path: root/MgaRepo/git.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'MgaRepo/git.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 194 deletions
diff --git a/MgaRepo/git.py b/MgaRepo/git.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 670bfa7..0000000
--- a/MgaRepo/git.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-from MgaRepo import Error, config
-from MgaRepo.util import execcmd
-from MgaRepo.VCS import *
-from MgaRepo.svn import SVN
-from MgaRepo.log import UserTagParser
-from os.path import basename, dirname, abspath, lexists, join
-from os import chdir, getcwd
-from tempfile import mkstemp
-import sys
-import re
-import time
-from xml.etree import ElementTree
-import subprocess
-class GITLogEntry(VCSLogEntry):
- def __init__(self, revision, author, date):
- VCSLogEntry.__init__(self, revision, author, data)
-class GIT(VCS):
- vcs_dirname = ".git"
- vcs_name = "git"
- def __init__(self, path=None, url=None):
- VCS.__init__(self, path, url)
- self.vcs_command = config.get("global", "git-command", ["git"])
- self.vcs_supports['clone'] = True
- self.env_defaults = {"GIT_SSH": self.vcs_wrapper}
- def configget(self, key="", location="--local"):
- cmd = ["config", location, "--get-regexp", key]
- config = None
- status, output = self._execVcs(*cmd, noerror=True)
- if not status and output:
- config = eval("{'" + output.replace("\n", "',\n'").replace(" ", "' : '") + "'}")
- return config
- def configset(self, config, location="--local"):
- cmd = ("config", location)
- for pair in config.items():
- status, output = self._execVcs(*cmd + pair)
- if status:
- return False
- return True
- def clone(self, url, targetpath, fullnames=True, **kwargs):
- for vcs in (SVN, GIT):
- if lexists(join(targetpath, vcs.vcs_dirname)):
- raise Error("target path %s already contains %s repository, aborting..." % (targetpath, vcs.vcs_name))
- self.init(url, targetpath, fullnames=True, **kwargs)
- if url.split(':')[0].find("svn") < 0:
- return VCS.clone(self, url, **kwargs)
- else:
- return self.update(targetpath, clone=True, **kwargs)
- def init(self, url, targetpath, fullnames=True, branch=None, **kwargs):
- # verify repo url
- execcmd("svn", "info", url)
- topurl = dirname(url)
- trunk = basename(url)
- tags = "releases"
- # cloning svn braches as well should rather be optionalif reenabled..
- #cmd = ["svn", "init", topurl, "--trunk="+trunk, "--tags="+tags", targetpath]
- cmd = ["svn", "init", url, abspath(targetpath)]
- self._execVcs(*cmd, **kwargs)
- os.environ.update({"GIT_WORK_TREE" : abspath(targetpath), "GIT_DIR" : join(abspath(targetpath),".git")})
- if fullnames:
- usermap = UserTagParser()
- # store configuration in local git config so that'll be reused later when ie. updating
- gitconfig = {"svn-remote.authorlog.url" : usermap.url,
- "svn-remote.authorlog.defaultmail": usermap.defaultmail}
- self.configset(gitconfig)
- if branch:
- execcmd(("git", "init", "-q", self.path), **kwargs)
- execcmd(("git", "checkout", "-q", branch), **kwargs)
- cmd = ["svn", "rebase", "--local"]
- status, output = self._execVcs(*cmd, **kwargs)
- return True
- def info(self, path, **kwargs):
- cmd = ["svn", "info", path + '@' if '@' in path else path]
- status, output = self._execVcs(local=True, noerror=True, *cmd, **kwargs)
- if (("Not a git repository" not in output) and \
- ("Unable to determine upstream SVN information from working tree history" not in output)):
- return output.splitlines()
- return None
- def status(self, path, **kwargs):
- cmd = ["status", "--porcelain", path + '@' if '@' in path else path]
- if kwargs.get("verbose"):
- cmd.append("-v")
- if kwargs.get("noignore"):
- cmd.append("--ignored")
- if kwargs.get("quiet"):
- cmd.append("-uno")
- else:
- cmd.append("-uall")
- status, output = self._execVcs(*cmd, **kwargs)
- if status == 0:
- return [(x[0], x[8:]) for x in output.splitlines()]
- return None
- def update(self, targetpath, clone=False, **kwargs):
- os.environ.update({"GIT_WORK_TREE" : abspath(targetpath), "GIT_DIR" : join(abspath(targetpath),".git")})
- if not clone:
- cmd = ["svn", "log", "--oneline", "--limit=1"]
- retval, result = self._execVcs(*cmd)
- if retval:
- return retval
- revision = result.split()
- if revision[0][0] == 'r':
- startrev = "-r"+str(int(revision[0][1:])+1)
- else:
- startrev = "BASE"
- cmd = ["svn", "propget", "svn:entry:committed-rev"]
- retval, lastrev = self._execVcs(*cmd)
- if retval:
- return retval
- #cmd = ["config", "--get-regexp", '^svn-remote.svn.(url|fetch)']
- cmd = ["config", "--get", "svn-remote.svn.url"]
- retval, result = self._execVcs(*cmd)
- if retval:
- return retval
- #result = result.strip().split()
- #url = result[1] + "/" + result[3].split(":")[0]
- url = result.strip()
- # To speed things up on huge repositories, we'll just grab all the
- # revision numbers for this specific directory and grab these only
- # in stead of having to go through each and every revision...
- cmd = ["svn", "log", "-g", "--xml", url]
- if not clone:
- cmd.append("%s:%s" % (startrev,lastrev))
- retval, result = execcmd(*cmd)
- if retval:
- return retval
- xmllog = ElementTree.fromstring(result)
- logentries = xmllog.getiterator("logentry")
- revisions = []
- for entry in logentries:
- revisions.append(int(entry.attrib["revision"]))
- revisions.sort()
- fetchcmd = ["svn", "fetch", "--log-window-size=1000"]
- gitconfig = self.configget("svn-remote.authorlog")
- if gitconfig:
- usermap = UserTagParser(url=gitconfig.get("svn-remote.authorlog.url"),defaultmail=gitconfig.get("svn-remote.authorlog.defaultmail"))
- usermapfile = usermap.get_user_map_file()
- fetchcmd.extend(("--authors-file", usermapfile))
- fetchcmd.append("")
- while revisions:
- fetchcmd[-1] = "-r%d"%revisions.pop(0)
- self._execVcs(*fetchcmd, **kwargs)
- if gitconfig:
- usermap.cleanup()
- cmd = ["svn", "rebase", "--log-window-size=1000", "--local", "--fetch-all", "git-svn"]
- status, output = self._execVcs(*cmd, **kwargs)
- if status == 0:
- return [x.split() for x in output.split()]
- return None
- def remote(self, *args, **kwargs):
- cmd = ["remote"] + list(args)
- status, output = self._execVcs(*cmd, **kwargs)
- return status, output
- def pull(self, *args, **kwargs):
- cmd = ["pull"] + list(args)
- status, output = self._execVcs(*cmd, **kwargs)
- return status, output
- def push(self, *args, **kwargs):
- cmd = ["push"] + list(args)
- status, output = self._execVcs(*cmd, **kwargs)
- return status, output
-class GITLook(VCSLook):
- def __init__(self, repospath, txn=None, rev=None):
- VCSLook.__init__(self, repospath, txn, rev)
-# vim:et:ts=4:sw=4