=head1 conf.xml Example of a commented conf.xml file. Keep in mind that most of those parameters are correct, and you don't need to change whole of them. Examples are available in this package, so please use one of them to base your configuration. You should only change those one: {nameid} {version} {arch} {repo}{path} {media}{list}* {iso}{header}* Fully commented file: --------------------- first it's an xml file: name of the product identification of the product XtreemOS you should really care about this parameter, how many urpmq could you launch at the same time ? 10 is an high value, use it only on multi-core computer. 10 If you want to resign you packages, define in wich file you store the password to sign RPMS, and the gnupg file used to sign them. BCD can only sign for the moment all packages with the same key. It will be able to sign later a media with a specific public key. /home/xtreemos/.signature.gpg /home/xtreemos/.rpmrc based_on parameter define on wich version of Mandriva this product will be built. This parameter define if we need synthesis or hdlists (since 2009.1 only synthesis are needed) It will be use to get the path of the Mandriva repositery 2009.0 urpmqlogs paramater define the directory to store previous urpmq queries, if not defined the system will use the /var/lib/bcd dir. /home/plop/urpmqlogs Arch parameter is mandatory, it will be also used to get the path of the MDV repositery i586 path to the repositery /mnt/BIG/dis so the full path of the Mandriva repositery will be in our example workdir is where you want to store the result of the build /home/xtreemos/build_bcd basename of log files tocopy_plop all Isolinux information isolinux if you want to use proprietary firmware in stage1 (from the non-free/initrd-firmware package) set the option to yes yes if you want to point to a custom isolinux directory /home/xtreemos/export_i386/isolinux if you want to add a entry in your isolinux.cfg /usr/lib/syslinux/hdt.c32 hdt.c32 modules=modules.pci some section are mandatory to keep the array structure of the xml file if you want to copy extra files to the isolinux buildir /lib/modules/2.6.31-server-2mnb/modules.pcimap /usr/share/pci.ids all information relatives to the installer (stage2) install if you want to use a custom installer /home/xtreemos/export_i386 path to custom advertising advertising /home/xtreemos/Build/pieces/advertising full path and name of your patch for stage2 to copy in the buildir/install directory /home/xtreemos/Build/pieces/patch-oem.pl theme to use to patch all.rdz file theme name will be used to install mandriva-release-THEMENAME and avoid problem of mixing theme on a same product Mandriva-Free /usr/share/bootsplash /usr/share/gfxboot media section will defined wich media you want to use and you want to create on the DVD drop option is usefull to remove the media before the rpmcheck (usefull for media main32) yes remove_noarch is used to remove all noarch.rpm from a media (usefull for media main32 on pwp64 and free64) yes input files lists/input_main lists/languages lists/xos_list you can use an external media, but this media must have a media_info directory you must use external media if this media is not available in the repositery. IE: restricted32 packages on a PowerPack 64bits product /home/xtreemos/repo_xos/2009.0/i586/media/xtreemos/release Packages unwated on the DVD, they will be removed at the end of the installation process lists/exclude_main switch nosuggest options to yes if you don't want to use RPMS's suggests no I will use the media name "mediadir" and put it in the directory media/'destmedia' on the DVD main main where to find the pubkey in the repositery (the path will be media/'mediadir'/'pubkey') If you want to specify a specific file to use as pubkey, leave empty. release/media_info/pubkey /path_to_file/the_pubkey if you want to use backports, testing or updates sub-media, set option to yes, note: release media should be mandatory yes yes no no all media_info informations are in this section version will be used to generate a good media.cfg files (we don't use hdlits.cz since 2009.1 release) 2009.0 use 'fullpath' parameter to use custom files /home/xtreemos/Build/pieces media/media_info rpmsrate compssUsers.pl file-deps if you want to add an urpmi options to install packages -a If you want to do some extra filter to keep latest release of a packages on the DVD. All packages listed in extra-filter are NOT filtered: so if you have more than one version of a package in the builddir, it will bypass the rpm comparaison. For all other packages available in the builddir, BCD will keep the latest one (rpm version comparaison) lists/extra-filter media.cfg options yes yes no ISO section tag name and some extra parameters rc1 0 1 Download Devel basic no 700 media/media_info/media.cfg yes yes info used by the genisoimage tool
XtreemOS Linux XOS-2.0-i586 XtreemOS Linux - 2.0 - i586 DVD XtreemOS XtreemOS-Linux XtreemOS Linux - 2.0 XtreemOS Linux
genisoimage paramater -f -r -J -hide-rr-moved -nobak -cache-inodes -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 isolinux/boot.cat build iso