#!/usr/bin/perl # # Copyright (C) 2005 Mandrakesoft # Copyright (C) 2005 Mandriva # # Author: Florent Villard # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # compare and rebuild packages on different architecture # # TODO # # - use a cache (rpmctl cache for example) to find maintainer # use strict; use Hdlist; use Data::Dumper; use URPM; use File::NCopy qw(copy); use MIME::Words qw(encode_mimewords); use Fcntl ':flock'; my ($debug, $unionfs, $nocheckchroot); my @argv = grep { if (/--debug/) { $debug = 1; 0 } elsif (/--unionfs/) { $unionfs = 1; 0 } elsif (/--nocheckchroot/) { $nocheckchroot = 1; 0 } elsif (/--./) { usage("$_ is an unknown option") } else { 1 } } @ARGV; my $distro_version = shift @argv; my $distro_tag = $distro_version; $distro_tag =~ s,/,-,g; my $my_arch = shift @argv; my $media = shift @argv; my @special_srpm_dir = @argv; my $urpmi_options = "-v --no-verify-rpm -s --auto"; $my_arch or usage("no architecture given"); my $real_arch = `uname -m`; chomp $real_arch; my %arch_comp = ( 'i586' => { 'i386' => 1, 'i486' => 1, 'i586' => 1 }, 'i686' => { 'i386' => 1, 'i486' => 1, 'i586' => 1, 'i686' => 1 }, 'x86_64' => { 'i386' => 1, 'i486' => 1, 'i586' => 1, 'i686' => 1, 'x86_64' => 1 }, 'ppc' => { 'ppc' => 1 }, 'ppc64' => { 'ppc' => 1, 'ppc64' => 1 }, ); if (!$arch_comp{$real_arch}{$my_arch}) { die "FATAL iurt: could not compile $my_arch binaries on a $real_arch" } my $HOME = $ENV{HOME}; my $configfile = "$HOME/.iurt.$distro_tag.conf"; print STDERR "iurt: loading config file $configfile\n"; my $config; if (-f $configfile) { $config = do $configfile or die "FATAL iurt: syntax error in $configfile"; } else { $config = {} } $config->{home} ||= $HOME; $config->{cache_home} ||= "$HOME/.bugs"; $config->{supported_arch} ||= ['i586', 'x86_64']; $config->{upload} ||= "$HOME/uploads/"; $config->{local_home} ||= "$HOME"; $config->{repository} ||= "/mnt/BIG/dis/"; $config->{packager} ||= "Iurt"; $config->{install_chroot_binary} ||= 'install-chroot-tar.sh'; $config->{distribution} ||= 'Mandriva Linux'; $config->{vendor} ||= 'Mandriva'; $config->{basesystem_media} ||= "$config->{repository}/$distro_version/$my_arch/media/main/"; $config->{all_media} ||= [ 'main', 'contrib' ]; $config->{upload} .= $distro_version; $config->{upload} =~ s/community//g; if ($distro_version ne 'cooker') { if ($media ne 'main') { $config->{upload} .= "/$media" } } elsif ($media eq 'contrib') { $config->{upload} =~ s/cooker/contrib/g; } -d $config->{upload} or usage("$config->{upload} does not exist"); my $pidfile = "$config->{cache_home}/iurt.$distro_tag.$my_arch.pid"; if (!$debug) { open my $lock, "$pidfile.lock"; flock($lock,LOCK_EX); if (-f $pidfile) { my (@stat) = stat $pidfile; open my $test_PID, $pidfile; my $pid = <$test_PID>; close $test_PID; if ($pid && getpgrp $pid != -1) { my $time = $stat[9]; if ($time < time - 36000) { print STDERR "iurt: an other iurt pid $pid is running for a very long time, killing it\n"; my $i; while ($i < 5 && getpgrp $pid != -1) { kill_for_good($pid); $i++; sleep 1 } } else { print STDERR "iurt: an other iurt is running for $my_arch, pid $pid, since ",time - $time," seconds\n"; exit } } else { print STDERR "iurt: a previous iurt for $my_arch seems dead, cleaning.\n"; unlink $pidfile } } open my $PID, ">$pidfile" or die "FATAL iurt: could not open pidfile $pidfile for writing"; print $PID $$; close $PID; flock($lock,LOCK_UN); close $lock; } my $cachefile = "$config->{cache_home}/iurt.$distro_tag.