path: root/qarepo
diff options
authorMartin Whitaker <mageia@martin-whitaker.me.uk>2020-02-19 20:42:59 +0000
committerMartin Whitaker <mageia@martin-whitaker.me.uk>2020-02-19 20:45:59 +0000
commit7b78e9f319bdeeee99ec4bc0f01b53ab5673fbd5 (patch)
tree14064243233261625b7476b875fe62025e7c1da7 /qarepo
parentb343a521ed4c460c9cfded35f2c3bc8a3b5f7aa9 (diff)
parentf92b0881239ee80063eb3813a6286a4bb8489fa7 (diff)
Import code from private repository.
Diffstat (limited to 'qarepo')
1 files changed, 754 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qarepo b/qarepo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7629d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qarepo
@@ -0,0 +1,754 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2018 Mageia
+# Martin Whitaker <mageia@martin-whitaker.me.uk>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Glib qw(TRUE FALSE);
+use Gtk3 '-init';
+use MDK::Common;
+use URPM;
+my $version = '(devel)';
+# States and Status
+my %status_text = (
+ disabled => 'Disabled',
+ enabled => 'Enabled',
+ changed => 'Needs update',
+ failed => 'Update failed'
+my $state;
+# Initial Configuration
+my $home = $ENV{HOME} || './';
+# Only use pkexec if not run by root.
+my $pkexec = $> ? 'pkexec' : '';
+my %config;
+# Settings are stored in the config file in key=value format.
+my $config_file = "$home/.qareporc";
+if (open(my $f, '<', $config_file)) {
+ while (my $line = <$f>) {
+ chomp($line);
+ my ($key, $value) = split(/=/, $line);
+ $config{$key} = $value if $key;
+ }
+ close($f);
+# Use sensible defaults for settings not in the config file.
+my $mirror = $config{MIRROR} // 'rsync://mirrors.kernel.org/mirrors/mageia';
+my $release = $config{RELEASE} // '6';
+my $arch = $config{ARCH} // 'x86_64';
+my $nonfree = $config{NONFREE} // 1;
+my $tainted = $config{TAINTED} // 1;
+my $qa_repo = $config{QA_REPO} // "$home/qa-testing";
+my %qa_repo_names = (
+ i586 => 'QA Testing (32-bit)',
+ x86_64 => 'QA Testing (64-bit)'
+my $qa_repo_name;
+my $active_qa_repo;
+my $last_release = $release;
+my $last_arch = '';
+my $fatal_message = '*** application will terminate ***';
+my $fatal_error;
+# GUI Main Window
+my $window = Gtk3::Window->new('toplevel');
+my $grid = Gtk3::Grid->new();
+my $label1 = Gtk3::Label->new('Mirror:');
+my $entry1 = Gtk3::Entry->new();
+my $label2 = Gtk3::Label->new('Release:');
+my $entry2 = Gtk3::Entry->new();
+my $label3 = Gtk3::Label->new('QA Repo:');
+my $entry3 = Gtk3::Entry->new();
+my $label4 = Gtk3::Label->new('Arch:');
+my $entry4 = Gtk3::ComboBoxText->new();
+my $label5 = Gtk3::Label->new('RPMs:');
+my $entry5 = Gtk3::TextView->new();
+my $scroll = Gtk3::ScrolledWindow->new();
+my $label6 = Gtk3::Label->new('Status:');
+my $status = Gtk3::Label->new('');
+my $button1 = Gtk3::Button->new('Quit');
+my $button2 = Gtk3::Button->new('Disable');
+my $button3 = Gtk3::Button->new('Enable');
+my $button4 = Gtk3::Button->new('Clear');
+my $button5 = Gtk3::Button->new('Downgrade');
+my $check0 = Gtk3::CheckButton->new_with_label("core");
+my $check1 = Gtk3::CheckButton->new_with_label("nonfree");
+my $check2 = Gtk3::CheckButton->new_with_label("tainted");
+my $check3 = Gtk3::CheckButton->new_with_label("fuzzy\nversion");
+my $check4 = Gtk3::CheckButton->new_with_label("add\ndeps");
+$window->set_title("QA Repo $version");
+$window->set_default_size(600, 400);
+$window->signal_connect(delete_event => \&quit);
+$entry1->signal_connect(changed => \&changed);
+$entry2->signal_connect(changed => \&changed);
+$entry3->signal_connect(changed => \&changed);
+if ($arch eq 'x86_64') {
+ $entry4->set_active(1);
+} else {
+ $entry4->set_active(0);
+$entry4->signal_connect(changed => \&changed);
+$entry5->get_buffer->signal_connect(changed => \&changed);
+$button1->signal_connect(clicked => \&quit);
+$button2->signal_connect(clicked => \&disable);
+$button3->signal_connect(clicked => \&enable);
+$button4->signal_connect(clicked => \&clear);
+$button5->signal_connect(clicked => \&downgrade);
+$check1->signal_connect(clicked => \&changed);
+$check2->signal_connect(clicked => \&changed);
+$check3->signal_connect(clicked => \&changed);
+$check4->signal_connect(clicked => \&changed);
+$grid->attach($label1, 0, 0, 1, 1);
+$grid->attach($entry1, 1, 0, 5, 1);
+$grid->attach($label2, 1, 1, 1, 1);
+$grid->attach($entry2, 2, 1, 1, 1);
+$grid->attach($check0, 3, 1, 1, 1);
+$grid->attach($check1, 4, 1, 1, 1);
+$grid->attach($check2, 5, 1, 1, 1);
+$grid->attach($label3, 0, 2, 1, 1);
