package Iurt::DKMS; use strict; use base qw(Exporter); use MDV::Distribconf::Build; use Iurt::Chroot qw(clean_chroot add_local_user dump_rpmmacros); use Iurt::Config qw(get_maint get_prefix dump_cache init_cache); use Iurt::Mail qw(sendmail); use File::NCopy qw(copy); use Iurt::Process qw(sudo); use Iurt::Util qw(plog); use RPM4::Header; use MDK::Common; our @EXPORT = qw( search_dkms dkms_compile ); sub new { my ($class, %opt) = @_; my $self = bless { config => $opt{config}, run => $opt{run}, }, $class; $self; } =head2 search_dkms($run, $config) Search for dkms packages which needs to be recompiled for new kernel I<$run> is the running environment I<%config> is the current configuration values Return true. =cut sub search_dkms { my ($self) = @_; my $config = $self->{config}; my $run = $self->{run}; my $arch = $run->{my_arch}; my $root = $config->{repository}; my $distro = $run->{distro}; my $cache = $run->{cache}; my $path = "$root/$distro/$arch"; if (!-d $path) { plog('ERR', "ERROR: $path is not a directory"); return; } my $distrib = MDV::Distribconf::Build->new($path); plog("getting media config from $path"); if (!$distrib->loadtree) { plog('ERR', "ERROR: $path does not seem to be a distribution tree"); return; } $distrib->parse_mediacfg; my %dkms; my @kernel; my %modules; my %kernel_source; foreach my $media ($distrib->listmedia) { $media =~ /(SRPMS|debug_)/ and next; my $path = $distrib->getfullpath($media, 'path'); my $media_ok = $run->{dkms}{media} ? $media =~ /$run->{dkms}{media}/ : 1; my $kmedia_ok = $run->{dkms}{kmedia} ? $media =~ /$run->{dkms}{kmedia}/ : 1; plog("searching in $path"); opendir my $rpmdh, $path; foreach my $rpm (readdir $rpmdh) { if ($rpm =~ /^dkms-(.*)-([^-]+-[^-]+)\.[^.]+\.rpm/) { # we only check for kernel or modules in this media $media_ok or next; my ($name, $version) = ($1, $2); my $package_ok = $run->{dkms}{package} ? $name =~ /$run->{dkms}{package}/ : 1; $package_ok or next; my $hdr = RPM4::Header->new("$path/$rpm"); my $files = $hdr->queryformat('[%{FILENAMES} ])'); my ($modulesourcedir) = $files =~ m, /usr/src/([^/ ]+),; my $script = $hdr->queryformat('%{POSTIN})'); my ($realname) = $script =~ /\s+-m\s+(\S+)/; $realname ||= $name; my ($realversion) = $script =~ /\s+-v\s+(\S+)/; $realversion ||= $version; plog('NOTIFY', "dkms $name version $version source $modulesourcedir realname $realname realversion $realversion"); push @{$dkms{$media}}, [ $name, $version, $modulesourcedir, $realname, $realversion, "$path/$rpm" ]; } elsif ($rpm =~ /^kernel-((?:[^-]+-)?[^-]+.*)-[^-]+-[^-]+\.[^.]+\.rpm/ && $rpm !~ /win4lin|latest|debug|stripped|BOOT|xen|doc/) { # we do not check for kernel in this media $kmedia_ok or next; my $version = $1; my $package_ok = $run->{dkms}{kversion} ? $version =~ /$run->{dkms}{kversion}/ : 1; $package_ok or next; my $hdr = RPM4::Header->new("$path/$rpm"); my $files = $hdr->queryformat('[%{FILENAMES} ])'); if ($version =~ /(.*)source-(.*)/ || $version =~ /(.*)devel-(.*)/) { my $source = "$1$2"; my ($sourcedir) = $files =~ m, /usr/src/([^/ ]+),; plog('NOTIFY', "kernel source $version ($source sourcedir $sourcedir)"); $kernel_source{$source} = [ $version, $sourcedir ]; } else { my ($modulesdir) = $files =~ m, /lib/modules/([^/ ]+),; if ($modulesdir) { plog('NOTIFY', "kernel $version (modules dir $modulesdir)"); push @kernel, [ $version, $modulesdir ]; } else { plog('NOTIFY', "skipping kernel $version (no modules dir)"); } } } elsif ($rpm =~ /^(.*)-kernel-([^-]+-[^-]+.*)-([^-]+-[^-]+)\.[^.]+\.rpm$/) { plog('NOTIFY', "modules $1 version $3 for kernel $2"); # module version kernel $modules{$1}{$3}{$2} = 1; } } } my $nb; foreach my $media (keys %dkms) { foreach my $dkms (@{$dkms{$media}}) { my ($module, $version, $modulesourcedir, $realmodule, $realversion, $file) = @$dkms; foreach my $k (@kernel) { my ($kernel, $modulesdir) = @$k; plog("checking $realmodule-kernel-$modulesdir-$realversion"); next if $cache->{dkms}{"$realmodule-kernel-$modulesdir-$realversion"} && !