$my_arch.cache"; print STDERR "iurt: loading cache file $cachefile\n"; my $cache; if (-f $cachefile) { $cache = do $cachefile } else { $cache = { rpm_srpm => {}, failure => {}, queue => {}, warning => {}, run => 0, needed => {} } } my %big; my %srpm_version; my @wrong_rpm; # FIXME need to check if scanning all the architecture is needed (except of noarch unsynchronity this should not be mandatory) # in that case, @supported_arch may be removed # #foreach my $arch (@{$config->{supported_arch}}) { # # We could rely on only parsing the synthesis, hoping that they are correct, however this scan is very fast, so. my $rpms_dir = "$config->{repository}/$distro_version/$my_arch/media/$media/"; print STDERR "iurt: checking current packages in $rpms_dir\n"; opendir my $rpmdir, $rpms_dir or die "Could not open $rpms_dir: $!"; foreach my $rpm (readdir $rpmdir) { my ($rarch, $srpm) = update_srpm($rpms_dir, $rpm); $rarch or next; $big{$rpm} = 1; $cache->{queue}{$srpm} = 1; check_version($srpm) } closedir $rpmdir; my %provides; my %pack_provide; foreach my $m (@{$config->{all_media}}) { my $synthesis_file = "$config->{repository}/$distro_version/$my_arch/media/$m/media_info/synthesis.hdlist.cz"; if (-f $synthesis_file) { print STDERR "Parsing $synthesis_file\n"; if (open my $syn, "zcat $synthesis_file |") { my @prov; while (<$syn>) { if (/^\@provides@(.*)/) { foreach my $p (split '@', $1) { $p =~ /([^[]+)(?:\[(.*)\])?/g; push @prov, $1; $provides{$1} = $2 || 1 } } elsif (/\@info\@([^@]+)@/) { my ($name) = $1 =~ /(.*)-[^-]+-[^-]+\..*$/; foreach (@prov) { $pack_provide{$_} = $name } @prov = () } } } else { print STDERR "ERROR: Could not open $synthesis_file, will not precheck dependecies avaibility\n"; } } } #} my %maint; my @todo; -d "$config->{upload}/build/$my_arch" or mkdir "$config->{upload}/build/$my_arch"; my $clean; my %rep; my %done_rpm; # # FIXME all the rep but the first one are cleaned # this may not be usefull anymore # my $to_compile; foreach my $dir ("$config->{repository}/$distro_version/SRPMS/$media/", @special_srpm_dir) { print "iurt: checking SRPMS dir $dir\n"; opendir my $rpmdir, $dir or next; foreach my $srpm (readdir $rpmdir) { # this is for the output of the new svn system if ($srpm =~ /^\@\d+:(.*)/) { link "$dir/$srpm", "$dir/$1"; # unlink "$dir/$srpm"; $srpm = $1 } $srpm =~ /(.*)-[^-]+-[^-]+\.src\.rpm$/ or next; if ($config->{unwanted_packages} && $srpm =~ /$config->{unwanted_packages}/) { next } my $ok = 1; if (check_version($srpm)) { defined $cache->{failure}{$srpm} and next; if (!$cache->{queue}{$srpm} && check_needed($srpm)) { my $hdr = rpm2header("$dir/$srpm"); check_arch($hdr) and next; my $changelog = $hdr->queryformat("%{CHANGELOGNAME}"); my ($mail) = $changelog =~ /<(.*@.*)>/; $maint{$srpm} = $mail; print "iurt: will try to compile $srpm\n"; $to_compile++; push @todo, [ $dir , $srpm ] } foreach my $arch (@{$config->{supported_arch}}) { $ok &&= $cache->{queue}{$srpm} } } if ($clean && ($rep{$srpm} || $ok)) { print "iurt: cleaning $dir/$srpm\n"; unlink "$dir/build/$srpm"; unlink "$dir/$srpm" } $rep{$srpm} = 1 } $clean = 1; closedir $rpmdir } dump_cache(); if (!@todo && !$debug) { print "iurt: nothing to do\n"; unlink $pidfile; exit } print "iurt: will try to compile $to_compile packages\n"; $cache->{run} ||= 1; my $run = ++$cache->{run}; my $debug_tag = '_debug' if $debug; my $chroot = "$config->{local_home}/chroot$debug_tag"; my $chroot_tar = "$chroot-$distro_tag.$my_arch.tar.gz"; my $unionfs_dir; if (!