diff options
38 files changed, 298 insertions, 1983 deletions
diff --git a/BCD/Common.pm b/BCD/Common.pm
index 126c207..90cfceb 100644
--- a/BCD/Common.pm
+++ b/BCD/Common.pm
@@ -57,8 +57,7 @@ $version or print_color("You must define the <mediainfo><version>", $color) and
$repo or print_color("You must define the <repo><path> tag",$color) and exit 1;
$based_on or print_color("You must define the <based_on> tag",$color) and exit 1;
$isoconf->{chroot_media} or print_color("Now you must define <chroot_media> in the conf.xml file",$color) and exit 1;
-$isoconf->{chroot_media_exclude} or print_color("Now you must define <chroot_media_exclude> in the conf.xml file",$color) and exit 1;
+$isoconf->{chroot_media_exclude} or print_color("Now you must define <chroot_media_exclude> in the conf.xml file",$color) and exit 1;
# password file
diff --git a/BCD/Genisoimage.pm b/BCD/Genisoimage.pm
index 96d5b6e..2f031d7 100644
--- a/BCD/Genisoimage.pm
+++ b/BCD/Genisoimage.pm
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ sub create_md5 {
sub isohybrid {
print_color("$LOG isohybrid the ISO", $color);
my $ISOFILE = "$isodir/$isoname.iso";
- system("isohybrid -fatfirst $ISOFILE") == 0 or die "$LOG system isohybrid failed: $?\n";
+ #system("isohybrid $iso->{options}{isohybrid} $ISOFILE") == 0 or die "$LOG system isohybrid failed: $?\n";
sub copy_textfiles {
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ sub main_iso {
print_color("$LOG skipping ISO creation", $color);
} else {
- isohybrid;
+# isohybrid;
diff --git a/BCD/Isolinux.pm b/BCD/Isolinux.pm
index 6b0d8df..0f17dd1 100644
--- a/BCD/Isolinux.pm
+++ b/BCD/Isolinux.pm
@@ -20,30 +20,6 @@ my $build_isolinux_dir = "$builddir/isolinux";
sub switch_theme {
my $theme = $isoconf->{theme}{bootsplash};
print_color("$LOG switch to theme $theme", $color);
- -d "$isoconf->{theme}{bootsplash_path}/themes/$theme" or die "$LOG cant find the gfxboot theme: $isoconf->{theme}{bootsplash_path}/themes/$theme";
- opendir my $DIR, $build_isolinux_dir or die "$LOG FATAL switch_theme: unable to open $build_isolinux_dir\n";
- foreach my $f (readdir $DIR) {
- $f =~ /^\.{1,2}$/ and next;
- -d "$build_isolinux_dir/$f" or next;
- opendir my $ALT, "$build_isolinux_dir/$f" or die "LOG FATAL switch_theme: unable to open $dir/$f\n";
- foreach my $all (readdir $ALT) {
- $all =~ /all.rdz/ or next;
- my $initrd = "$build_isolinux_dir/$f/$all";
- my $binary = "/usr/share/bootsplash/scripts/make-boot-splash-raw";
- -x $binary or die "$LOG you need $binary which is available in bootsplash >= 3.2.3\n";
- my $cmd;
- if ($isoconf->{based_on} gt "2009.1" && $isoconf->{based_on} ne "mes5") {
- $cmd = "$binary $initrd $theme";
- } else {
- # old script use a resolution parameter
- $cmd = "$binary $initrd 800x600 $theme";
- }
- print_color("$LOG using $f", $color);
- system($cmd) == 0 or die "$LOG FATAL switch_theme: config file for $theme may not exist\n";
- }
- closedir $ALT;
- }
- closedir $DIR;
# syslinux
my $lilo_sys = "$isoconf->{theme}{bootsplash_path}/themes/$theme/lilo/syslinux";
-f $lilo_sys and system("cp -vf $lilo_sys", "$build_isolinux_dir/boot.msg");
diff --git a/BCD/Media.pm b/BCD/Media.pm
index ed7b7c1..9f603b4 100644
--- a/BCD/Media.pm
+++ b/BCD/Media.pm
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ sub use_gendistrib {
print_color("$LOG < 2009.1 or mes5 detected", $color);
print_color("$LOG move hdlists and synthesys from $builddir/media/$destmedia/media_info to $builddir/media/media_info/", $color);
system("rm -vf $builddir/media/media_info/*_$media->{name}.cz");
-# system("rm -vf $builddir/media/media_info/*_main.cz");
+ system("rm -vf $builddir/media/media_info/*_main.cz");
system("rm -vf $builddir/media/media_info/pubkey_$media->{name}");
system("cp -avf $builddir/media/$destmedia/media_info/hdlist.cz $builddir/media/media_info/hdlist_$media->{name}.cz");
system("cp -avf $builddir/media/$destmedia/media_info/pubkey $builddir/media/media_info/pubkey_$media->{name}");
@@ -248,15 +248,31 @@ sub mini_chroot {
# it is usefull to use a mini chroot for add remove media, we have to keep the list of installed packages to copy them on ISO
print_color("$LOG create a mini chroot to run urpmi", $color);
# store all file needed to be installed on the system
- my $cmd = "LC_ALL=C sudo urpmi --quiet --no-suggests --auto --no-verify-rpm --use-distrib $repo/$based_on/$arch --urpmi-root $chroot_path";
+ my $cmd = "LC_ALL=C sudo urpmi --quiet --no-suggests --auto --no-verify-rpm --use-distrib $repo/$based_on/$arch --urpmi-root $chroot_path --media '$isoconf->{chroot_media}' --excludemedia '$isoconf->{chroot_media_exclude}'";
# sudo urpmi --no-verify-rpm --auto --urpmi-root /tmp/mk --use-distrib /mnt/BIG/dis/2009.0/i586/ basesystem-minimal urpmi --test
- system("LC_ALL=C sudo urpmi --test --no-suggests --auto --no-verify-rpm --use-distrib $repo/$based_on/$arch --urpmi-root /tmp/$isoconf->{nameid}-$version-$isoconf->{arch} --media '$isoconf->{chroot_media}' --excludemedia '$isoconf->{chroot_media_exclude}' urpmi basesystem-minimal bash basesystem > $chroot_path/$isoconf->{tocopy_file}_TODO_chroot");
+#J print_color("---DEBUG INSTALLABLE_START $LOG test if the chroot is installable\n LC_ALL=C sudo urpmi --test --no-suggests --auto --no-verify-rpm --use-distrib $repo/$based_on/$arch --urpmi-root /tmp/$isoconf->{nameid}-$version-$isoconf->{arch} --media 'Main,Main Updates' --excludemedia 'Main Testing,Main Backports' urpmi basesystem-minimal bash basesystem > $chroot_path/$isoconf->{tocopy_file}_TODO_chroot", $color);
+ system("LC_ALL=C sudo urpmi --test --no-suggests --auto --no-verify-rpm --use-distrib $repo/$based_on/$arch --urpmi-root /tmp/$isoconf->{nameid}-$version-$isoconf->{arch} --media 'Main,Main Updates' --excludemedia 'Main Testing,Main Backports' urpmi basesystem-minimal bash basesystem > $chroot_path/$isoconf->{tocopy_file}_TODO_chroot");
+# print_color("---DEBUG INSTALLABLE_STOP the TEST");
# install all those file to be able to use urpmi.XXXXXX
- system("LC_ALL=C $cmd --prefer $DISTRIB,$THEME urpmi bash");
+# print_color("---DEBUG INSTALL_CHROOT_START now create the chroot:\n $cmd --prefer $DISTRIB,$THEME urpmi bash", $color);
+ system("$cmd --prefer $DISTRIB,$THEME urpmi bash");
+# print_color("---DEBUG INSTALL_CHROOT_STOP", $color);
+ if (! -e "$chroot_path/bin/mkdir") {
+ print_color("$LOG ERROR, mkdir is not available in $chroot_path", $color);
+ exit 1;
+ }
system("sudo chroot $chroot_path mkdir -p $distrib_path");
system("sudo mount -o bind $repo/$based_on/$arch $chroot_path/$distrib_path -o ro");
push @to_umount, $distrib_path;
+ print_color("$LOG Add a profile info", $color);
+ my $INFOFILE = "$chroot_path/etc/profile.d/99info.sh";
+ open my $INFO, ">$INFOFILE";
+ print $INFO "#!/bin/sh\n";
+ print $INFO "DIS=`cat /etc/product.id`\n";
+ print $INFO "export PS1=\"\\n\$DIS\\n [ CHROOT BY BCD \\u@\\h \\W]\$ \"";
+ close $INFO;
+ system("chmod 755 $INFOFILE");
system("sudo chroot $chroot_path urpmi.removemedia -a");
foreach my $media (@{$isoconf->{media}{list}}) {
$media->{name} or next;
@@ -272,9 +288,6 @@ sub mini_chroot {
system("sudo chroot $chroot_path urpmi.addmedia --probe-synthesis '$media->{name} Testing' $distrib_path/media/$media->{mediadir}/testing");
-# } else {
-# system("sudo chroot $chroot_path urpmi.addmedia --distrib $distrib_path --no-md5sum");
-# }
sub add_media {
@@ -418,7 +431,7 @@ sub create_list {
if ($media->{updates} eq "yes") {
