# $Id: Base.pm 631 2006-01-26 22:22:23Z guillomovitch $ package Youri::Repository; =head1 NAME Youri::Repository - Abstract repository =head1 DESCRIPTION This abstract class defines Youri::Repository interface. =cut use warnings; use strict; use Carp; use File::Basename; use Youri::Package; =head1 CLASS METHODS =head2 new(%args) Creates and returns a new Youri::Repository object. No generic parameters (subclasses may define additional ones). Warning: do not call directly, call subclass constructor instead. =cut sub new { my $class = shift; croak "Abstract class" if $class eq __PACKAGE__; my %options = ( install_root => '', # path to top-level directory archive_root => '', # path to top-level directory version_root => '', # path to top-level directory test => 0, # test mode verbose => 0, # verbose mode @_ ); croak "no install root" unless $options{install_root}; croak "invalid install root" unless -d $options{install_root}; my $self = bless { _install_root => $options{install_root}, _archive_root => $options{archive_root}, _version_root => $options{version_root}, _test => $options{test}, _verbose => $options{verbose}, }, $class; $self->_init(%options); return $self; } sub _init { # do nothing } =head1 INSTANCE METHODS =head2 get_package_class() Return package class for this repository. =cut sub get_package_class { my ($self) = @_; croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self; return $self->{_package_class}; } =head2 get_package_charset() Return package charset for this repository. =cut sub get_package_charset { my ($self) = @_; croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self; return $self->{_package_charset}; } =head2 get_extra_arches() Return the list of additional archictectures to handle when dealing with noarch packages. =cut sub get_extra_arches { my ($self) = @_; croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self; return @{$self->{_extra_arches}}; } =head2 get_older_revisions($package, $target, $user_context, $app_context) Get all older revisions from a package found in its installation directory, as a list of L objects. =cut sub get_older_revisions { my ($self, $package, $target, $user_context, $app_context) = @_; croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self; print "Looking for package $package older revisions for $target\n" if $self->{_verbose} > 0; return $self->get_revisions( $package, $target, $user_context, $app_context, sub { return $package->compare($_[0]) > 0 } ); } =head2 get_last_older_revision($package, $target, $user_context, $app_context) Get last older revision from a package found in its installation directory, as a single L object. =cut sub get_last_older_revision { my ($self, $package, $target, $user_context, $app_context) = @_; croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self; print "Looking for package $package last older revision for $target\n" if $self->{_verbose} > 0; return ( $self->get_older_revisions( $package, $target, $user_context, $app_context ) )[0]; } =head2 get_newer_revisions($package, $target, $user_context, $app_context) Get all newer revisions from a package found in its installation directory, as a list of L objects. =cut sub get_newer_revisions { my ($self, $package, $target, $user_context, $app_context) = @_; croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self; print "Looking for package $package newer revisions for $target\n" if $self->{_verbose} > 0; return $self->get_revisions( $package, $target, $user_context, $app_context, sub { return $_[0]->compare($package) > 0 } ); } =head2 get_revisions($package, $target, $user_context, $app_context, $filter) Get all revisions from a package found in its installation directory, using an optional filter, as a list of L objects. =cut sub get_revisions { my ($self, $package, $target, $user_context, $app_context, $filter) = @_; croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self; print "Looking for package $package revisions for $target\n" if $self->{_verbose} > 0; my @packages = map { $self->get_package_class()->new(file => $_) } $self->get_files( $self->{_install_root}, $self->get_install_path( $package, $target, $user_context, $app_context ), $self->get_package_class()->get_pattern( $package->get_name(), undef, undef, $package->get_arch(), ) ); @packages = grep { $filter->($_) } @packages if $filter; return sort { $b->compare($a) } # sort by revision order @packages; } =head2 get_obsoleted_packages($package, $target, $user_context, $app_context) Get all packages obsoleted by given one, as a list of L objects. =cut sub get_obsoleted_packages { my ($self, $package, $target, $user_context, $app_context) = @_; croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self; print "Looking for packages obsoleted by $package for $target\n" if $self->{_verbose} > 0; my @packages; foreach my $obsolete ($package->get_obsoletes()) { my $pattern = $self->get_package_class()->get_pattern($obsolete->[Youri::Package::DEPENDENCY_NAME]); my $range = $obsolete->[Youri::Package::DEPENDENCY_RANGE]; push(@packages, grep { $range ? $_->satisfy_range($range) : 1 } map { $self->get_package_class()->new(file => $_) } $self->get_files( $self->{_install_root}, $self->get_install_path( $package, $target, $user_context, $app_context ), $pattern ) ); } return @packages; } =head2 get_replaced_packages($package, $target, $user_context, $app_context) Get all packages replaced by given one, as a list of L objects. =cut sub get_replaced_packages { my ($self, $package, $target, $user_context, $app_context) = @_; croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self; print "Looking for packages replaced by $package for $target\n" if $self->{_verbose} > 0; my @list; # collect all older revisions push(@list, $self->get_older_revisions( $package, $target, $user_context, $app_context )); # noarch packages are potentially linked from other directories if ($package->get_arch() eq 'noarch') { foreach my $arch ($self->get_extra_arches()) { push(@list, $self->get_older_revisions( $package, $target, $user_context, { arch => $arch } )); } } # collect all obsoleted packages push(@list, $self->get_obsoleted_packages( $package, $target, $user_context, $app_context )); return @list; } =head2 get_files($path, $pattern) Get all files found in a directory, using an optional filtering pattern (applied to the whole file name), as a list of files. =cut sub get_files { my ($self, $root, $path, $pattern) = @_; croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self; print "Looking for files matching $pattern in $root/$path\n" if $self->{_verbose} > 1; my @files = grep { -f } glob "$root/$path/*"; @files = grep { basename($_) =~ /^$pattern$/ } @files if $pattern; return @files; } =head2 get_install_root() Returns installation root =cut sub get_install_root { my ($self) = @_; croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self; return $self->{_install_root}; } =head2 get_install_dir($package, $target, $user_context, $app_context) Returns install destination directory for given L object and given target. =cut sub get_install_dir { my ($self, $package, $target, $user_context, $app_context) = @_; croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self; return $self->_get_dir( $self->{_install_root}, $self->get_install_path($package, $target, $user_context, $app_context) ); } =head2 get_archive_root() Returns archiving root =cut sub get_archive_root { my ($self) = @_; croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self; return $self->{_archive_root}; } =head2 get_archive_dir($package, $target, $user_context, $app_context) Returns archiving destination directory for given L object and given target. =cut sub get_archive_dir { my ($self, $package, $target, $user_context, $app_context) = @_; croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self; return $self->_get_dir( $self->{_archive_root}, $self->get_archive_path($package, $target, $user_context, $app_context) ); } =head2 get_version_root() Returns versionning root =cut sub get_version_root { my ($self) = @_; croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self; return $self->{_version_root}; } =head2 get_version_dir($package, $target, $user_context, $app_context) Returns versioning destination directory for given L object and given target. =cut sub get_version_dir { my ($self, $package, $target, $user_context, $app_context) = @_; croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self; return $self->_get_dir( $self->{_version_root}, $self->get_version_path($package, $target, $user_context, $app_context) ); } sub _get_dir { my ($self, $root, $path) = @_; return substr($path, 0, 1) eq '/' ? $path : $root . '/' . $path; } =head2 get_install_file($package, $target, $user_context, $app_context) Returns install destination file for given L object and given target. =cut sub get_install_file { my ($self, $package, $target, $user_context, $app_context) = @_; croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self; return $self->get_install_dir($package, $target, $user_context, $app_context) . '/' . $package->get_file_name(); } =head2 get_install_path($package, $target, $user_context, $app_context) Returns installation destination path (relative to repository root) for given L object and given target. =head2 get_archive_path($package, $target, $user_context, $app_context) Returns archiving destination path (relative to repository root) for given L object and given target. =head2 get_version_path($package, $target, $user_context, $app_context) Returns versioning destination path (relative to repository root) for given L object and given target. =head1 SUBCLASSING The following methods have to be implemented: =over =item get_install_path =item get_archive_path =item get_version_path =back =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2002-2006, YOURI project This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut 1;