$nocheckchroot) { print "iurt: checking basesystem tar\n"; system(qq{sudo pkill -9 -u root -f "urpmi $urpmi_options --root $chroot"}); perform_command("sudo $config->{install_chroot_binary} cooker $config->{basesystem_media} $chroot_tar $chroot 501 basesystem tar rpm-build", mail => $config->{admin}, error => "[REBUILD] Creating the inital chroot for $distro_tag on $my_arch failed", hash => 'chroot_inititialization', timeout => 600, debug_mail => $debug, die => 1); if ($unionfs) { clean_chroot($chroot) or die "FATAL iurt: Could no prepare initial chroot" } } else { dump_rpmmacros("$chroot/home/builder/.rpmmacros") or die "FATAL iurt: could not dump rpm macros" } if ($unionfs) { $unionfs_dir = "$config->{local_home}/iurt_unionfs$debug_tag"; -d $unionfs_dir or mkdir $unionfs_dir } my $local_spool = "$config->{local_home}/iurt/$distro_tag/$my_arch"; if (!-d "$config->{local_home}/iurt/$distro_tag/") { mkdir "$config->{local_home}/iurt/$distro_tag"; if (!-d $local_spool) { mkdir $local_spool; mkdir "$local_spool/log" } } my $s = sub { print "iurt: dumping cache...\n"; dump_cache(); exit }; $SIG{TERM} = $s; $SIG{INT} = $s; my %done; my $wait_limit; my $done; my $home = $config->{local_home}; my $union_id = 1; foreach (my $i ; $i < @todo; $i++) { my ($dir, $srpm) = @{$todo[$i]}; $done{$srpm} and next; $done{$srpm} = 1; check_version($srpm) or next; if ($debug) { $debug++ == 2 and exit } $done++; print "iurt: packages $srpm [$done/$to_compile]\n"; if ($unionfs) { my $tmpfs; $union_id = clean_unionfs($unionfs_dir, $run, $union_id); $tmpfs = "$unionfs_dir/tmpfs.$run.$union_id"; $chroot = "$unionfs_dir/unionfs.$run.$union_id"; mkdir $tmpfs or die "Could not create $tmpfs ($!)"; mkdir $chroot or die "Could not create $chroot ($!)"; system(qq{sudo mount -t tmpfs none $tmpfs}) and die "FATAL iurt: could not mount $tmpfs ($!)"; system(qq{sudo mount -o dirs=$tmpfs=rw:$home/chroot=ro -t unionfs none $chroot}) and die "FATAL iurt: could not mount $tmpfs and $home/chroot with unionfs ($!)"; } else { print STDERR "iurt: installing a new chroot for $srpm in $chroot\n"; clean_chroot($chroot) } my ($srpm_name) = $srpm =~ /(.*)-[^-]+-[^-]+\.src\.rpm$/ or next; my $maintainer = `rpmmon -s -p $srpm_name`; my $cc = "$maint{$srpm}, maintainers\@mandriva.com"; chomp $maintainer; if (!$maintainer || $maintainer eq 'NOT_FOUND') { $maintainer = $cc; $cc = 'maintainers@mandriva.com' } #($maintainer, $cc) = ($config->{admin},''); print "Installing build dependencies of $srpm...\n"; # FIXME unfortunately urpmi stalls quite often if (!clean_urpmi($home)) { dump_cache(); die "FATAL iurt: Could not have urpmi working !" } #system(qq{sudo pkill -9 dd-u root -f "$todo[$i-1][1]"}) if $i - 1 >= 0; #system(qq{sudo pkill -9 -u root -f "urpmi $urpmi_options --root $chroot"}); perform_command("sudo urpmi $urpmi_options --root $chroot $dir/$srpm", mail => $maintainer, error => "[REBUILD] install of build dependencies of $srpm failed on $my_arch", hash => "install_deps_$srpm", timeout => 600, freq => 1, cc => $cc, debug_mail => $debug, error_regexp => 'cannot be installed', wait_regexp => 'database locked', wait_callback => sub { $wait_limit++; if ($wait_limit > 10) { $wait_limit = 0; system(qq{sudo pkill -9 urpmi}) } }, log => "$local_spool/log/", callback => sub { my ($opt, $output) = @_; print "Calling callback for $opt->{hash}\n" if $debug; my ($missing_deps, $version) = $output =~ /\(due to unsatisfied ([^[)]*)(\[.*\])?