path: root/lib/MGA/DrakISO/
diff options
authorMartin Whitaker <>2018-04-08 08:53:35 +0100
committerMartin Whitaker <>2018-04-15 22:06:36 +0100
commit7c0cab87133acd7df0084f495b3d4f52fbf2dc9b (patch)
tree3d09465e7fdb83c2e322c3f11d6cf202ca5f09b5 /lib/MGA/DrakISO/
parenta6451ba864ca95299cbfded9d7b04d9001961ebb (diff)
Remove obsolute support for different mount and loopback options.
The dracut-generated initrd doesn't support them.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/MGA/DrakISO/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 194 deletions
diff --git a/lib/MGA/DrakISO/ b/lib/MGA/DrakISO/
deleted file mode 100644
index cf127c2..0000000
--- a/lib/MGA/DrakISO/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Mandriva
-# Olivier Blin <>
-# Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Mageia
-# Martin Whitaker <>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.
-# --------
-# This package defines a set of alternative methods for creating the images
-# that will be mounted as loopback filesystems when booting a Live system.
-# 'squashfs' is the only method that has been tested with drakiso. The other
-# methods were inherited from the original draklive and are most likely no
-# longer needed.
-package MGA::DrakISO::Loopback;
-use strict;
-use MDK::Common;
-use File::Temp;
-use MGA::DrakISO::Mounts;
-use MGA::DrakISO::Utils;
-use Exporter;
-our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
-our @EXPORT = qw(%loop_types);
-my $loop_number = 0;
-our %loop_types;
-%loop_types = (
- squashfs => {
- read_only => 1,
- is_loopback => 1,
- modules => sub { "loop", best_squashfs4_compression($_[0]) ? "squashfs" : "squashfs_lzma" },
- extension => '-lzma.sqfs',
- build => sub {
- my ($build, $dir) = @_;
- my $dest = $build->get_build_dir('loopbacks') . $dir->{path} . $loop_types{squashfs}{extension};
- mkdir_p(dirname($dest));
- my $root = $dir->{root} || $build->get_live_root;
- my $src = $root . $dir->{build_from};
- my $total = directory_usage($src);
- print "Have to process " . int($total/1000000) . " MB\n" if $::verbose;
- my $exclude_file = tmpnam();
- output_p($exclude_file, map { $root . "$_\n" } grep { run_as_root('test', '-e', $root . $_) } @{$dir->{exclude} || []});
- my $sort = $build->{settings}{config_root} . '/' . $dir->{sort};
- my $squashfs4_comp = best_squashfs4_compression($build);
- run_as_root(join(' ',
- $squashfs4_comp ? 'mksquashfs' : 'mksquashfs3',
- $src, $dest,
- $squashfs4_comp ? ('-comp', $squashfs4_comp) : '-lzma',
- '-noappend', '-b', '1048576',
- #'-processors', 1,
- '-ef', $exclude_file,
- if_(-f $sort, '-sort', $sort),
- if_($::verbose > 2, '-info', '-progress'),
- if_($::verbose < 2, '-no-progress'),
- # due to lack of a -quiet option
- if_($::verbose < 2, '> /dev/null'),
- )) or die "ERROR: unable to run mksquashfs\n";
- unlink $exclude_file;
- },
- mount => sub {
- my ($dir) = @_;
- $dir->{loop} = "/dev/loop" . $loop_number++;
- my $extension = $dir->{path} . $loop_types{squashfs}{extension};
- my $mountpoint = $dir->{mountpoint};
- (
- "/bin/losetup $dir->{loop} /live/media/loopbacks$extension",