$extra_media = "--media \"$isoconf->{media}{first_media} $isoconf->{media}{update_prefix},$extra2,$media_supp,$media->{name},$media->{name} $isoconf->{media}{update_prefix}\"";
} else {
- $extra_media = "--media \"$isoconf->{media}{first_media},$extra2,$media_supp,$media->{name}\"";
+ $extra_media = "--media \"$isoconf->{media}{first_media},$extra2,$media_supp,$media->{name}\"";
@@ -453,15 +466,15 @@ sub create_list {
# do the job with update, find missing package from list
# only if the media as udpate option enable
-## if ($media->{updates} eq "yes") {
-## my $cmd_find_missing_update = "LC_ALL=C sudo chroot $chroot_path urpmq --update --prefer $DISTRIB,$THEME $urpmq_options $urpmq_extra_opt $tested_wanted $tested_exclude 2> $urpmq_error_update";
-## print_color("$LOG first attempt to run urpmq --update on media $media->{name} (to find all packages not availables in update)", $color);
-## system($cmd_find_missing_update);
-## # urpmq error found, so we have to remove some entry in the list of wanted packages
-## my $final_list_update = remove_notpresent($urpmq_error_update, $wanted);
-## my $cmd_do_it_update = "LC_ALL=C sudo -P chroot $chroot_path urpmq --update -a --prefer $DISTRIB,$THEME $urpmq_options $urpmq_extra_opt $tested_exclude";
-## do_fork($final_list_update, "$list_filename" . "_update", $list_update, $cmd_do_it_update);
-## }
+ if ($media->{updates} eq "yes") {
+ my $cmd_find_missing_update = "LC_ALL=C sudo chroot $chroot_path urpmq --update --prefer $DISTRIB,$THEME $urpmq_options $urpmq_extra_opt $tested_wanted $tested_exclude 2> $urpmq_error_update";
+ print_color("$LOG first attempt to run urpmq --update on media $media->{name} (to find all packages not availables in update)", $color);
+ system($cmd_find_missing_update);
+ # urpmq error found, so we have to remove some entry in the list of wanted packages
+ my $final_list_update = remove_notpresent($urpmq_error_update, $wanted);
+ my $cmd_do_it_update = "LC_ALL=C sudo -P chroot $chroot_path urpmq --update -a --prefer $DISTRIB,$THEME $urpmq_options $urpmq_extra_opt $tested_exclude";
+ do_fork($final_list_update, "$list_filename" . "_update", $list_update, $cmd_do_it_update);
+ }
# select rpm from all media, find missing from list
diff --git a/BCD/Web.pm b/BCD/Web.pm
index 70cf501..bf0aff5 100644
--- a/BCD/Web.pm
+++ b/BCD/Web.pm
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ h3 {
print $B "<ul>\n";
- print $B "<li>Date of the synchronisation to the cooker repository: <b>$date_repo</b></li>\n";
+ print $B "<li>Date of the synchronisation to the cauldron repository: <b>$date_repo</b></li>\n";
print $B "<li>Configuration file used: <a href='$conf_file'>$conf_file</a></li>\n";
print $B "<li>Architecture: <b>$arch</b></li>\n";
print $B "<li>Distribution based on: <b>$based_on</b></li>\n";
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 9ae6b42..f0a6526 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
PERL_VENDORLIB=$(shell eval "`perl -V:installvendorlib`"; echo $$installvendorlib)
diff --git a/bcd.xml b/bcd.xml
index d96cf45..22d052b 100644
--- a/bcd.xml
+++ b/bcd.xml
@@ -115,9 +115,9 @@
<!-- will be taken in {repo}{version}{arch}/media -->
- <!--
- <fullpath_mediadir>/home/plop/build/2009.1/100/i586/media/contrib</fullpath_mediadir>
- -->
+ <external name="Contrib">
+ <fullpath_mediadir>/home/plop/build/2009.1/100/i586/media/contrib</fullpath_mediadir>
+ </external>
diff --git a/create_dual.sh b/create_dual.sh
index 410467c..5a1cbf4 100755
--- a/create_dual.sh
+++ b/create_dual.sh
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
# genisoimage options
-AGENISO="$DISTRIB - 2010 Spring (Free)"
-VOLSET="$SYSID 2010 Spring (Free) - DUAL CD"
./bcd.pl dual.xml all copy noiso nodoble
@@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ EOF
#cp -avf $HOME/bcd/compssUsers.pl $HOME/build_bcd/build/mandriva-linux-free-dual-$TAG-$VERSION/i586/media/media_info/compssUsers.pl
#cp -avf $HOME/bcd/compssUsers.pl $HOME/build_bcd/build/mandriva-linux-free-dual-$TAG-$VERSION/x86_64/media/media_info/compssUsers.pl
-cat $BUILDPATH-i586/i586/pkg-$VERSION-$TAG.idx >> $BUILDPATH/$DISTRIB-$VERSION-dual.idx
-cat $BUILDPATH-x86_64/x86_64/pkg-$VERSION-$TAG.idx >> $BUILDPATH/$DISTRIB-$VERSION-dual.idx
+cat $BUILDPATH-x86_64/x86_64/pkg-$VERSION-$TAG.idx >> $BUILDPATH/$DISTRIB-$VERSION.idx
genisoimage -f -r -J -hide-rr-moved -nobak -cache-inodes -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 \
@@ -104,16 +104,16 @@ genisoimage -f -r -J -hide-rr-moved -nobak -cache-inodes -no-emul-boot -boot-loa
-p "$TOOL" \
-volset "$VOLSET" \
-V "$VOLUME" \
- -o "$BUILDPATH/$DISTRIB-dual.iso" \
-b i586/isolinux/isolinux.bin \
-boot-info-table \
-quiet \
-isohybrid -fatfirst $BUILDPATH/$DISTRIB-$VERSION-dual.iso
-md5sum $DISTRIB-$VERSION-dual.iso > $DISTRIB-$VERSION-dual.iso.md5
-sha1sum $DISTRIB-$VERSION-dual.iso > $DISTRIB-$VERSION-dual.iso.sha1
+isohybrid -fatfirst $BUILDPATH/$DISTRIB-$VERSION.iso
+md5sum $DISTRIB-$VERSION-dual.iso > $DISTRIB-$VERSION.iso.md5
+sha1sum $DISTRIB-$VERSION.iso > $DISTRIB-$VERSION.iso.sha1
diff --git a/doc/bcd.pod b/doc/bcd.pod
index 0dc9e57..f907fd2 100644
--- a/doc/bcd.pod
+++ b/doc/bcd.pod
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ clean the builddir and isodir
-Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Mandriva <aginies_@_mandriva.com>
+Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Mandriva <aginies_@_mandriva.com>
diff --git a/doc/conf.xml.pod b/doc/conf.xml.pod
index e681bfa..12f8f34 100644
--- a/doc/conf.xml.pod
+++ b/doc/conf.xml.pod
@@ -143,6 +143,9 @@ drop option is usefull to remove the media before the rpmcheck (usefull for medi
remove_noarch is used to remove all noarch.rpm from a media (usefull for media main32 on pwp64 and free64)
+This media contains SRPM, so we wants to calculate all buildrequires and put them in the ISO. All SRPMS will be stored in the <destmedia>
+ <srpm>yes</srpm>
input files
<!-- MANDATORY list of wanted packages on the iso -->
<input name="base">
@@ -252,6 +255,11 @@ tag name and some extra parameters
+isohybrid option
+ <isohybrid>
+ <options>--fatfirst</options>
+ </isohybrid>
info used by the genisoimage tool
<header desc="Iso header info">
<systemid>XtreemOS Linux</systemid>
diff --git a/doc/conf.xml.tex b/doc/conf.xml.tex
index d51b099..be87428 100644
--- a/doc/conf.xml.tex
+++ b/doc/conf.xml.tex
@@ -217,6 +217,11 @@ input list for a specific media
+This media contains SRPM, so we wants to calculate all buildrequires and put them in the ISO. All SRPMS will be stored in the <destmedia>
+ <srpm></srpm>
you can use an external media, but this media must have a \textbf{media\_info} directory
you must use external media if this media is not available in the repositery.
IE: restricted32 packages on a PowerPack 64bits product. The \textbf{fullpath\_mediadir} option
@@ -349,6 +354,14 @@ tag name and some extra parameters
+isohybrid option
+ <isohybrid>
+ <options>--fatfirst</options>
+ </isohybrid>
info used by the genisoimage tool
<header desc="Iso header info">
diff --git a/doc/howto_bcd.tex b/doc/howto_bcd.tex
index dabf9ad..4b319b3 100644
--- a/doc/howto_bcd.tex
+++ b/doc/howto_bcd.tex
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
-BCD try to be a simple tool to build ISO using \textbf{urpmi} to create a mini
+BCD is a simple tool to build ISO using \textbf{urpmi} to create a mini
chroot of the future system, and \textbf{urpmq} command to calculate dependencies
of packages on the future DVD/CD.
