("make", "-C", tmpdir, "srpm-prep")) if not speclist: raise Error("no spec files found") spec = speclist[0] if svnlog: submit = not not revision log.specfile_svn2rpm(pkgdirurl, spec, revision, submit=submit, template=template, macros=macros, exported=tmpdir) for script in scripts: #FIXME revision can be "None" status, output = execcmd(script, tmpdir, spec, str(revision), noerror=1) if status != 0: raise Error("script %s failed" % script) if packager: packager = " --define 'packager %s'" % packager sourcecmd = config.get("helper", "rpmbuild", "rpmbuild") args = [sourcecmd, "-bs", "--nodeps"] for pair in rpmdefs: args.extend(pair) for pair in macros: args.extend(("--define", "%s %s" % pair)) args.append(spec) try: execcmd(args) except CommandError as e: if config.getbool("global", "verbose"): cmdline = e.cmdline + "\n" else: cmdline = "" raise Error("error while creating the source RPM " "(with %s):\n%s%s" % (sourcecmd, cmdline, e.output)) # copy the generated SRPMs to their target locations targetsrpms = [] urlrev = None if revname: urlrev = revision or layout.get_url_revision(geturl) if not targetdirs: targetdirs = (".",) srpms = glob.glob(os.path.join(srpmsdir, "*.src.rpm")) if not srpms: # something fishy happened raise Error("no SRPMS were found at %s" % srpmsdir) for srpm in srpms: name = os.path.basename(srpm) if revname: name = "@%s:%s" % (urlrev, name) for targetdir in targetdirs: newpath = os.path.join(targetdir, name) targetsrpms.append(newpath) if os.path.exists(newpath): # should we warn? os.unlink(newpath) shutil.copy(srpm, newpath) if verbose: sys.stderr.write("Wrote: %s\n" % newpath) return targetsrpms finally: if os.path.isdir(tmpdir): shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) def patch_spec(pkgdirurl, patchfile, log=""): #FIXME use get_spec svn = detectVCS(pkgdirurl) tmpdir = tempfile.mktemp() try: geturl = layout.checkout_url(pkgdirurl, append_path="SPECS") svn.checkout(geturl, tmpdir) speclist = glob.glob(os.path.join(tmpdir, "*.spec")) if not speclist: raise Error("no spec files found") spec = speclist[0] status, output = execcmd(["patch", spec, patchfile]) if status != 0: raise Error("can't apply patch:\n%s\n" % output) else: svn.commit(tmpdir, log="") finally: if os.path.isdir(tmpdir): shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) def put_srpm(srpmfile, markrelease=False, striplog=True, branch=None, baseurl=None, baseold=None, logmsg=None, rename=True): srpm = SRPM(srpmfile) tmpdir = tempfile.mktemp() if baseurl: pkgurl = mirror._joinurl(baseurl, srpm.name) else: pkgurl = layout.package_url(srpm.name, distro=branch, mirrored=False) svn = detectVCS(pkgdirurl) print("Importing package to %s" % pkgurl) try: if srpm.epoch: version = "%s:%s" % (srpm.epoch, srpm.version) else: version = srpm.version versionurl = "/".join([pkgurl, "releases", version]) releaseurl = "/".join([versionurl, srpm.release]) currenturl = "/".join([pkgurl, "current"]) currentdir = os.path.join(tmpdir, "current") ret = svn.mkdir(pkgurl, noerror=1, log="Created package directory") if ret or not svn.ls(currenturl, noerror=1): svn.checkout(pkgurl, tmpdir) svn.mkdir(os.path.join(tmpdir, "releases")) svn.mkdir(currentdir) svn.mkdir(os.path.join(currentdir, "SPECS")) svn.mkdir(os.path.join(currentdir, "SOURCES")) #svn.commit(tmpdir,log="Created package structure.") version_exists = 1 else: raise Error("package already exists or error creating package directory") specsdir = os.path.join(currentdir, "SPECS") sourcesdir = os.path.join(currentdir, "SOURCES") unpackdir = tempfile.mktemp() os.mkdir(unpackdir) try: srpm.unpack(unpackdir) uspecsdir = os.path.join(unpackdir, "SPECS") usourcesdir = os.path.join(unpackdir, "SOURCES") uspecsentries = os.listdir(uspecsdir) if os.path.isdir(usourcesdir): usourcesentries = os.listdir(usourcesdir) else: usourcesentries=[] specsentries = os.listdir(specsdir) if os.path.isdir(sourcesdir): sourcesentries = os.listdir(sourcesdir) else: sourcesentries=[] # Remove old entries for entry in [x for x in specsentries if x not in uspecsentries]: if entry == ".svn": continue entrypath = os.path.join(specsdir, entry) os.unlink(entrypath) svn.remove(entrypath) for entry in [x for x in sourcesentries if x not in usourcesentries]: if entry == ".svn": continue entrypath = os.path.join(sourcesdir, entry) os.unlink(entrypath) svn.remove(entrypath) # Copy all files execcmd(["cp", "-rf", uspecsdir, currentdir]) if os.path.isdir(usourcesdir): execcmd(["cp", "-rlf", usourcesdir, currentdir]) # Add new entries for entry in [x for x in uspecsentries if x not in specsentries]: entrypath = os.path.join(specsdir, entry) svn.add(entrypath) for entry in [x for x in usourcesentries if x not in sourcesentries]: entrypath = os.path.join(sourcesdir, entry) if binrepo.is_binary(entrypath): continue svn.add(entrypath) finally: if os.path.isdir(unpackdir): shutil.rmtree(unpackdir) specs = glob.glob(os.path.join(specsdir, "*.spec")) if not specs: raise Error("no spec file found on %s" % specsdir) if len(specs) > 1: raise Error("more than one spec file found on %s" % specsdir) specpath = specs[0] if rename: specfile = os.path.basename(specpath) specname = specfile[:-len(".spec")] if specname != srpm.name: newname = srpm.name + ".spec" newpath = os.path.join(specsdir, newname) sys.stderr.write("warning: renaming spec file to '%s' " "(use -n to disable it)\n" % (newname)) os.rename(specpath, newpath) try: svn.remove(specpath) except Error: # file not tracked svn.revert(specpath) svn.add(newpath) specpath = newpath if striplog: specpath = specpath with open(specpath, "r", encoding='utf-8') as fspec: spec, chlog = log.split_spec_changelog(fspec) with open(specpath, "w", encoding='utf-8') as fspec: fspec.writelines(spec) chlog.seek(0, os.SEEK_END) if chlog.tell() != 0: chlog.seek(0) #FIXME move it to layout.py oldurl = baseold or config.get("log", "oldurl") if oldurl == '.' or oldurl.startswith('./'): pkgoldurl = os.path.join(pkgurl, oldurl) else: pkgoldurl = mirror._joinurl(oldurl, srpm.name) svn.mkdir(pkgoldurl, noerror=1, log="created old log directory for %s" % srpm.name) logtmp = tempfile.mktemp() try: svn.checkout(pkgoldurl, logtmp) miscpath = os.path.join(logtmp, "log") with open(miscpath, "w+", encoding='utf-8') as fmisc: fmisc.writelines(chlog) svn.add(miscpath) svn.commit(logtmp, log="imported old log for %s" % srpm.name) finally: if os.path.isdir(logtmp): shutil.rmtree(logtmp) binrepo.import_binaries(currentdir, srpm.name) svn.commit(tmpdir, log=logmsg or ("imported package %s" % srpm.name)) finally: if os.path.isdir(tmpdir): shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) # Do revision and pristine tag copies pristineurl = layout.checkout_url(pkgurl, pristine=True) svn.remove(pristineurl, noerror=1, log="Removing previous pristine/ directory.") currenturl = layout.checkout_url(pkgurl) svn.copy(currenturl, pristineurl, log="Copying release %s-%s to pristine/ directory." % (version, srpm.release)) if markrelease: svn.copy(currenturl, releaseurl, log="Copying release %s-%s to releases/ directory." % (version, srpm.release)) def build_rpm(build_cmd="b", verbose=True, rpmlint=True, short_circuit=False, packager = None, installdeps = True, macros = []): top = os.getcwd() topdir = "_topdir %s" % top builddir = "_builddir %s/%s" % (top, "BUILD") rpmdir = "_rpmdir %s/%s" % (top, "RPMS") sourcedir = "_sourcedir %s/%s" % (top, "SOURCES") specdir = "_specdir %s/%s" % (top, "SPECS") srcrpmdir = "_srcrpmdir %s/%s" % (top, "SRPMS") patchdir = "_patchdir %s/%s" % (top, "SOURCES") build = os.path.join(top, "BUILD") if not os.path.exists(build): os.mkdir(build) specsdir = os.path.join(top, "SPECS") speclist = glob.glob(os.path.join(specsdir, "*.spec")) if not speclist: raise Error("no spec files found") spec = speclist[0] rpmdefs = [("--define", expr) for expr in (topdir, builddir, rpmdir, sourcedir, specdir, srcrpmdir, patchdir)] if packager: rpmdefs.append(("--define", "packager %s" % packager)) if rpmlint: rpmdefs.append(("--define", "_build_pkgcheck_set %{_bindir}/rpmlint")) rpmbuild = config.get("helper", "rpmbuild", "rpmbuild") args = [rpmbuild, spec] if short_circuit: args.append("--short-circuit") for pair in rpmdefs: args.extend(pair) for pair in macros: args.extend(("--define", "%s %s" % pair)) os.environ["LC_ALL"] = "C" # First check whether dependencies are satisfied status, output = execcmd(*args + ["--nobuild"], show=verbose, collecterr=True, noerror=True) if status: if "error: Failed build dependencies:" in output: if not installdeps: raise Error("Automatic installation of dependencies disabled," "aborting...") else: if verbose: print("Installing missing build dependencies") if os.getuid() != 0: print("Trying to obtain privileges for urpmi:") sudocheck = ["sudo", "-l", "urpmi"] status, output = execcmd(*sudocheck, collecter=True, noerror=True) if status: raise Error("%s\nFailed! Cannot proceed without, aborting..." % output.splitlines()[-1]) urpmi = ["sudo", "urpmi"] else: urpmi = ["urpmi"] cmd = urpmi + ["--auto", "--buildrequires", "--no-recommends", spec] status, output = execcmd(*cmd, show=verbose, collecter=True, noerror=True) status, output = execcmd(*args + ["-b"+build_cmd], show=verbose) def create_package(pkgdirurl, log="", verbose=0): svn = detectVCS(pkgdirurl) tmpdir = tempfile.mktemp() try: basename = layout.package_name(pkgdirurl) if verbose: print("Creating package directory...", end=' ') sys.stdout.flush() ret = svn.mkdir(pkgdirurl, log="Created package directory for '%s'." % basename) if verbose: print("done") print("Checking it out...", end=' ') svn.checkout(pkgdirurl, tmpdir) if verbose: print("done") print("Creating package structure...", end=' ') svn.mkdir(os.path.join(tmpdir, "current")) svn.mkdir(os.path.join(tmpdir, "current", "SPECS")) svn.mkdir(os.path.join(tmpdir, "current", "SOURCES")) if verbose: print("done") print("Committing...", end=' ') svn.commit(tmpdir, log="Created package structure for '%s'." % basename) print("done") finally: if os.path.isdir(tmpdir): shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) def create_markrelease_log(version, release, revision): log = """%%repsys markrelease version: %s release: %s revision: %s %s""" % (version, release, revision, ("Copying %s-%s to releases/ directory." % (version, release))) return log def mark_release(pkgdirurl, version, release, revision): svn = detectVCS(pkgdirurl) releasesurl = layout.checkout_url(pkgdirurl, releases=True) versionurl = "/".join([releasesurl, version]) releaseurl = "/".join([versionurl, release]) currenturl = layout.checkout_url(pkgdirurl) if svn.ls(releaseurl, noerror=1): raise Error("release already exists") svn.mkdir(releasesurl, noerror=1, log="Created releases directory.") svn.mkdir(versionurl, noerror=1, log="Created directory for version %s." % version) pristineurl = layout.checkout_url(pkgdirurl, pristine=True) svn.remove(pristineurl, noerror=1, log="Removing