- "nash-mount -o ro -t squashfs $dir->{loop} /live$mountpoint",
- );
- },
- },
- modules => {
- read_only => 1,
- delay_mount => 1,
- mount => sub {
- my ($dir) = @_;
- my $path = $dir->{path};
- my $mountpoint = $dir->{mountpoint};
- "sh -c 'modules=;"
- . "for m in /live/media/loopbacks$path/*; do"
- . "n=\$(basename \$m);"
- . "n=\${n%.sqfs};"
- . "d=/live$mountpoint/\$n;"
- . "mkdir -p \$d;"
- . "mount -n -o loop,ro -t squashfs \$m \$d && modules=\$modules\$d=ro:;"
- . "done;"
- . "echo \$modules | sed -e s/:\$// > /live/$dir->{list}'";
- },
- pivot_clean => sub {
- my ($dir, $initrdroot) = @_;
- my $list = $dir->{list};
- my $mountpoint = $dir->{mountpoint};
- (
- "sh -c 'cd $initrdroot/live$mountpoint;"
- . "for i in `ls -1`; do"
- . "mkdir -p /live$mountpoint/\$i;"
- . "mount -n --move \$i /live$mountpoint/\$i;"
- . "rmdir \$i;"
- . "done;"
- . "rmdir $initrdroot/live$mountpoint'",
- "sh -c 'mv $initrdroot/live/$list /live/'",
- );
- },
- },
- loopfs => {
- is_loopback => 1,
- modules => [],
- extension => '.loop',
- build => sub {
- my ($build, $dir) = @_;
- my $dest = $build->get_build_dir('loopbacks') . $dir->{path} . $loop_types{loopfs}{extension};
- mkdir_p(dirname($dest));
- MGA::DrakISO::Utils::device_allocate_file($dest, $dir->{pre_allocate});
- MGA::DrakISO::Utils::device_mkfs($dest, $dir->{fs}) if !defined $dir->{min_size};
- },
- mount => sub {
- my ($dir) = @_;
- $dir->{loop} = "/dev/loop" . $loop_number++;
- my $sqfs = $MGA::DrakISO::Mounts::dir_distrib_sqfs->{mountpoint};
- my $fsck = "chroot </dev/tty1 /live/$sqfs /sbin/fsck $dir->{loop}";
- my $extension = $dir->{path} . $loop_types{loopfs}{extension};
- my $mountpoint = $dir->{mountpoint};
- (
- "losetup $dir->{loop} /live/media/loopbacks$extension",
- qq(sh -c "$fsck -a || $fsck -y"),
- "nash-mount -t $dir->{fs} $dir->{loop} /live$mountpoint",
- );
- },
- },
- plain => {
- skip_mkdir => 1,
- mount => sub {
- my ($dir) = @_;
- my $mountpoint = $dir->{mountpoint};
- qq(sh -c "mkdir -p /live$mountpoint");
- },
- },
- partition => {
- files => [ '/sbin/fsck', '/sbin/blkid' ],
- mount => sub {
- my ($dir) = @_;
- my $fsck = "/bin/fsck";
- my $path = $dir->{path};
- my $mountpoint = $dir->{mountpoint};
- (
- qq(sh -c 'dev=`blkid -l -t $path -o device`; [ -z "\$dev" ] || $fsck -a \$dev || $fsck -y \$dev'),
- "nash-mount -t $dir->{fs} $path /live$mountpoint",
- );
- },
- },
- tmpfs => {
- mount => sub {
- my ($dir) = @_;
- my $mnt = '/live' . $dir->{mountpoint};
- my $mount_opts = $dir->{mount_opts} ? "-o $dir->{mount_opts}" : "";
- my $cmd = "mount -t tmpfs $mount_opts $mnt $mnt";
- $dir->{fallback} ? qq(sh -c 'if ! grep -q " $mnt " /proc/mounts; then $cmd; fi') : $cmd;
- },
- },
-sub has_squashfs4_with {
- my ($build, $comp) = @_;
- my $ucomp = uc($comp);
- cat_($build->get_live_root . "/boot/config-" . $build->find_kernel->{version}) =~ /^CONFIG_SQUASHFS_$ucomp=y$/m;
-sub mksquashfs4_compressors() {
- map { /^Compressors available/ .. /^$/ ? if_(/^\t(\w+)/, chomp_($1)) : () } `mksquashfs 2>&1`;
-sub best_squashfs4_compression {
- my ($build) = @_;
- find { has_squashfs4_with($build, $_) } intersection([ mksquashfs4_compressors() ], [ qw(xz lzma) ]);