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ of the urpmq queries, if BCD found one then it will use it, else it will redo an
So if you have update your repository, you should clean this directory. If you have update some packages,
you should remove file relative to those packages, to redo the \textbf{urpmq} queries otherwise BCD will use
the old result of the \textbf{urpmq} queries, and this can lead to error if deps are no more the same. Moreover
-if you change the tag \textbf{<nosuggests></nosuggests>} to yes or no, you must erase all
-your previous queries.
+if you change the tag \textbf{<nosuggests></nosuggests>} to yes or no, you must erase all your previous queries.
+If your media contains SRPMS, the result of previous \textbf{urpmq} queries won't be used, because we want to calculate \textbf{buildrequires} in this case.
mkdir -p /var/lib/bcd
@@ -105,19 +105,19 @@ x86_64/ SRPMS/ i586/
urpmi perl-File-Copy-Recursive sudo urpmi perl-Parallel-ForkManager \
cdrkit-genisoimage cdrkit-isotools syslinux \
gfxboot mandriva-gfxboot-theme drakxtools-backend \
- mandriva-Free-theme rpmtools
+ mandriva-Free-theme rpmtools rpmcheck
- Now your system is ready to build ISO.
+ Now your system should be ready to build ISO.
\section{configuration file}
You need to have an XML configuration file. You should use
-an example provided in this package and adapt it to your configuration file.
+an example provided and adapt it to your configuration file.
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ In the \textbf{i586} or the \textbf{x86\_64} directory:
\item \textbf{compssUsers.pl}: describe category to display in "select package to install" step
\item \textbf{file-deps}: Use the given file to know which file dependencies are used by other media (man \textbf{genhdlist2})
- \item \textbf{hdlists}: old wayt to describe media on the DVD/CD
+ \item \textbf{hdlists}: old way to describe media on the DVD/CD
\item \textbf{media.cfg}: describe the repository of the DVD/CD
\item \textbf{rpmsrate}: a package is selected if its category is selected and depending of its priority (5=high, 1=very low)
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ DVD/CD at the end of the build process.
- \item no-filter: list of RPM you don't want to compare. Usefull to keep more than one version of a package, or use an old one.
+ \item no-filter: list of RPM you don't want to compare. Usefull to keep more than one version of a package, or use an old one.
diff --git a/dual.xml b/dual.xml
index e7bdd72..8c9b2ec 100644
--- a/dual.xml
+++ b/dual.xml
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<productname desc="The Linux product">
- <nameid>mandriva-linux-free-dual</nameid>
+ <nameid>mageia-dual</nameid>
<!-- you must specify on wich distrib this iso will be built -->
- <based_on>2010.1</based_on>
+ <based_on>1</based_on>
<!-- -->
<repo desc="Where is the repositery of the distribution">
- <path>/home/plop/pieces</path>
+ <path>/home/bcd/build_bcd/pieces</path>
<workdir desc="Where is my working dir">
- <path>/home/plop/build_bcd</path>
+ <path>/home/bcd/build_bcd</path>
- <tocopy_file>tocopy_plop</tocopy_file>
- <chroot_media>Main,Main Updates</chroot_media>
- <chroot_media_exclude>Main Backports,Main Testing</chroot_media_exclude>
+ <tocopy_file>tocopy_bcd</tocopy_file>
+ <chroot_media>Core</chroot_media>
+ <chroot_media_exclude>Core Backports,Core Testing</chroot_media_exclude>
<isolinux desc="isolinux info">
<!-- <fullpath></fullpath> -->
@@ -46,16 +46,16 @@
<!-- theme must be available to path altx/all.rdz files -->
- <theme name="mandriva-release-Free">
- <theme>Mandriva-Free</theme>
- <bootsplash>Mandriva-Free</bootsplash>
- <bootsplash_path>/usr/share/plymouth</bootsplash_path>
- <gfxboot_path>/usr/share/gfxboot</gfxboot_path>
+ <theme name="mageia-release-Default">
+ <theme>Mageia-Default</theme>
+ <bootsplash>Mageia-Default</bootsplash>
+ <bootsplash_path>/home/bcd/build_bcd/pieces/iso/plymouth</bootsplash_path>
+ <gfxboot_path>/home/bcd/build_bcd/pieces/iso/gfxboot</gfxboot_path>
<media desc="media to take into account to build the ISO">
<!-- name of the first media wich contains basesystem and kernels -->
- <first_media>Main</first_media>
+ <first_media>Core</first_media>
<list name="Main" desc="Main media">
<!-- MANDATORY list of wanted packages on the iso -->
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
- <fullpath_mediadir>/home/plop/iso/final/t/i586/media/main</fullpath_mediadir>
+ <fullpath_mediadir>/home/bcd/iso/final/t/i586/media/main</fullpath_mediadir>
@@ -128,12 +128,12 @@
<mediainfo desc="All files relatives to media_info dir">
- <version>2010-spring</version>
+ <version>1</version>
<!-- set fullpath if youy want to use an files in a non MDV repositery -->
- <fullpath>/home/plop/drakx/perl-install/install/share/meta-task</fullpath>
+ <!--<fullpath>/home/bcd/drakx/perl-install/install/share/meta-task</fullpath>-->
- <compssusers>compssUsers.pl-dual</compssusers>
+ <compssusers>compssUsers.pl</compssusers>
<urpmi_option> -p</urpmi_option>
@@ -149,10 +149,10 @@
- <tag>farman</tag>
+ <tag>valstar</tag>
- <product>Free</product>
+ <product>mageia-dual</product>
<!-- dual arch not yet supported -->
@@ -164,14 +164,17 @@
<header desc="Iso header info">
- <systemid>Mandriva Linux</systemid>
- <volumeid>FREE-2010Spring-DUAL</volumeid>
- <volumesetid>Mandriva Linux - 2010 Spring (Free) - DUAL CD</volumesetid>
- <publisherid>Mandriva</publisherid>
+ <systemid>Mageia</systemid>
+ <volumeid>Mageia - mageia dual 1</volumeid>
+ <volumesetid>Mageia - 1 - dual</volumesetid>
+ <publisherid>Mageia.Org</publisherid>
<datapreparer>Mandriva-Linux BCD</datapreparer>
- <applicationid>Mandriva Linux - 2010 Spring (Free)</applicationid>
- <copyrightid>Mandriva Linux</copyrightid>
+ <applicationid>mageia-dual - 1</applicationid>
+ <copyrightid>Mageia.Org</copyrightid>
+ <isohybrid>
+ <options>--fatfirst</options>
+ </isohybrid>
<genisoimage desc="iso generation tool">
<options>-f -r -J -hide-rr-moved -nobak -cache-inodes -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 </options>
diff --git a/dual64.xml b/dual64.xml
index b509645..68738d2 100644
--- a/dual64.xml
+++ b/dual64.xml
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<productname desc="The Linux product">
- <nameid>mandriva-linux-free-dual</nameid>
+ <nameid>mageia-dual</nameid>
<!-- you must specify on wich distrib this iso will be built -->
- <based_on>2010.1</based_on>
+ <based_on>1</based_on>
<!-- -->
<repo desc="Where is the repositery of the distribution">
- <path>/home/plop/pieces</path>
+ <path>/home/bcd/build_bcd/pieces</path>
<workdir desc="Where is my working dir">
- <path>/home/plop/build_bcd</path>
+ <path>/home/bcd/build_bcd</path>
- <chroot_media>Main,Main Updates</chroot_media>
- <chroot_media_exclude>Main Backports,Main Testing</chroot_media_exclude>
+ <chroot_media>Core</chroot_media>
+ <chroot_media_exclude>Core Backports,Core Testing</chroot_media_exclude>
<isolinux desc="isolinux info">
<!-- <fullpath></fullpath> -->
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
<!-- keep this entry to create an array ref -->
<tocopy name="pcimap">
- <file>/lib/modules/</file>
+ <file>/lib/modules/</file>
<tocopy name="ids">
@@ -47,17 +47,17 @@
<!-- theme must be available to path altx/all.rdz files -->
<theme name="mandriva-release-Free">
- <theme>Mandriva-Free</theme>
- <bootsplash>Mandriva-Free</bootsplash>
- <bootsplash_path>/usr/share/plymouth</bootsplash_path>
- <gfxboot_path>/usr/share/gfxboot</gfxboot_path>
+ <theme>Mageia-Default</theme>
+ <bootsplash>Mageia-Default</bootsplash>
+ <bootsplash_path>/home/bcd/build_bcd/pieces/iso/plymouth</bootsplash_path>
+ <gfxboot_path>/home/bcd/build_bcd/pieces/iso/gfxboot</gfxboot_path>
<media desc="media to take into account to build the ISO">