previous pristine/ directory.") svn.copy(currenturl, pristineurl, log="Copying release %s-%s to pristine/ directory." % (version, release)) markreleaselog = create_markrelease_log(version, release, revision) svn.copy(currenturl, releaseurl, rev=revision, log=markreleaselog) def check_changed(pkgdirurl, all=0, show=0, verbose=0): svn = detectVCS(pkgdirurl) if all: baseurl = pkgdirurl packages = [] if verbose: print("Getting list of packages...", end=' ') sys.stdout.flush() packages = [x[:-1] for x in svn.ls(baseurl)] if verbose: print("done") if not packages: raise Error("couldn't get list of packages") else: baseurl, basename = os.path.split(pkgdirurl) packages = [basename] clean = [] changed = [] nopristine = [] nocurrent = [] for package in packages: pkgdirurl = os.path.join(baseurl, package) current = layout.checkout_url(pkgdirurl) pristine = layout.checkout_url(pkgdirurl, pristine=True) if verbose: print("Checking package %s..." % package, end=' ') sys.stdout.flush() if not svn.ls(current, noerror=1): if verbose: print("NO CURRENT") nocurrent.append(package) elif not svn.ls(pristine, noerror=1): if verbose: print("NO PRISTINE") nopristine.append(package) else: diff = svn.diff(pristine, current) if diff: changed.append(package) if verbose: print("CHANGED") if show: print(diff) else: if verbose: print("clean") clean.append(package) if verbose: if not packages: print("No packages found!") elif all: print("Total clean packages: %s" % len(clean)) print("Total CHANGED packages: %d" % len(changed)) print("Total NO CURRENT packages: %s" % len(nocurrent)) print("Total NO PRISTINE packages: %s" % len(nopristine)) return {"clean": clean, "changed": changed, "nocurrent": nocurrent, "nopristine": nopristine} def checkout(pkgdirurl, path=None, revision=None, branch=None, distro=None, backports=None, spec=False): o_pkgdirurl = pkgdirurl pkgdirurl = layout.package_url(o_pkgdirurl, distro=distro, backports=backports) append = None if spec: append = "SPECS" current = layout.checkout_url(pkgdirurl, branch=branch, backports=backports, append_path=append) if path is None: path = layout.package_name(pkgdirurl) mirror.info(current, write=True) svn = detectVCS(pkgdirurl) svn.checkout(current, path, rev=revision, show=1) if not spec: binrepo.download_binaries(path) def clone(pkgdirurl, path=None, revision=None, branch=None, distro=None, backports=None, spec=False): o_pkgdirurl = pkgdirurl pkgdirurl = layout.package_url(o_pkgdirurl, distro=distro, backports=backports) append = None if spec: append = "SPECS" current = layout.checkout_url(pkgdirurl, branch=branch, backports=backports, append_path=append) if path is None: path = layout.package_name(pkgdirurl) mirror.info(current, write=True) git = GIT() git.clone(current, path, show=1) if not spec: binrepo.download_binaries(path) def getpkgtopdir(basedir=None): #FIXME this implementation doesn't work well with relative path names, # which is something we need in order to have a friendlier output if basedir is None: basedir = os.path.curdir while not ispkgtopdir(basedir): if os.path.abspath(basedir) == "/": raise Error("can't find top package directories SOURCES and SPECS") basedir = os.path.join(basedir, os.path.pardir) if basedir.startswith("./"): basedir = basedir[2:] return basedir def ispkgtopdir(path=None): if path is None: path = os.getcwd() names = os.listdir(path) vcs = detectVCS(path) return (vcs.vcs_dirname in names and "SPECS" in names and "SOURCES" in names) def sync(dryrun=False, commit=False, download=False): topdir = getpkgtopdir() svn = detectVCS(topdir) spath = binrepo.sources_path(topdir) binrepoentries = binrepo.parse_sources(spath) # run svn info because svn st does not complain when topdir is not an # working copy svn.info(topdir) specsdir = os.path.join(topdir, "SPECS/") sourcesdir = os.path.join(topdir, "SOURCES/") for path in (specsdir, sourcesdir): if not os.path.isdir(path): raise Error("%s directory not found" % path) specs = glob.glob(os.path.join(specsdir, "*.spec")) if not specs: raise Error("no .spec files found in %s" % specsdir) specpath = specs[0] # FIXME better way? try: rpm.addMacro("_topdir", os.path.abspath(topdir)) spec = rpm.TransactionSet().parseSpec(specpath) except rpm.error as e: raise Error("could not load spec file: %s" % e) srclist = spec.sources if isinstance(spec.sources, (list, tuple)) \ else spec.sources() sources = dict((os.path.basename(name), name) for name, no, flags in srclist) sourcesst = dict((os.path.basename(path), (path, st)) for st, path in svn.status(sourcesdir, noignore=True)) toadd = [] toremove = [] # add the spec file itself, in case of a new package specstl = svn.status(specpath, noignore=True) if specstl: specst, _ = specstl[0] if specst == "?": toadd.append(specpath) # add source files: for source, url in sources.items(): sourcepath = os.path.join(sourcesdir, source) if sourcesst.get(source): if not (source in binrepoentries) and sourcesst.get(source)[1] == '?': toadd.append(sourcepath) elif not download and not os.path.isfile(sourcepath): sys.stderr.write("warning: %s not found\n" % sourcepath) elif download and not os.path.isfile(sourcepath): print("%s not found, downloading from %s" % (sourcepath, url)) fmt = config.get("global", "download-command", "wget -c -O '$dest' $url") context = {"dest": sourcepath, "url": url} try: cmd = string.Template(fmt).substitute(context) except KeyError as e: raise Error("invalid variable %r in download-command "\ "configuration option" % e) try: status, output = execcmd(cmd, show=True) except Error as e: os.unlink(sourcepath) raise Error("Could not download file %s\n" % url) if os.path.isfile(sourcepath): toadd.append(sourcepath) else: raise Error("file not found: %s" % sourcepath) # rm entries not found in sources and still in svn found = os.listdir(sourcesdir) for entry in found: if entry == ".svn" or entry == binrepo.SOURCES_FILE: continue status = sourcesst.get(entry) path = os.path.join(sourcesdir, entry) if entry not in sources: if status is None or entry in binrepoentries: toremove.append(path) for path in toremove: print("D\t%s" % path) if not dryrun: delete([path], commit=commit) for path in toadd: print("A\t%s" % path) if not dryrun: upload([path], commit=commit) def commit(target=".", message=None, logfile=None): svn = detectVCS(target) status = svn.status(target, quiet=True) if not status: print("nothing to commit") return info = svn.info2(target) url = info.get("URL") if url is None: raise Error("working copy URL not provided by svn info") mirrored = mirror.using_on(url) if mirrored: newurl = mirror.switchto_parent(svn, url, target) print("relocated to", newurl) # we can't use the svn object here because svn --non-interactive option # hides VISUAL opts = [] if message is not None: opts.append("-m \"%s\"" % message) if logfile is not None: opts.append("-F \"%s\"" % logfile) mopts = " ".join(opts) os.system("svn ci %s %s" % (mopts, target)) if mirrored: print("use \"mgarepo switch\" in order to switch back to mirror "\ "later") def spec_sources(topdir): specs = glob.glob(os.path.join(topdir, "SPECS/*.spec")) spec_path = specs[0] # FIXME use svn info to ensure which one ts = rpm.ts() spec = ts.parseSpec(spec_path) sources = [name for name, x, y in spec.sources()] return sources def update(target=None): vcs = None info = None vcs_target = None br_target = None if target: vcs_target = target else: top = getpkgtopdir() vcs_target = top br_target = top if vcs_target: vcs = detectVCS(vcs_target) vcs.update(vcs_target, show=True) if br_target: if not vcs: vcs = detectVCS(br_target) info = vcs.info2(vcs_target) if not br_target and not vcs_target: raise Error("target not in %s nor in binaries "\ "repository: %s" % (type(vcs).