/; $missing_deps or return; my $p = $pack_provide{$missing_deps} || $missing_deps; my $other_maint = `rpmmon -p $p`; $version ||= 1; chomp $other_maint; print "Missing Dep: $missing_deps ($other_maint)\n"; if ($other_maint && $other_maint ne 'NOT_FOUND') { $opt->{mail} = $other_maint; $opt->{error} = "[MISSING] $missing_deps, needed to build $srpm, is not available on $my_arch"; } # remember what is needed, and do not try to recompile until it is available push @{$cache->{needed}{$srpm}}, [ $missing_deps, $version, $other_maint || $maintainer ]; }, ) or next; perform_command("sudo chroot $chroot rpm -qa", hash => "rpm_qa_$srpm", timeout => 60, debug_mail => $debug, log => "$local_spool/log/") or next; print "Copying $srpm to $chroot\n"; perform_command("sudo cp $dir/$srpm $chroot/home/builder/rpm/SRPMS/", mail => $config->{admin}, error => "[REBUILD] cannot copy $srpm to $chroot", debug_mail => $debug, hash => "copy_$srpm") or next; print "Compiling $srpm\n"; #system(qq{sudo chroot $chroot /bin/su builder -c "mkdir rpm/RPMS/x86_64 rpm/RPMS/noarch"}); if (!perform_command(qq{TMP=/home/builder/tmp/ sudo chroot $chroot /bin/su builder -c "rpm --rebuild /home/builder/rpm/SRPMS/$srpm"}, mail => $maintainer, error => "[REBUILD] $srpm from $distro_tag does not build correctly on $my_arch", hash => "build_$srpm", timeout => 18000, debug_mail => $debug, cc => $cc, log => "$local_spool/log/", error_regexp => 'rror.*ailed|Bad exit status|RPM build error', freq => 1) && !glob "$chroot/home/builder/rpm/RPMS/*/*.rpm") { $cache->{failure}{$srpm} = 1; next } # do some cleaning if the compilation is successful delete $cache->{needed}{$srpm} if defined $cache->{needed}{$srpm}; if (!perform_command("sudo urpmi $urpmi_options --root $chroot $chroot/home/builder/rpm/RPMS/*/*.rpm", mail => $maintainer, error => "[REBUILD] binaries packages generated from $srpm do not install correctly", hash => "binary_test_$srpm", timeout => 300, debug_mail => $debug, freq => 1, error_regexp => 'unable to access', log => "$local_spool/log/")) { $cache->{failure}{$srpm} = 1; next } if ($debug) { print "iurt: debug mode, skip other packages\n"; exit } else { system("cp $chroot/home/builder/rpm/RPMS/*/*.rpm $local_spool") and print "ERROR: could not copy rpm files from $chroot/home/builder/rpm/RPMS/ to $local_spool ($!)\n"; process_queue() } } print STDERR "iurt: reprocess generated packages queue\n"; process_queue(); dump_cache(); print STDERR "ERROR iurt: RPM with a wrong SRPM name\n" if @wrong_rpm; if (open my $file, ">$local_spool/log/wrong_srpm_names.log") { foreach (@wrong_rpm) { print $file "$_->[1] -> $_->[0] (", $cache->{rpm_srpm}{$_->[1]},")\n"; } } if ($config->{rsync_to}) { system("rsync -alHPe 'ssh -c arcfour' $local_spool/log/ $config->{rsync_to}/$distro_tag/$my_arch/log/"); } # one last try to clean print STDERR "iurt: try to clean remaining unionfs\n"; if ($unionfs) { print STDERR "Cleaning old unionfs remaining dir\n"; opendir my $dir, $unionfs_dir; while (readdir $dir) { /unionfs\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/ or next; clean_unionfs($unionfs_dir, $1, $2); } closedir $dir } unlink $pidfile; exit; sub usage { my ($error) = @_; print " ERROR iurt: $error" if $error; print " usage: iurt [options] e.g. iurt community/2006.0 x86_64 main options: --debug: Compile one package in debug mode (do not send mail, create chroot_debug directory). This mode can be used on a system where a iurt is already running. --unionfs: Use a tmpfs mounted with the chroot via unionfs as build chroot. This is much faster but you need some memory. --nocheckchroot: start building without the inital check of the chroot. "; exit } sub clean_chroot { my ($chroot) = @_; -d $chroot and perform_command("sudo rm -rf $chroot", mail => $config->{admin}, error => "[REBUILD] Deleting of old chroot $chroot failed", hash => 'chroot_deletion', debug_mail => $debug, die => 1); mkdir $chroot; perform_command("pushd $chroot && sudo tar xvf $chroot_tar", mail => $config->{admin}, error => "[REBUILD] creating the initial chroot $chroot failed", hash => 'chroot_init', debug_mail => $debug, die => 1); dump_rpmmacros("$chroot/home/builder/.rpmmacros") or return; 1 } sub clean_urpmi { my ($chroot) = @_; my $match = "urpmi $urpmi_options --root $chroot"; my $ps; my $i; $ps = `pgrep -u root -f "$match"`; while ($ps) { system(qq{sudo pkill -9 -u root -f "$match"}); sleep 1; $ps = `pgrep -u root -f "$match"`; print STDERR "Trying to removed previous blocked urpmi session matching $match ($ps)\n"; $i++ > 10 and return 0 } 1 } sub clean_unionfs { my ($unionfs_dir, $run, $union_id) = @_; foreach my $t ("unionfs",'tmpfs') { # unfortunately quite oftem the unionfs is busy and could not be unmounted my $d = "$unionfs_dir/$t.$run.$union_id"; while (check_mounted($d, $t)) { system("sudo fuser -k $d"); print STDERR "iurt: umounting $d\n"; if (system(qq{sudo umount $d &> /dev/null})) { print STDERR "WARNING iurt: could not umount $d ($!)\n"; $union_id++; return $union_id } } print STDERR "iurt: removing $d\n"; system(qq{sudo rm -rf $d}); } $union_id } sub check_mounted { my ($mount_point, $type) = @_; open my $mount, '/proc/mounts' or die 'FATAL iurt: could not open /proc/mounts'; $mount_point =~ s,//+,/,g; while (<$mount>) { return 1 if /^\w+ $mount_point $type / } 0 } sub check_needed { my ($srpm) = @_; if (!defined $cache->{needed}{$srpm} && !ref $cache->{needed}{$srpm}) { return 1 } my @n; my $ok = 1; foreach my $t (@{$cache->{needed}{$srpm}}) { my ($name, $version, $maint) = @$t; my ($p_version) = $provides{$name}; if ($p_version) { next if $version == $p_version; next if URPM::ranges_overlap($version, $p_version) } $ok = 0; push @n, [ $name, $version ]; # try to recompile it once in a while return 1 if ! $cache->{warning}{"install_deps_$srpm"}{$maint}++ % 72 } delete $cache->{needed}{$srpm}; $cache->{needed}{$srpm} = \@n if @n; $ok } sub process_queue { my $dir = "$config->{local_home}/iurt/$distro_tag/$my_arch"; opendir my $rpmdir, $dir or next; foreach my $rpm (readdir $rpmdir) { my ($rarch, $srpm) = update_srpm($dir, $rpm); $rarch or next; # recheck if the package has not been uploaded in the meantime if (! -f "$rpms_dir/$rpm") { my $ok = copy "$dir/$rpm", "$config->{upload}/RPMS/"; # try to keep the opportunity to prevent disk full if (!$ok){ print "ERROR process_queue: cannot copy $dir/$rpm to $config->{upload}/RPMS/ ($!)\n"; next } } unlink "$dir/$rpm"; $cache->{queue}{$srpm} = 1 } closedir $rpmdir; } sub update_srpm { my ($dir, $rpm) = @_; my ($arch) = $rpm =~ /([^\.]+)\.rpm$/ or return 0; my $srpm = $cache->{rpm_srpm}{$rpm}; if (!$srpm) { my $hdr = rpm2header("$dir/$rpm"); $hdr or return 0; $srpm = $hdr->queryformat("%{SOURCERPM}"); $cache->{rpm_srpm}{$rpm} = $srpm } $srpm = fix_srpm_name($srpm, $rpm); $arch, $srpm } sub dump_cache { my $filename = $cachefile; open my $file, ">$filename.tmp" or die "FATAL iurt dump_cache: cannot open $filename.tmp"; flock($file,LOCK_EX); seek($file, 0, 2); $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1; $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1; print $file Data::Dumper->Dump([ $cache ], [ "cache" ]); unlink $filename; link "$filename.tmp", $filename; flock($file,LOCK_UN) } sub sendmail { my ($to, $cc, $subject, $text, $from, $debug) = @_; do { print "Cannot find sender-email-address [$to]\n"; return } unless defined($to); $from ||= $config->{packager}; my $MAIL; if (!