<!-- name of the first media wich contains basesystem and kernels -->
- <first_media>Main</first_media>
+ <first_media>Core</first_media>
- <list name="Main" desc="Main media">
+ <list name="Core" desc="Core media">
<!-- MANDATORY list of wanted packages on the iso -->
<input name="base">
@@ -90,32 +90,6 @@
- <list name="Contrib" desc="Contrib media">
- <!-- MANDATORY list of wanted packages on the iso -->
- <input name="base">
- </input>
- <!-- to create an array you must keep this even if it is empty -->
- <input>
- <file>lists/dual_contrib</file>
- </input>
- <!-- MANDATORY list of unwanted packages on the iso -->
- <!-- to create an array you must keep this even if it is empty -->
- <exclude>
- <file>lists/exclude_mini</file>
- </exclude>
- <exclude>
- </exclude>
- <!-- nosuggests options should be yes or no -->
- <nosuggests>yes</nosuggests>
- <!-- will be taken in {repo}{version}{arch}/media -->
- <mediadir>contrib</mediadir>
- <destmedia>contrib</destmedia>
- <pubkey>release/media_info/pubkey</pubkey>
- <release>yes</release>
- <updates>no</updates>
- <backport>no</backport>
- <testing>no</testing>
- </list>
<!-- keep this entry to create an array ref -->
<!-- keep this entry to create an array ref -->
@@ -123,13 +97,12 @@
<mediainfo desc="All files relatives to media_info dir">
- <version>2010-spring</version>
+ <version>1</version>
<!-- set fullpath if youy want to use an files in a non MDV repositery -->
- <fullpath>/home/plop/drakx/perl-install/install/share/meta-task</fullpath>
- <compssusers>compssUsers.pl-dual</compssusers>
- <filedeps>file-deps64</filedeps>
+ <compssusers>compssUsers.pl</compssusers>
+ <filedeps>file-deps</filedeps>
<urpmi_option> -p</urpmi_option>
<askmedia desc="add for other media ?">
@@ -144,10 +117,10 @@
- <tag>farman</tag>
+ <tag>1</tag>
- <product>Free</product>
+ <product>mageia-dual</product>
<!-- dual arch not yet supported -->
@@ -159,14 +132,17 @@
<header desc="Iso header info">
- <systemid>Mandriva Linux</systemid>
- <volumeid>FREE-2010Spring-DUAL</volumeid>
- <volumesetid>Mandriva Linux - 2010 Springi (Free) - DUAL CD</volumesetid>
- <publisherid>Mandriva</publisherid>
+ <systemid>Mageia</systemid>
+ <volumeid>mageia-dual - 1</volumeid>
+ <volumesetid>Mageia - 1 - dual</volumesetid>
+ <publisherid>Mageia.Org</publisherid>
<datapreparer>Mandriva-Linux BCD</datapreparer>
- <applicationid>Mandriva Linux - 2010 Spring (Free)</applicationid>
- <copyrightid>Mandriva Linux</copyrightid>
+ <applicationid>mageia-dual - 1</applicationid>
+ <copyrightid>Mageia.Org</copyrightid>
+ <isohybrid>
+ <options>--fatfirst</options>
+ </isohybrid>
<genisoimage desc="iso generation tool">
<options>-f -r -J -hide-rr-moved -nobak -cache-inodes -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 </options>
diff --git a/dvd_free32.xml b/dvd_free32.xml
index 4883d57..53207e8 100644
--- a/dvd_free32.xml
+++ b/dvd_free32.xml
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
<?xml version='1.0'?>
-<productname desc="The Linux product">
- <nameid>mandriva-linux-free</nameid>
+<productname desc="Mageia DVD 32">
+ <nameid>mageia</nameid>
<!-- you must specify on wich distrib this iso will be built -->
- <based_on>2010.1</based_on>
+ <based_on>cauldron</based_on>
<!-- -->
<repo desc="Where is the repositery of the distribution">
- <path>/home/plop/pieces</path>
+ <path>/home/bcd/build_bcd/pieces</path>
<workdir desc="Where is my working dir">
- <path>/home/plop/build_bcd</path>
+ <path>/home/bcd/build_bcd</path>
- <chroot_media>Main,Main Updates</chroot_media>
- <chroot_media_exclude>Main Backports,Main Testing</chroot_media_exclude>
+ <chroot_media>Core</chroot_media>
+ <chroot_media_exclude>Updates Testing</chroot_media_exclude>
<isolinux desc="isolinux info">
- <defaultpath>isolinux</defaultpath>
- <!--<fullpath></fullpath>-->
+ <!--<defaultpath>isolinux</defaultpath>-->
+ <fullpath>/home/bcd/build_bcd/pieces/cauldron/i586/isolinux</fullpath>
<!-- add hdt entry in syslinux.cfg -->
<entry name="hdt" desc="Main media">
- <bin>/usr/lib/syslinux/hdt.c32</bin>
+ <bin>/home/bcd/build_bcd/pieces/cauldron/i586/isolinux/hdt.c32</bin>
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
<!-- keep this entry to create an array ref -->
<tocopy name="pcimap">
- <file>/lib/modules/</file>
+ <file>/home/bcd/build_bcd/pieces/cauldron/i586/isolinux//modules.pcimap</file>
<tocopy name="ids">
@@ -47,17 +47,18 @@
<!-- theme must be available to path altx/all.rdz files -->
<theme name="mandriva-release-Free">
- <theme>mandriva-theme-Free</theme>
- <bootsplash>Mandriva-Free</bootsplash>
- <bootsplash_path>/usr/share/plymouth</bootsplash_path>
- <gfxboot_path>/usr/share/gfxboot</gfxboot_path>
+ <theme>mageia-theme-Default</theme>
+ <bootsplash>Default</bootsplash>
+ <bootsplash_path>/home/bcd/build_bcd/pieces/iso/plymouth</bootsplash_path>
+ <gfxboot_path>/home/bcd/build_bcd/pieces/iso/gfxboot</gfxboot_path>
<media desc="media to take into account to build the ISO">
<!-- name of the first media wich contains basesystem and kernels -->
- <first_media>Main</first_media>
- <update_prefix>Updates</update_prefix>
- <list name="Main" desc="Main media">
+ <first_media>core</first_media>
+ <!-- <update_prefix>Updates</update_prefix> -->
+ <update_prefix>Updates</update_prefix>
+ <list name="core" desc="core media">
<!-- MANDATORY list of wanted packages on the iso -->
<input name="theme">
@@ -65,9 +66,9 @@
<input name="base">
- <input>
- <file>lists/input_main_ooo3</file>
- </input>
+ <!-- <input>
+ <file>lists/input_main_lo</file>
+ </input> -->
<!-- to create an array you must keep this even if it is empty -->
<!-- MANDATORY list of unwanted packages on the iso -->
<exclude name="exclude">
@@ -85,8 +86,8 @@
<!-- nosuggests options should be yes or no -->
<!-- will be taken in {repo}{version}{arch}/media -->
- <mediadir>main</mediadir>
- <destmedia>main</destmedia>
+ <mediadir>core</mediadir>
+ <destmedia>core</destmedia>
@@ -96,56 +97,19 @@
- <list name="Contrib" desc="Contrib media">
- <input name="base">
- <file>lists/input_cat</file>
- </input>
- <!-- to create an array you must keep this even if it is empty -->
- <input name="contrib32">
- <file>lists/input_contrib32</file>
- </input>
- <input>
- <file>lists/input_contrib</file>
- </input>
- <!-- MANDATORY list of unwanted packages on the iso -->
- <exclude name="exclude">
- <file>lists/exclude</file>
- </exclude>
- <exclude name="exclude">
- <file>lists/exclude_free</file>
- </exclude>
- <exclude name="exclude">
- <file>lists/exclude_tofix</file>
- </exclude>
- <!-- to create an array you must keep this even if it is empty -->
- <exclude>
- </exclude>
- <!-- nosuggests options should be yes or no -->
- <nosuggests>no</nosuggests>
- <!-- will be taken in {repo}{version}{arch}/media -->
- <mediadir>contrib</mediadir>
- <destmedia>contrib</destmedia>
- <!--
- <fullpath_mediadir>/home/plop/build/2009.1/100/i586/media/contrib</fullpath_mediadir>
- -->
- <pubkey>release/media_info/pubkey</pubkey>
- <release>yes</release>
- <updates>no</updates>
- <backport>no</backport>
- <testing>no</testing>
- </list>
<!-- keep this entry to create an array ref -->
<mediainfo desc="All files relatives to media_info dir">
- <version>2010-spring</version>
+ <version>2</version>
<!-- set fullpath if you want to use an files in a non MDV repositery -->
- <fullpath>/home/plop/drakx/perl-install/install/share/meta-task</fullpath>
+ <fullpath>/home/bcd/build_bcd/pieces/cauldron/i586/media/media_info</fullpath>
- <filedeps>file-deps32</filedeps>
+ <filedeps>file-deps</filedeps>
<askmedia desc="add for other media ?">
@@ -159,11 +123,11 @@
- <tag>farman</tag>
+ <tag>autumnm</tag>
- <branch>Official</branch>
+ <branch>Devel</branch>
<!-- dual arch not yet supported -->
@@ -174,14 +138,17 @@
<header desc="Iso header info">
- <systemid>Mandriva Linux</systemid>