__name__,target)) url = info["URL"] binrepo.download_binaries(br_target) def upload(paths, commit=False): topdir = getpkgtopdir() svn = detectVCS(topdir) for path in paths: if os.path.isdir(path) or binrepo.is_binary(path): binrepo.upload_binary(topdir, os.path.basename(path)) binrepo.update_sources(topdir, added=[path]) if commit: silent = config.get("log", "ignore-string", "SILENT") message = "%s: new file %s" % (silent, path) svn.commit(binrepo.sources_path(topdir), log=message) else: svn.add(path, local=True) if commit: silent = config.get("log", "ignore-string", "SILENT") message = "%s: new file %s" % (silent, path) svn.commit(path, log=message) def delete(paths, commit=False): silent = config.get("log", "ignore-string", "SILENT") topdir = getpkgtopdir() svn = detectVCS(topdir) for path in paths: message = "%s: delete file %s" % (silent, path) if binrepo.is_binary(path): binrepo.update_sources(topdir, removed=[os.path.basename(path)]) if commit: svn.commit(binrepo.sources_path(topdir), log=message) else: svn.remove(path, local=True) if commit: svn.commit(path, log=message) def obsolete(pkgdirurl, branch=None, distro=None, backports=None, commit=False, log=None): o_pkgdirurl = pkgdirurl pkgdirurl = layout.package_url(o_pkgdirurl, distro=distro, backports=backports) pkgdest = layout.package_url(o_pkgdirurl, obsolete=True, backports=backports) svn = detectVCS(pkgdirurl) svn.mv(pkgdirurl, pkgdest, message=log) if commit: svn.commit(path, log=log) def switch(mirrorurl=None): svn = SVN() topdir = getpkgtopdir() info = svn.info2(topdir) wcurl = info.get("URL") if wcurl is None: raise Error("working copy URL not provided by svn info") newurl = mirror.autoswitch(svn, topdir, wcurl, mirrorurl) print("switched to", newurl) def get_submit_info(path): path = os.path.abspath(path) # First, look for SPECS and SOURCES directories. found = False while path != "/": if os.path.isdir(path): specsdir = os.path.join(path, "SPECS") sourcesdir = os.path.join(path, "SOURCES") if os.path.isdir(specsdir) and os.path.isdir(sourcesdir): found = True break path = os.path.dirname(path) if not found: raise Error("SPECS and/or SOURCES directories not found") # Then, check if this is really a subversion directory. if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, ".svn")): raise Error("subversion directory not found") svn = detectVCS(path) # Now, extract the package name. info = svn.info2(path) url = info.get("URL") if url is None: raise Error("missing URL from svn info %s" % path) toks = url.split("/") if len(toks) < 2 or toks[-1] != "current": raise Error("unexpected URL received from 'svn info'") name = toks[-2] url = "/".join(toks[:-1]) # Finally, guess revision. max = -1 files = [] files.extend(glob.glob("%s/*" % specsdir)) files.extend(glob.glob("%s/*" % sourcesdir)) for file in files: try: info = svn.info2(file) except Error: # possibly not tracked continue if info is None: continue rawrev = info.get("Last Changed Rev") if rawrev: rev = int(rawrev) if rev > max: max = rev if max == -1: raise Error("revision tag not found in 'svn info' output") if mirror.using_on(url): url = mirror.switchto_parent_url(url) return name, url, max # vim:et:ts=4:sw=4