- fix code handling dependencies
- fix broken error email
- fix lock cleanup

- close stdin when --shell is not used
- add an option to discard built packages
- install icecream when it is enabled
- allow to specify dependent builds

- fix missing used function in emi and ulri
- use unique tmpfile for dumping macros

- fix potentially non uploaded packages on one arch

- write not_on_this_arch to status file
- fix support of non distro specific arch/mandatory_arch

- fix chroot cleaning in parallel mode
- fix for some packages missing from status file

- fix status file in parallel mode
- get rid of cache and concurrent mode
- don't mention srpms in unknown state in the status file

- kill build if nothing is printed for 5 minutes and
  system is idle
- write status file even if the build is successful
- allow setting some env variables to define and default to
- emi: allow setting per distro mandatory_arch
- ulri: allow setting per distro arch
- support parallel build

- use rpmbuild/ rather than rpm/
  (need invalidating chroots)
- various code cleanups and simplification

- mount /dev/shm as tmpfs using the helper, safer
- enforce presence of the archs we want

- mount /dev/shm as --bind like other mount points (mga#7329)

- fix false positive when looking for errors
- fix always telling to rebuild
- only rely on exit code to assess success or faillure of urpm
  (greping for errors leaded to false positives)

- failing to mount /dev/pts is not a fatal error

- fix import loop

- fix removing chroots
- internal cleanups
- log not cleaning chroots due mount points still being there
- mount /dev/shm in chroots too (needed for eg: python)

- allow emi and ulri to log to a file instead of stderr by setting
  EMI_LOG_FILE or ULRI_LOG_FILE environement variables
- always show why iurt got killed when free space or log size is an issue
- better error messages when running as root or w/o sudo
- kill unused/untested features
- make it load the needed File::lockf module
- simplified code
- use Core instead of Main to check media in --distrib mode
- support using btrfs snapshots instead of tarballs for chroot

- accept synthesis files with less than 1000 packages
- kill unionfs support
- lock the log file when writing to allow sharing it
- do not use --buildrequires for non src rpms

- catch chroot creation failures
- really fix the race, collect .done before .rpm, as some may arrive
  between the two traversals
- make it really work with multiple packages...
- use urpmi --buildrequires for srpms

- fix a race
- keep successful build logs (mga#668)
- ulri: sort links in mails

- Set packager tag to "user <user>"
- Send emails to user@<domain>
- Use mageia maintainers database
- Update to latest svn:
 - Use a different directory for each arch on build machine, avoid problems when both arch of the same package are built on the same node at the same time
 - Fix section extraction
- stop installing suggests
- allow giving additional macros to iurt
- handle building for multiple sections
- add missing arch compat cases for arm
- give up chroot creation when untar fails


- use mga-youri-submit
- stop using mdv-youri-core

- always use basesystem-minimal instead of basesystem
- install meta-task first for prefer.vendor.list to be used
- say where disk space is lacking
- upload packages in submission order
- when building chroot, do not use --distrib but use media from
  base_media in config

- iurt:
  o always use basesystem-minimal instead of basesystem
  o when building chroot, do not use --distrib but use media from
    base_media in config
  o ignore gpg-pubkey packages in installed packages list (boklm)
  o backport a one-liner fix from mdv: "it should say where it lacks
    disk space" (bogdano, tv)
- emi: Upload packages in submission order (pterjan)

- do not succeed if we only get src.rpm as result
- have a different lock for ulri and emi, they do not need to be
  sync-ed more than with .done

- typo fix

- have only one instance of the bot running per host at a time, even
  if they are building for different arch

- avoid concurrent emi processes
- check for rpmbuild binary, not just rpm
- do not hardcode mdk user
- do not resolve hostname in http repository address, using IP address
  would break vhosts, and we copy resolv.conf in the chroot anyway
- fail early if chroot creation fails
- fix a minor fd leak
- remove basesystem_media_root, basesystem_media, and
  use_system_distrib config options, they have no use now that we
  don't need a repository tree to check if chroo
- remove src.rpm from done in case of failure
- set 0440 permissions to tmp file before copying it to sudoers
- use urpmq --list to find available basesystem package versions
- x86_64 hosts can now build i586 packages

- add --tar, --untar --umount & --urpmi options
- clean user creation
- do not run old rpm --rebuilddb "fix", rpm is OK now
- kill some unused features (cache, ...)
- use config file from /etc/iurt
- use rpm --root instead of chrooting rpm