- <volumeid>FREE-2010S-i586</volumeid>
- <volumesetid>Mandriva Linux - 2010 Spring (Free) - i586 DVD</volumesetid>
- <publisherid>Mandriva</publisherid>
- <datapreparer>Mandriva-Linux BCD</datapreparer>
- <applicationid>Mandriva Linux - 2010 Spring (Free)</applicationid>
- <copyrightid>Mandriva Linux</copyrightid>
+ <systemid>Mageia</systemid>
+ <volumeid>FREE-2-i586-alpha1</volumeid>
+ <volumesetid>Mageia 2 - Alpha 1 - i586 DVD</volumesetid>
+ <publisherid>Mageia</publisherid>
+ <datapreparer>Mageia BCD</datapreparer>
+ <applicationid>Mageia 2 - Alpha 1</applicationid>
+ <copyrightid>Mageia</copyrightid>
+ <isohybrid>
+ <options>--fatfirst</options>
+ </isohybrid>
<genisoimage desc="iso generation tool">
<options>-f -r -J -hide-rr-moved -nobak -cache-inodes -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 </options>
diff --git a/dvd_free64.xml b/dvd_free64.xml
index c1ac65f..c8e14a4 100644
--- a/dvd_free64.xml
+++ b/dvd_free64.xml
@@ -1,132 +1,95 @@
<?xml version='1.0'?>
-<productname desc="The Linux product">
- <nameid>mandriva-linux-free</nameid>
+<productname desc="Mageia DVD 64">
+ <nameid>mageia</nameid>
<!-- you must specify on wich distrib this iso will be built -->
- <based_on>2010.1</based_on>
+ <based_on>cauldron</based_on>
<!-- -->
<repo desc="Where is the repositery of the distribution">
- <path>/home/plop/pieces</path>
+ <path>/home/bcd/build_bcd/pieces</path>
<workdir desc="Where is my working dir">
- <path>/home/plop/build_bcd</path>
+ <path>/home/bcd/build_bcd</path>
- <chroot_media>Main,Main Updates</chroot_media>
- <chroot_media_exclude>Main Backports,Main Testing</chroot_media_exclude>
+ <chroot_media>Core</chroot_media>
+ <chroot_media_exclude>Updates Testing</chroot_media_exclude>
<isolinux desc="isolinux info">
- <defaultpath>isolinux</defaultpath>
- <!-- <fullpath></fullpath> -->
+ <!--<defaultpath>isolinux</defaultpath>-->
+ <fullpath>/home/bcd/build_bcd/pieces/cauldron/x86_64/isolinux</fullpath>
<!-- add hdt entry in syslinux.cfg -->
<entry name="hdt" desc="Main media">
- <bin>/usr/lib/syslinux/hdt.c32</bin>
+ <bin>/home/bcd/build_bcd/pieces/cauldron/x86_64/isolinux/hdt.c32</bin>
<!-- keep this entry to create an array ref -->
- <tocopy name="pcimap">
- <file>/lib/modules/</file>
- </tocopy>
- <tocopy name="ids">
- <file>/usr/share/pci.ids</file>
- </tocopy>
- <tocopy></tocopy>
+ <tocopy name="pcimap">
+ <file>/home/bcd/build_bcd/pieces/cauldron/x86_64/isolinux//modules.pcimap</file>
+ </tocopy>
+ <tocopy name="ids">
+ <file>/usr/share/pci.ids</file>
+ </tocopy>
+ <tocopy></tocopy>
<installer desc="path to the Mandriva installer (stage1/stage2)">
- <!--<fullpath></fullpath> -->
+ <!--<fullpath></fullpath>-->
- <!--<fullpath></fullpath> -->
+ <!--<fullpath></fullpath>-->
<!-- theme must be available to path altx/all.rdz files -->
<theme name="mandriva-release-Free">
- <theme>mandriva-theme-Free</theme>
- <bootsplash>Mandriva-Free</bootsplash>
- <bootsplash_path>/usr/share/plymouth</bootsplash_path>
- <gfxboot_path>/usr/share/gfxboot</gfxboot_path>
+ <theme>mageia-theme-Default</theme>
+ <bootsplash>Default</bootsplash>
+ <bootsplash_path>/home/bcd/build_bcd/pieces/iso/plymouth</bootsplash_path>
+ <gfxboot_path>/home/bcd/build_bcd/pieces/iso/gfxboot</gfxboot_path>
<media desc="media to take into account to build the ISO">
<!-- name of the first media wich contains basesystem and kernels -->
- <first_media>Main</first_media>
- <update_prefix>Updates</update_prefix>
- <list name="Main" desc="Main media">
+ <first_media>core</first_media>
+ <!-- <update_prefix>Updates</update_prefix> -->
+ <update_prefix>Updates</update_prefix>
+ <list name="core" desc="core media">
<!-- MANDATORY list of wanted packages on the iso -->
- <input name="base">
- <file>lists/input_cat</file>
- </input>
<input name="theme">
- <input>
- <file>lists/input_main_ooo3</file>
- </input>
- <!-- to create an array you must keep this even if it is empty -->
- <!-- MANDATORY list of unwanted packages on the iso -->
- <exclude name="exclude">
- <file>lists/exclude</file>
- </exclude>
- <exclude name="exclude_free">
- <file>lists/exclude_free</file>
- </exclude>
- <exclude name="exclude">
- <file>lists/exclude_tofix</file>
- </exclude>
- <!-- to create an array you must keep this even if it is empty -->
- <exclude>
- </exclude>
- <!-- nosuggests options should be yes or no -->
- <nosuggests>no</nosuggests>
- <!-- will be taken in {repo}{version}{arch}/media -->
- <mediadir>main</mediadir>
- <destmedia>main</destmedia>
- <!--
- <fullpath_mediadir>/home/plop/iso/final/t/i586/media/main</fullpath_mediadir>
- -->
- <pubkey>release/media_info/pubkey</pubkey>
- <release>yes</release>
- <updates>no</updates>
- <backport>no</backport>
- <testing>no</testing>
- </list>
- <list name="Contrib" desc="Contrib media">
- <input name="cat">
+ <input name="base">
- <input>
- <file>lists/input_contrib</file>
- </input>
+ <!-- <input>
+ <file>lists/input_main_lo</file>
+ </input> -->
<!-- to create an array you must keep this even if it is empty -->
<!-- MANDATORY list of unwanted packages on the iso -->
<exclude name="exclude">
- <exclude name="exclude">
+ <exclude name="exclude_free">
<exclude name="exclude">
- <file>lists/exclude_contrib64</file>
+ <file>lists/exclude_tofix</file>
- <exclude name="exclude">
- <file>lists/exclude_tofix</file>
- </exclude>
<!-- to create an array you must keep this even if it is empty -->
<!-- nosuggests options should be yes or no -->
- <nosuggests>no</nosuggests>
+ <nosuggests>yes</nosuggests>
<!-- will be taken in {repo}{version}{arch}/media -->
- <mediadir>contrib</mediadir>
- <destmedia>contrib</destmedia>
- <!--
- <fullpath_mediadir>/home/plop/build/2009.1/100/i586/media/contrib</fullpath_mediadir>
+ <mediadir>core</mediadir>
+ <destmedia>core</destmedia>
+ <!--
+ <fullpath_mediadir>/home/plop/iso/final/t/i586/media/main</fullpath_mediadir>
@@ -134,20 +97,21 @@
<!-- keep this entry to create an array ref -->
<mediainfo desc="All files relatives to media_info dir">
- <version>2010-spring</version>
- <!-- set fullpath if youy want to use an files in a non MDV repositery -->
- <fullpath>/home/plop/drakx/perl-install/install/share/meta-task</fullpath>
+ <version>2</version>
+ <!-- set fullpath if you want to use an files in a non MDV repositery -->
+ <fullpath>/home/bcd/build_bcd/pieces/cauldron/x86_64/media/media_info</fullpath>
- <filedeps>file-deps64</filedeps>
+ <filedeps>file-deps</filedeps>
- <urpmi_option>-a</urpmi_option>
+ <urpmi_option>-a</urpmi_option>
<askmedia desc="add for other media ?">
@@ -158,31 +122,33 @@
- <tag>farman</tag>
+ <tag>autumnm</tag>
- <branch>Official</branch>
+ <branch>Devel</branch>
<!-- dual arch not yet supported -->
<!-- SIZE is not YET USED !!! -->
- <size>700</size>
+ <size>4000</size>
<!-- media.cfg will be stored on genisoimage->{builddir}/{nameid}/{arch} -->
<header desc="Iso header info">
- <systemid>Mandriva Linux</systemid>
- <volumeid>FREE-2010S-x86_64</volumeid>
- <volumesetid>Mandriva Linux - 2010 Spring (Free) - x86_64 DVD</volumesetid>
- <publisherid>Mandriva</publisherid>
- <datapreparer>Mandriva-Linux BCD</datapreparer>
- <applicationid>Mandriva Linux - 2010 Spring (Free)</applicationid>
- <copyrightid>Mandriva Linux</copyrightid>
+ <systemid>Mageia</systemid>
+ <volumeid>FREE-2-x86_64-alpha1</volumeid>
+ <volumesetid>Mageia 2 - Alpha 1 - x86_64 DVD</volumesetid>
+ <publisherid>Mageia</publisherid>
+ <datapreparer>Mageia BCD</datapreparer>
+ <applicationid>Mageia 2 - Alpha 1</applicationid>
+ <copyrightid>Mageia</copyrightid>
+ <isohybrid>
+ <options>--fatfirst</options>
+ </isohybrid>
<genisoimage desc="iso generation tool">
<options>-f -r -J -hide-rr-moved -nobak -cache-inodes -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 </options>
diff --git a/dvd_pwp32.xml b/dvd_pwp32.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3758106..0000000