$debug) { open $MAIL, "| /usr/sbin/sendmail -t" or return } else { open $MAIL, ">&STDOUT" or return } my $sender = encode_mimewords($to); my $subject = encode_mimewords($subject); print $MAIL "To: $sender\n"; if ($cc) { $cc = encode_mimewords($cc); print $MAIL "Cc: $cc\n" } print $MAIL "From: $from\n"; print $MAIL "Subject: $subject\n"; print $MAIL "\n"; print $MAIL $text; close($MAIL) } sub check_arch { my ($hdr) = @_; my (@exclusive_arch) = $hdr->queryformat('%{EXCLUSIVEARCH}'); grep { $_ eq $my_arch || $_ eq '(none)' } @exclusive_arch or return 1; my (@exclude_arch) = $hdr->queryformat('%{EXCLUDEARCH}'); grep { $_ eq $my_arch } @exclusive_arch and return 1 } sub check_version { my ($srpm) = @_; my ($srpm_name) = $srpm =~ /(.*)-[^-]+-[^-]+\.src\.rpm/; if (URPM::ranges_overlap("= $srpm",">= $srpm_version{$srpm_name}")) { $srpm_version{$srpm_name} = $srpm; return 1 } 0 } sub fix_srpm_name { my ($srpm, $rpm) = @_; my $old_srpm = $srpm; if ($srpm =~ s/^lib64/lib/){ push @wrong_rpm, [ $old_srpm, $rpm ]; $cache->{rpm_srpm}{$rpm} = $srpm } $srpm } sub perform_command { my ($command, %opt) = @_; $opt{timeout} ||= 300; $opt{freq} ||= 24; print "Timeout $opt{timeout}\n"; # from alarm perldoc my $output; my $kill; if ($opt{debug}) { print "Would have rum $command with a timeout of $opt{timeout}\n"; return 1 } eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { print "Timeout!\n"; $kill = 1; die "alarm\n" }; # NB: \n required alarm $opt{timeout}; print "$command\n"; if ($opt{log}) { $output = `$command 2>&1 | tee $opt{log}/$opt{hash}.$run.log`; } else { $output = `$command 2>&1`; } alarm 0; }; if ($@) { # timed out die unless $@ eq "alarm\n"; # propagate unexpected errors return 0 } else { my $err = $?; if ($kill) { $output = "Command has been killed after $opt{timeout} seconds: $command\n$output" } else { $output = "Command failed: $command\n$output" } if (ref $opt{callback}) { $opt{callback}(\%opt, $output) } if ($opt{wait_regexp} && $output =~ /$opt{wait_regexp}/) { $opt{wait_callback}(\%opt, $output) if ref $opt{wait_callback}; print STDERR "ERROR iurt: $opt{wait_regexp} !\n"; sendmail($config->{admin}, '' , "$opt{hash} on $my_arch for $media: could not proceed", "$opt{wait_regexp}\n\n$output", 0, 0, $opt{debug_mail}); if ($opt{die}) { dump_cache(); die "FATAL iurt: $opt{error}." } return 0 } if ($err || $opt{error_regexp} && $output =~ /$opt{error_regexp}/) { if ($opt{mail} && $config->{sendmail}) { if (! $cache->{warning}{$opt{hash}}{$opt{mail}} % $opt{freq}) { sendmail($opt{mail}, $opt{cc} , $opt{error} , $output, 0, 0, $opt{debug_mail}); } elsif ($config->{admin}) { sendmail($config->{admin}, '' , $opt{error}, $output, 0, 0, $opt{debug_mail}); } } $cache->{warning}{$opt{hash}}{$opt{mail}}++; print STDERR "\n$output\n"; if ($opt{die}) { dump_cache(); die "FATAL iurt: $opt{error}." } return 0 } } 1 } sub kill_for_good { my ($pid) = @_; kill 14, $pid; sleep 2; if (getpgrp $pid != -1) { kill 15, $pid; sleep 2; if (getpgrp $pid != -1) { kill 9, $pid } } } sub dump_rpmmacros { my ($file) = @_; open my $f, qq{| sudo sh -c "cat > $file"} or return 0; print $f qq{\%_topdir \%(echo \$HOME)/rpm \%_tmppath \%(echo \$HOME)/rpm/tmp/ \%distribution $config->{distribution} \%vendor $config->{vendor} \%packager $config->{packager}} }