$run->{ignore_failure}; if (!$modules{$realmodule}{$realversion}{$modulesdir}) { my ($name, $v) = $kernel =~ /^([^-]+)-.*-(2\..*)/; my $source = "$name-$v"; if (!$kernel_source{$source}) { my ($name) = $kernel =~ /(2\..*)/; plog('ERR', "ERROR: no source for kernel $kernel (source $source), testing $name"); $source = $name; if (!$kernel_source{$source}) { my $name = $kernel; plog('ERR', "ERROR: no source for kernel $kernel (source $source), testing $name"); $source = $name; if (!$kernel_source{$source}) { plog('ERR', "ERROR: no source for kernel $kernel (source $source), ignoring"); next; } } } plog("dkms module $module version $version should be compiled for kernel $kernel ($source)"); $nb++; push @{$run->{dkms_todo}}, [ $module, $version, $modulesourcedir, $realmodule, $realversion, $file, $kernel, $modulesdir, @{$kernel_source{$source}}, $media ]; } $modules{$realmodule}{$realversion}{$modulesdir}++; } } } foreach my $module (keys %modules) { foreach my $version (keys %{$modules{$module}}) { foreach my $modulesdir (keys %{$modules{$module}{$version}}) { next if $modules{$module}{$version}{$modulesdir} < 2; plog('WARN', "dkms module $module version $version for kernel $modulesdir is obsolete"); push @{$run->{dkms_obsolete}}, "$module-kernel-$modulesdir-$version"; } } } $nb; } =head2 dkms_compile($class, $local_spool, $done) Compile the dkms against the various provided kernel Return true. =cut sub dkms_compile { my ($self, $local_spool, $done) = @_; my $config = $self->{config}; my $run = $self->{run}; my $urpmi = $run->{urpmi}; # For dkms build, the chroot is only installed once and the all the modules are recompiled my $chroot_tmp = $run->{chroot_tmp}; my $chroot_tar = $run->{chroot_tar}; my $cache = $run->{cache}; my $luser = $run->{user}; my $to_compile = $run->{to_compile}; plog("building chroot: $chroot_tmp"); clean_chroot($chroot_tmp, $chroot_tar, $run, $config); my %installed; # initialize urpmi command $urpmi->urpmi_command($chroot_tmp, $luser); # also add macros for root add_local_user($chroot_tmp, $run, $config, $luser, $run->{uid}); if (!dump_rpmmacros($run, $config, "$chroot_tmp/home/$luser/.rpmmacros") || !dump_rpmmacros($run, $config, "$chroot_tmp/root/.rpmmacros")) { plog('ERR', "ERROR: adding rpmmacros failed"); return; } my $kerver = `uname -r`; chomp $kerver; my $dkms_spool = "$local_spool/dkms/"; -d $dkms_spool or mkdir $dkms_spool; for (my $i; $i < @{$run->{dkms_todo}}; $i++) { my ($name, $version, $_modulesourcedir, $realname, $realversion, $file, $kernel, $modulesdir, $source, $sourcedir, $media) = @{$run->{dkms_todo}[$i]}; $done++; $media = $run->{dkms}{umedia} if $run->{dkms}{umedia}; plog("dkms modules $name version $version for kernel $kernel [$done/$to_compile]"); # install kernel and dkms if not already installed my $ok = 1; # make sure dkms commands are not run in rpm post scripts my $dkms_conf = $chroot_tmp . "/etc/dkms/framework.conf"; system("sudo sh -c 'mkdir -p `dirname $dkms_conf`; echo exit 0 > $dkms_conf'"); foreach my $pkg ("kernel-$source", "dkms", "kernel-$kernel", $file) { my $pkgname = basename($pkg); if ($run->{chrooted_urpmi} && -f $pkg) { copy $pkg, "$chroot_tmp/tmp/"; $pkg = "/tmp/$pkgname"; } if (!$installed{$pkg}) { plog('DEBUG', "install package: $pkg"); if (!