--- a/dvd_pwp32.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0'?>
-<productname desc="The Linux product">
- <nameid>mandriva-linux-pwp</nameid>
- <nb_fork>15</nb_fork>
- <!-- you must specify on wich distrib this iso will be built -->
- <based_on>2010.1</based_on>
- <!-- -->
- <arch>i586</arch>
- <repo desc="Where is the repositery of the distribution">
- <path>/home/plop/pieces</path>
- </repo>
- <workdir desc="Where is my working dir">
- <path>/home/plop/build_bcd</path>
- </workdir>
- <tocopy_file>tocopy_plop</tocopy_file>
- <chroot_media>Main,Main Updates</chroot_media>
- <chroot_media_exclude>Main Backports,Main Testing</chroot_media_exclude>
- <isolonux desc="isolinux info">
- <defaultpath>isolinux</defaultpath>
- <firmware>yes</firmware>
- <!-- <fullpath></fullpath> -->
- <!-- add hdt entry in syslinux.cfg -->
- <entry name="hdt" desc="Main media">
- <bin>/usr/lib/syslinux/hdt.c32</bin>
- <label>hdt</label>
- <kernel>hdt.c32</kernel>
- <append>modules=modules.pci</append>
- </entry>
- <!-- keep this entry to create an array ref -->
- <entry></entry>
- <tocopy name="pcimap">
- <file>/lib/modules/</file>
- </tocopy>
- <tocopy name="ids">
- <file>/usr/share/pci.ids</file>
- </tocopy>
- <tocopy></tocopy>
- </isolinux>
- <installer desc="path to the Mandriva installer (stage1/stage2)">
- <defaultpath>install</defaultpath>
- <!--<fullpath></fullpath> -->
- <advertising>
- <defaultpath>advertising</defaultpath>
- <!--<fullpath></fullpath> -->
- </advertising>
- </installer>
- <!-- theme must be available to path altx/all.rdz files -->
- <theme name="mandriva-release-Powerpack">
- <theme>mandriva-theme-Powerpack</theme>
- <bootsplash>Mandriva-Powerpack</bootsplash>
- <bootsplash_path>/usr/share/plymouth</bootsplash_path>
- <gfxboot_path>/usr/share/gfxboot</gfxboot_path>
- </theme>
- <media desc="media to take into account to build the ISO">
- <!-- name of the first media wich contains basesystem and kernels -->
- <first_media>Main</first_media>
- <update_prefix>Updates</update_prefix>
- <list name="Main" desc="Main media">
- <!-- MANDATORY list of wanted packages on the iso -->
- <input name="base">
- <file>lists/input_cat_pwp</file>
- </input>
- <input name="base">
- <file>lists/theme-pwp</file>
- </input>
- <!-- to create an array you must keep this even if it is empty -->
- <!-- MANDATORY list of unwanted packages on the iso -->
- <exclude name="exclude">
- <file>lists/exclude_main_pwp</file>
- </exclude>
- <exclude name="exclude">
- <file>exclude_main_pwp32</file>
- </exclude>
- <!-- to create an array you must keep this even if it is empty -->
- <exclude>
- <file>lists/exclude_tofix</file>
- </exclude>
- <!-- nosuggests options should be yes or no -->
- <nosuggests>no</nosuggests>
- <!-- will be taken in {repo}{version}{arch}/media -->
- <mediadir>main</mediadir>
- <destmedia>main</destmedia>
- <pubkey>release/media_info/pubkey</pubkey>
- <release>yes</release>
- <updates>no</updates>
- <backport>no</backport>
- <testing>no</testing>
- </list>
- <list name="Contrib" desc="Contrib media">
- <input name="base">
- <file>lists/input_cat_pwp</file>
- </input>
- <input>
- <file>lists/input_contrib_pwp</file>
- </input>
- <!-- to create an array you must keep this even if it is empty -->
- <input>
- </input>
- <!-- MANDATORY list of unwanted packages on the iso -->
- <exclude name="exclude">
- <file>lists/exclude</file>
- </exclude>
- <exclude name="exclude">
- <file>lists/exclude_contrib_pwp</file>
- </exclude>
- <!-- to create an array you must keep this even if it is empty -->
- <exclude>
- <file>lists/exclude_tofix</file>
- </exclude>
- <!-- nosuggests options should be yes or no -->
- <nosuggests>no</nosuggests>
- <!-- will be taken in {repo}{version}{arch}/media -->
- <mediadir>contrib</mediadir>
- <destmedia>contrib</destmedia>
- <!--
- <fullpath_mediadir>/home/plop/build/2009.1/100/i586/media/contrib</fullpath_mediadir>
- -->
- <pubkey>release/media_info/pubkey</pubkey>
- <release>yes</release>
- <updates>no</updates>
- <backport>no</backport>
- <testing>no</testing>
- </list>
- <list name="Restricted" desc="Restricted media">
- <!--<input name="base">
- <file>lists/input_cat</file>
- </input>
- -->
- <!-- to create an array you must keep this even if it is empty -->
- <input name="extra">
- <file>lists/input_restricted</file>
- </input>
- <input>
- <file>lists/input_restricted32</file>
- </input>
- <!-- MANDATORY list of unwanted packages on the iso -->
- <exclude name="exclude">
- <!--<file>lists/exclude_restricted</file>-->
- </exclude>
- <!-- to create an array you must keep this even if it is empty -->
- <exclude>
- </exclude>
- <!-- nosuggests options should be yes or no -->
- <nosuggests>no</nosuggests>
- <!-- will be taken in {repo}{version}{arch}/media -->
- <mediadir>restricted</mediadir>
- <destmedia>restricted</destmedia>
- <pubkey>release/media_info/pubkey</pubkey>
- <release>yes</release>
- <updates>no</updates>
- <backport>no</backport>
- <testing>no</testing>
- </list>
- <list name="Non-free" desc="Non-free media">
- <drop>yes</drop>
- <input name="base">
- </input>
- <!-- to create an array you must keep this even if it is empty -->
- <input name="extra">
- <file>lists/input_nonfree</file>
- </input>
- <!-- MANDATORY list of unwanted packages on the iso -->
- <exclude>
- </exclude>
- <!-- to create an array you must keep this even if it is empty -->
- <exclude>
- </exclude>
- <!-- nosuggests options should be yes or no -->
- <nosuggests>no</nosuggests>
- <!-- will be taken in {repo}{version}{arch}/media -->
- <mediadir>non-free</mediadir>
- <destmedia>non-free</destmedia>
- <!--<fullpath_mediadir>/home/plop/pieces/cooker/x86_64/media/non-free/release</fullpath_mediadir>-->
- <pubkey>release/media_info/pubkey</pubkey>
- <release>yes</release>
- <updates>no</updates>
- <backport>no</backport>
- <testing>no</testing>
- </list>
- <!-- keep this entry to create an array ref -->
- <list></list>
- </media>
- <mediainfo desc="All files relatives to media_info dir">
- <version>2010-spring</version>
- <!-- set fullpath if youy want to use an files in a non MDV repositery -->
- <!--<fullpath></fullpath> -->
- <mediainfo_dir>media/media_info</mediainfo_dir>
- <rpmsrate>rpmsrate</rpmsrate>
- <compssusers>compssUsers.pl</compssusers>
- <filedeps>file-deps</filedeps>
- <filter>lists/no-filter</filter>
- <urpmi_option>-a </urpmi_option>
- <askmedia desc="add for other media ?">
- <todo>yes</todo>
- </askmedia>
- <suppl desc="add an external media ?">
- <todo>yes</todo>
- </suppl>
- <xmlinfo>
- <todo>no</todo>
- </xmlinfo>
- </mediainfo>
- <iso>
- <tag>farman</tag>
- <minor>1</minor>
- <subversion>1</subversion>
- <product>Powerpack</product>
- <branch>Official</branch>
- <type>basic</type>
- <!-- dual arch not yet supported -->
- <dualarch>no</dualarch>
- <!-- SIZE is not YET USED !!! -->
- <size>700</size>
- <!-- media.cfg will be stored on genisoimage->{builddir}/{nameid}/{arch} -->
- <mediacfg>media/media_info/media.cfg</mediacfg>
- <hdlist>yes</hdlist>
- <synthesis>yes</synthesis>
- <header desc="Iso header info">
- <systemid>Mandriva Linux</systemid>
- <volumeid>PWP-2010S-i586</volumeid>
- <volumesetid>Mandriva Linux - 2010 Spring (Powerpack) - i586 DVD</volumesetid>
- <publisherid>Mandriva</publisherid>
- <datapreparer>Mandriva-Linux BCD</datapreparer>
- <applicationid>Mandriva Linux - 2010 Spring (Powerpack)</applicationid>
- <copyrightid>Mandriva Linux</copyrightid>
- </header>
- <genisoimage desc="iso generation tool">
- <options>-f -r -J -hide-rr-moved -nobak -cache-inodes -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 </options>
- <bootcat>isolinux/boot.cat</bootcat>
- <!-- builddir and destdir will always use the workdir -->
- <builddir>build</builddir>
- <isodir>iso</isodir>
- </genisoimage>
- </iso>
diff --git a/dvd_pwp64.xml b/dvd_pwp64.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index b837224..0000000
--- a/dvd_pwp64.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0'?>
-<productname desc="The Linux product">
- <nameid>mandriva-linux-pwp</nameid>
- <nb_fork>15</nb_fork>
- <!-- you must specify on wich distrib this iso will be built -->
- <based_on>2010.1</based_on>
- <!-- -->
- <arch>x86_64</arch>
- <repo desc="Where is the repositery of the distribution">
- <path>/home/plop/pieces</path>
- </repo>
- <workdir desc="Where is my working dir">
- <path>/home/plop/build_bcd</path>
- </workdir>
- <tocopy_file>tocopy_plop</tocopy_file>
- <chroot_media>Main,Main Updates</chroot_media>
- <chroot_media_exclude>Main Backports,Main Testing</chroot_media_exclude>
- <isolinux desc="isolinux info">
- <defaultpath>isolinux</defaultpath>
- <firmware>yes</firmware>
- <!-- <fullpath></fullpath> -->
- <!-- add hdt entry in syslinux.cfg -->
- <entry name="hdt" desc="Main media">
- <bin>/usr/lib/syslinux/hdt.c32</bin>
- <label>hdt</label>
- <kernel>hdt.c32</kernel>
- <append>modules=modules.pci</append>
- </entry>
- <!-- keep this entry to create an array ref -->
- <entry></entry>
- <tocopy name="pcimap">
- <file>/lib/modules/</file>
- </tocopy>
- <tocopy name="ids">
- <file>/usr/share/pci.ids</file>
- </tocopy>
- <tocopy></tocopy>
- </isolinux>
- <installer desc="path to the Mandriva installer (stage1/stage2)">
- <defaultpath>install</defaultpath>
- <!--<fullpath></fullpath> -->
- <advertising>
- <defaultpath>advertising</defaultpath>
- <!--<fullpath></fullpath> -->
- </advertising>
- </installer>
- <!-- theme must be available to path altx/all.rdz files -->
- <theme name="mandriva-release-Powerpack">
- <theme>mandriva-theme-Powerpack</theme>
- <bootsplash>Mandriva-Powerpack</bootsplash>
- <bootsplash_path>/usr/share/plymouth</bootsplash_path>
- <gfxboot_path>/usr/share/gfxboot</gfxboot_path>
- </theme>
- <media desc="media to take into account to build the ISO">
- <!-- name of the first media wich contains basesystem and kernels -->
- <first_media>Main</first_media>
- <update_prefix>Updates</update_prefix>
- <list name="Main" desc="Main media">
- <!-- MANDATORY list of wanted packages on the iso -->
- <input name="base">
- <file>lists/input_cat_pwp</file>
- </input>
- <input name="base">
- <file>lists/theme-pwp</file>
- </input>
- <!-- to create an array you must keep this even if it is empty -->
- <!-- MANDATORY list of unwanted packages on the iso -->
- <exclude name="exclude">
- <file>lists/exclude_main_pwp</file>
- </exclude>
- <!-- to create an array you must keep this even if it is empty -->
- <exclude>
- <file>lists/exclude_tofix</file>
- </exclude>
- <!-- nosuggests options should be yes or no -->
- <nosuggests>no</nosuggests>
- <!-- will be taken in {repo}{version}{arch}/media -->
- <mediadir>main</mediadir>
- <destmedia>main</destmedia>
- <pubkey>release/media_info/pubkey</pubkey>
- <release>yes</release>
- <updates>no</updates>
- <backport>no</backport>
- <testing>no</testing>
- </list>
- <list name="Contrib" desc="Contrib media">
- <input name="base">
- <file>lists/input_cat_pwp</file>
- </input>
- <input>
- <file>lists/input_contrib_pwp</file>
- </input>
- <!-- to create an array you must keep this even if it is empty -->
- <input>
- </input>
- <!-- MANDATORY list of unwanted packages on the iso -->
- <exclude name="exclude">
- <file>lists/exclude</file>
- </exclude>
- <exclude name="exclude">
- <file>lists/exclude_contrib_pwp</file>
- </exclude>
- <!-- to create an array you must keep this even if it is empty -->
- <exclude>
- <file>lists/exclude_tofix</file>
- </exclude>
- <exclude>
- <file>lists/exclude_contrib64</file>
- </exclude>
- <!-- nosuggests options should be yes or no -->
- <nosuggests>no</nosuggests>
- <!-- will be taken in {repo}{version}{arch}/media -->
- <mediadir>contrib</mediadir>
- <destmedia>contrib</destmedia>
- <!--
- <fullpath_mediadir>/home/plop/build/2009.1/100/i586/media/contrib</fullpath_mediadir>
- -->
- <pubkey>release/media_info/pubkey</pubkey>
- <release>yes</release>
- <updates>no</updates>
- <backport>no</backport>
- <testing>no</testing>
- </list>
- <list name="Restricted" desc="Restricted media">
- <!--<input name="base">
- <file>lists/input_cat</file>
- </input>
- -->
- <!-- to create an array you must keep this even if it is empty -->
- <input name="extra">
- <file>lists/input_restricted64</file>
- </input>
- <input>
- </input>
- <!-- MANDATORY list of unwanted packages on the iso -->
- <exclude name="exclude">
- <!--<file>lists/exclude_restricted</file>-->
- </exclude>
- <!-- to create an array you must keep this even if it is empty -->
- <exclude>
- </exclude>
- <!-- nosuggests options should be yes or no -->
- <nosuggests>no</nosuggests>
- <!-- will be taken in {repo}{version}{arch}/media -->
- <mediadir>restricted</mediadir>
- <destmedia>restricted</destmedia>
- <pubkey>release/media_info/pubkey</pubkey>
- <release>yes</release>
- <updates>no</updates>
- <backport>no</backport>
- <testing>no</testing>
- </list>
- <list name="Non-free" desc="Non-free media">
- <drop>yes</drop>
- <input name="base">
- </input>
- <!-- to create an array you must keep this even if it is empty -->
- <input name="extra">
- <file>lists/input_nonfree</file>
- </input>
- <!-- MANDATORY list of unwanted packages on the iso -->
- <exclude>
- <file>lists/exclude_nonfree64</file>
- </exclude>
- <!-- to create an array you must keep this even if it is empty -->
- <exclude>
- </exclude>
- <!-- nosuggests options should be yes or no -->
- <nosuggests>no</nosuggests>
- <!-- will be taken in {repo}{version}{arch}/media -->
- <mediadir>non-free</mediadir>
- <destmedia>non-free</destmedia>
- <!--<fullpath_mediadir>/home/plop/pieces/cooker/x86_64/media/non-free/release</fullpath_mediadir>-->
- <pubkey>release/media_info/pubkey</pubkey>
- <release>yes</release>
- <updates>no</updates>
- <backport>no</backport>
- <testing>no</testing>
- </list>
- <list name="main32" desc="main32 media">
- <!-- set drop tag to "yes" to remove this media while doing an urpmq requires-recursive query with the rpmcheck list
- This is mandatory if you add a 32bits media to build a 64bi ISO, and you dont want
- to get 32bits package to solve missing deps for package listed in rpmcheck list. -->
- <drop>yes</drop>
- <remove_noarch>yes</remove_noarch>
- <input name="base32">
- <!-- <file>lists/main32</file>-->
- </input>
- <!-- to create an array you must keep this even if it is empty -->
- <input>
- </input>
- <!-- MANDATORY list of unwanted packages on the iso -->
- <exclude name="exclude">
- <file>lists/exclude_main_pwp</file>
- </exclude>
- <!-- to create an array you must keep this even if it is empty -->
- <exclude>
- <file>lists/exclude_main32_64biso</file>
- </exclude>
- <!-- nosuggests options should be yes or no -->
- <nosuggests>no</nosuggests>
- <!-- will be taken in {repo}{version}{arch}/media -->
- <mediadir>main32</mediadir>
- <destmedia>main32</destmedia>
- <!-- external media repositery with hdlists -->
- <external name="main32">
- <fullpath_mediadir>/home/plop/pieces/2010.1/i586/media/main/</fullpath_mediadir>
- </external>
- <pubkey>media_info/pubkey</pubkey>
- <release>yes</release>
- <updates>no</updates>
- <backport>no</backport>
- <testing>no</testing>
- </list>
- <list name="nspluginwrapper" desc="nspluginwrapper media">
- <media_supp>main32</media_supp>
- <!-- to create an array you must keep this even if it is empty -->
- <input>
- </input>
- <input name="extra">
- <file>lists/nspluginwrapper</file>
- </input>
- <!-- MANDATORY list of unwanted packages on the iso -->
- <exclude name="exclude">
- <!--<file>lists/exclude_restricted</file> -->
- </exclude>
- <!-- to create an array you must keep this even if it is empty -->
- <exclude>
- </exclude>
- <!-- nosuggests options should be yes or no -->