$urpmi->install_packages("dkms-$name-$version", $chroot_tmp, $local_spool, {}, "dkms_$pkgname", "[DKMS] package $pkg installation error", { maintainer => $config->{admin} }, $pkg)) { plog('ERR', "ERROR: error installing package $pkg"); $ok = 0; last; } $installed{$pkg} = 1; } # recreate the appropriate kernel source link } system("sudo rm -f $dkms_conf"); $ok or next; plog('DEBUG', "symlink from /lib/modules/$modulesdir/build to /usr/src/$sourcedir"); if (system("sudo ln -sf /usr/src/$sourcedir $chroot_tmp/lib/modules/$modulesdir/build")) { plog('ERR', "linking failed ($!)"); next; } # seems needed for some kernel system("cd $chroot_tmp/usr/src/$sourcedir && sudo make prepare"); # If the dkms packages get installed, the modules is correclty built # but if we just compile it for a new kernel, we need to rebuild it manually foreach my $cmd ('add', 'build') { my $command = "TMP=/home/$luser/tmp/ sudo chroot $chroot_tmp /usr/sbin/dkms $cmd -m $realname -v $realversion --rpm_safe_upgrade -k $modulesdir --kernelsourcedir=/usr/src/$sourcedir"; plog('DEBUG', "execute: $command"); system($command); } if ($kerver ne $modulesdir && -d "$chroot_tmp/var/lib/dkms/$realname/$realversion/$kerver/") { # some of the dkms modules do not handle correclty the -k option # and use uname -r to find kernel modules dir plog('ERR', "ERROR: modules have been built for current kernel ($kerver) instead of $modulesdir"); system("sudo rm -rf $chroot_tmp/var/lib/dkms/$realname/$realversion/$kerver"); require Text::Wrap; sendmail("Iurt admins <$config->{admin}>", '' , "Iurt failure for $name", Text::Wrap::wrap("", "", join('', map { "$_\n" } "Modules for $name have been built for the current kernel ($kerver) while they should have been build for $modulesdir.", "Please report to the maintainer of $name", )), "Iurt the rebuild bot <$config->{admin}>", 0); next; } $cache->{dkms}{"$realname-kernel-$modulesdir-$realversion"} = 1; if (system("sudo chroot $chroot_tmp /usr/sbin/dkms mkrpm -m $realname -v $realversion --rpm_safe_upgrade -k $modulesdir")) { plog('FAIL', "build failed ($!)"); next; } plog('OK', "build succesful, copy packages to $dkms_spool/$media"); -d "$dkms_spool/$media" or mkdir_p "$dkms_spool/$media"; my @dkms_rpm_dirs = ("/home/$luser/rpm/RPMS/*", "/usr/src/rpm/RPMS/*", "/var/lib/dkms/$realname/$realversion/rpm"); my $copied; foreach (@dkms_rpm_dirs) { my $rpms = "$chroot_tmp$_/*.rpm"; if (system("cp $rpms $dkms_spool/$media/ &>/dev/null") == 0) { $copied = 1; sudo($run, $config, '--rm', $rpms) or $run->{LOG}->("ERROR: could not delete dkms packages from $rpms ($!)\n"); last; } } $run->{LOG}->("ERROR: could not copy dkms packages from " . join(" or ", map { "$chroot_tmp$_/*.rpm" } @dkms_rpm_dirs) . " to $dkms_spool/$media ($!)\n") if !$copied; process_dkms_queue($self, 0, 0, $media, "$dkms_spool/$media"); # compile dkms modules } dump_cache($run); $done; } # FIXME will replace the iurt2 process_qeue when youri-queue is active sub process_dkms_queue { my ($self, $wrong_rpm, $quiet, $media, $dir) = @_; my $run = $self->{run}; return if !$run->{upload} && $quiet; my $config = $self->{config}; my $cache = $run->{cache}; $media ||= $run->{media}; my $urpmi = $run->{urpmi}; $dir ||= "$config->{local_upload}/iurt/$run->{distro_tag}/$run->{my_arch}/$media}/"; plog("processing $dir"); opendir my $rpmdir, $dir or return; # get a new prefix for each package so that they will not be all rejected if only one is wrong my $prefix = get_prefix('iurt'); foreach my $rpm (readdir $rpmdir) { my ($rarch, $srpm) = $urpmi->update_srpm($dir, $rpm, $wrong_rpm); $rarch or next; plog('DEBUG', $rpm); next if !$run->{upload}; plog("copy $rpm to $config->{upload_queue}/$run->{distro}/$media/"); # recheck if the package has not been uploaded in the meantime my $rpms_dir = "$config->{repository}/$run->{distro}/$run->{my_arch}/media/$media/"; if (! -f "$rpms_dir/$rpm") { my $err = system("/usr/bin/scp", "$dir/$rpm", $config->{upload_queue} . "/$run->{distro}/$media/$prefix$rpm"); # try to keep the opportunity to prevent disk full " if ($err) { #$run->{LOG}->("ERROR process_queue: cannot copy $dir/$rpm to ", $config->{upload_queue}, "/$run->{distro}/$media/$prefix$rpm ($!)\n"); next; } } if ($run->{upload_source}) { #should not be necessary } # should not be necessary to use sudo sudo($run, $config, '--rm', "$dir/$rpm"); $cache->{queue}{$srpm} = 1; } closedir $rpmdir; } 1;