- <nosuggests>no</nosuggests>
- <!-- will be taken in {repo}{version}{arch}/media -->
- <mediadir>main</mediadir>
- <destmedia>main</destmedia>
- <!-- <external name="restricted32">
- <fullpath_mediadir>/home/plop/pieces/2010.1/i586/media/restricted</fullpath_mediadir>
- </external>
- -->
- <pubkey>media_info/pubkey</pubkey>
- <release>yes</release>
- <updates>no</updates>
- <backport>no</backport>
- <testing>no</testing>
- </list>
- <list name="restricted32" desc="restricted32 media">
- <media_supp>main32</media_supp>
- <!-- to create an array you must keep this even if it is empty -->
- <input>
- </input>
- <input name="extra">
- <file>lists/input_restricted</file>
- </input>
- <!-- MANDATORY list of unwanted packages on the iso -->
- <exclude name="exclude">
- <!--<file>lists/exclude_restricted</file> -->
- </exclude>
- <!-- to create an array you must keep this even if it is empty -->
- <exclude>
- </exclude>
- <!-- nosuggests options should be yes or no -->
- <nosuggests>no</nosuggests>
- <!-- will be taken in {repo}{version}{arch}/media -->
- <mediadir>restricted</mediadir>
- <destmedia>restricted32</destmedia>
- <external name="restricted32">
- <fullpath_mediadir>/home/plop/pieces/2010.1/i586/media/restricted</fullpath_mediadir>
- </external>
- <pubkey>media_info/pubkey</pubkey>
- <release>yes</release>
- <updates>no</updates>
- <backport>no</backport>
- <testing>no</testing>
- </list>
- <!-- keep this entry to create an array ref -->
- <list></list>
- </media>
- <mediainfo desc="All files relatives to media_info dir">
- <version>2010-spring</version>
- <!-- set fullpath if youy want to use an files in a non MDV repositery -->
- <!--<fullpath></fullpath> -->
- <mediainfo_dir>media/media_info</mediainfo_dir>
- <rpmsrate>rpmsrate</rpmsrate>
- <compssusers>compssUsers.pl</compssusers>
- <filedeps>file-deps</filedeps>
- <filter>lists/no-filter</filter>
- <urpmi_option>-a </urpmi_option>
- <askmedia desc="add for other media ?">
- <todo>yes</todo>
- </askmedia>
- <suppl desc="add an external media ?">
- <todo>yes</todo>
- </suppl>
- <xmlinfo>
- <todo>no</todo>
- </xmlinfo>
- </mediainfo>
- <iso>
- <tag>farman</tag>
- <minor>1</minor>
- <subversion>1</subversion>
- <product>Powerpack</product>
- <branch>Official</branch>
- <type>basic</type>
- <!-- dual arch not yet supported -->
- <dualarch>no</dualarch>
- <!-- SIZE is not YET USED !!! -->
- <size>700</size>
- <!-- media.cfg will be stored on genisoimage->{builddir}/{nameid}/{arch} -->
- <mediacfg>media/media_info/media.cfg</mediacfg>
- <hdlist>yes</hdlist>
- <synthesis>yes</synthesis>
- <header desc="Iso header info">
- <systemid>Mandriva Linux</systemid>
- <volumeid>PWP-2010S-x86_64</volumeid>
- <volumesetid>Mandriva Linux - 2010 Spring (Powerpack) - x86_64 DVD</volumesetid>
- <publisherid>Mandriva</publisherid>
- <datapreparer>Mandriva-Linux BCD</datapreparer>
- <applicationid>Mandriva Linux - 2010 Spring (Powerpack)</applicationid>
- <copyrightid>Mandriva Linux</copyrightid>
- </header>
- <genisoimage desc="iso generation tool">
- <options>-f -r -J -hide-rr-moved -nobak -cache-inodes -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 </options>
- <bootcat>isolinux/boot.cat</bootcat>
- <!-- builddir and destdir will always use the workdir -->
- <builddir>build</builddir>
- <isodir>iso</isodir>
- </genisoimage>
- </iso>
diff --git a/lists/basesystem_mini b/lists/basesystem_mini
index 4ba6d91..af354d3 100644
--- a/lists/basesystem_mini
+++ b/lists/basesystem_mini
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ wireless-tools
@@ -143,5 +143,8 @@ man
diff --git a/lists/dual_contrib b/lists/dual_contrib
deleted file mode 100644
index f2b4558..0000000
--- a/lists/dual_contrib
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/lists/dual_contrib32 b/lists/dual_contrib32
deleted file mode 100644
index f2e3486..0000000
--- a/lists/dual_contrib32
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/lists/exclude_contrib64 b/lists/exclude_contrib64
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b3e8f7..0000000
--- a/lists/exclude_contrib64
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/lists/exclude_contrib_pwp b/lists/exclude_contrib_pwp
deleted file mode 100644
index bb91153..0000000
--- a/lists/exclude_contrib_pwp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/lists/exclude_main_pwp b/lists/exclude_main_pwp
deleted file mode 100644
index cf7de26..0000000
--- a/lists/exclude_main_pwp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-# theme
diff --git a/lists/exclude_mini b/lists/exclude_mini
index 28d06d0..5e4e018 100644
--- a/lists/exclude_mini
+++ b/lists/exclude_mini
@@ -1,18 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/lists/input_cat_pwp b/lists/input_cat_pwp
deleted file mode 100644
index d498895..0000000
--- a/lists/input_cat_pwp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-CAT_X 1
-# all task- packages
-# usefull tools
-#mandatory for ooo
-# fix for non-free cg
diff --git a/lists/input_contrib b/lists/input_contrib
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a208ca..0000000
--- a/lists/input_contrib
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,422 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/lists/input_contrib32 b/lists/input_contrib32
deleted file mode 100644
index ddb1ad1..0000000
--- a/lists/input_contrib32
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/lists/input_contrib32_extra b/lists/input_contrib32_extra
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fcecfc..0000000
--- a/lists/input_contrib32_extra
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/lists/input_contrib_pwp b/lists/input_contrib_pwp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cc216d..0000000
--- a/lists/input_contrib_pwp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,374 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/lists/input_restricted b/lists/input_restricted
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d6ebc5..0000000
--- a/lists/input_restricted
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/lists/input_restricted32 b/lists/input_restricted32
deleted file mode 100644
index b32c277..0000000
--- a/lists/input_restricted32
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/lists/input_restricted64 b/lists/input_restricted64
deleted file mode 100644
index b32c277..0000000
--- a/lists/input_restricted64
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/lists/kernel32_contrib b/lists/kernel32_contrib
deleted file mode 100644
index fa2655e..0000000
--- a/lists/kernel32_contrib
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/lists/kernel64_contrib b/lists/kernel64_contrib
deleted file mode 100644
index a3ce633..0000000
--- a/lists/kernel64_contrib
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/lists/theme-free b/lists/theme-free
index 93f8dff..16d3a51 100644
--- a/lists/theme-free
+++ b/lists/theme-free
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/lists/theme-pwp b/lists/theme-pwp
deleted file mode 100644
index 532e723..0000000
--- a/lists/theme-pwp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/plop.sh b/plop.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c767f79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plop.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# genisoimage options
+genisoimage -f -r -J -hide-rr-moved -nobak -cache-inodes -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 \
+ -A "$AGENISO" \
+ -publisher "$PUBLISHER" \
+ -sysid "$SYSID" \
+ -p "$TOOL" \
+ -volset "$VOLSET" \
+ -V "$VOLUME" \
+ -b i586/isolinux/isolinux.bin \
+ -boot-info-table \
+ -quiet \
+isohybrid -fatfirst $BUILDISOPATH/$DISTRIB-$VERSION.iso
+md5sum $DISTRIB-$VERSION.iso > $DISTRIB-$VERSION.iso.md5
+sha1sum $DISTRIB-$VERSION.iso > $DISTRIB-$VERSION.iso.sha1