+$grid->attach($entry3, 1, 2, 4, 1);
+$grid->attach($entry4, 5, 2, 1, 1);
+$grid->attach($label5, 0, 3, 1, 1);
+$grid->attach($scroll, 1, 3, 5, 5);
+$grid->attach($label6, 0, 8, 1, 1);
+$grid->attach($status, 1, 8, 5, 1);
+$grid->attach($button1, 7, 0, 1, 1);
+$grid->attach($button2, 7, 2, 1, 1);
+$grid->attach($button3, 7, 3, 1, 1);
+$grid->attach($check3, 7, 4, 1, 1);
+$grid->attach($check4, 7, 5, 1, 1);
+$grid->attach($button4, 7, 6, 1, 1);
+$grid->attach($button5, 7, 7, 1, 1);
+# GUI Dialogue Window
+my $dialogue_window = Gtk3::Window->new('toplevel');
+my $dialogue_grid = Gtk3::Grid->new();
+my $dialogue_label = Gtk3::Label->new();
+my $dialogue_text = Gtk3::TextView->new();
+my $dialogue_scroll = Gtk3::ScrolledWindow->new();
+my $dialogue_button = Gtk3::Button->new('Dismiss');
+$dialogue_window->set_default_size(600, 300);
+$dialogue_window->signal_connect(delete_event => \&dialogue_dismiss);
+$dialogue_button->signal_connect(clicked => \&dialogue_dismiss);
+$dialogue_grid->attach($dialogue_label, 0, 0, 1, 1);
+$dialogue_grid->attach($dialogue_scroll, 0, 1, 1, 1);
+$dialogue_grid->attach($dialogue_button, 0, 2, 1, 1);
+# GUI Start
+# GUI Callbacks
+sub changed {
+ $arch = trim($entry4->get_active_text());
+ if ($arch ne $last_arch) {
+ $last_arch = $arch;
+ set_qa_repo_info();
+ if ($active_qa_repo) {
+ set_state('enabled');
+ } else {
+ set_state('disabled');
+ }
+ } else {
+ set_state('changed');
+ }
+sub quit {
+ get_settings();
+ if (open(my $f, '>', $config_file)) {
+ printf $f "MIRROR=%s\n", $mirror;
+ printf $f "RELEASE=%s\n", $release;
+ printf $f "ARCH=%s\n", $arch;
+ printf $f "NONFREE=%d\n", $nonfree;
+ printf $f "TAINTED=%d\n", $tainted;
+ printf $f "QA_REPO=%s\n", $qa_repo;
+ close($f);
+ }
+ Gtk3->main_quit();
+sub disable {
+ disable_buttons();
+ disable_repo();
+ set_state('disabled');
+sub enable {
+ check_no_testing_media("This may enable unwanted packages to be installed.")
+ or return;
+ disable_buttons();
+ get_settings();
+ if (sync_repo()) {
+ if ($active_qa_repo) {
+ update_repo();
+ } else {
+ enable_repo();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($active_qa_repo) {
+ disable_repo();
+ }
+ }
+ if ($active_qa_repo) {
+ set_state('enabled');
+ } else {
+ set_state('failed');
+ }
+sub clear {
+ $entry5->get_buffer()->set_text('');
+sub downgrade {
+ check_no_testing_media("This may stop some packages from being downgraded.")
+ or return;
+ disable_buttons();
+ if ($active_qa_repo) {
+ disable_repo();
+ }
+ downgrade_packages();
+ set_state('disabled');
+sub dialogue_dismiss {
+ if ($fatal_error) {
+ Gtk3->main_quit();
+ } else {
+ $dialogue_window->hide_on_delete()
+ }
+# Subsidiary Functions
+sub check_no_testing_media {
+ my ($message2) = @_;
+ if (system("urpmq --list-media active --list-url | grep -q updates_testing") == 0) {
+ my $message1 = "Some updates_testing media are enabled.";
+ my $message3 = "Please disable these media and try again.";
+ show_error_dialogue(($message1, $message2, $message3));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ 1;
+sub set_qa_repo_info {
+ $qa_repo_name = $qa_repo_names{$arch};
+ my $repo_name_and_url = `urpmq --list-url | grep '$qa_repo_name '`;
+ chomp($repo_name_and_url);
+ $repo_name_and_url =~ s#file://##;
+ $active_qa_repo = $repo_name_and_url =~ s/\Q$qa_repo_name\E\s+(\S+)\/$arch/$1/r;
+ if ($repo_name_and_url && $active_qa_repo ne $qa_repo) {
+ disable_repo();
+ }
+ $entry5->get_buffer->set_text(join("\n", get_existing_rpms()));
+sub set_state {
+ my ($new_state) = @_;
+ $state = $new_state;
+ $status->set_label($status_text{$state});
+ $button1->set_sensitive(TRUE);
+ $button2->set_sensitive($active_qa_repo);
+ $button3->set_sensitive($state ne 'enabled');
+ $button4->set_sensitive(TRUE);
+ $button5->set_sensitive($state ne 'changed');
+ if ($state eq 'changed' || $state eq 'failed') {
+ $button3->set_label('Update');
+ } else {
+ $button3->set_label('Enable');
+ }
+sub disable_buttons {
+ $button1->set_sensitive(FALSE);
+ $button2->set_sensitive(FALSE);
+ $button3->set_sensitive(FALSE);
+ $button4->set_sensitive(FALSE);
+ $button5->set_sensitive(FALSE);
+ gtk_update();
+sub get_settings {
+ $mirror = trim($entry1->get_text());
+ $release = trim($entry2->get_text());
+ $arch = trim($entry4->get_active_text());
+ $nonfree = $check1->get_active();
+ $tainted = $check2->get_active();
+ $qa_repo = trim($entry3->get_text());
+ if ($active_qa_repo && $active_qa_repo ne $qa_repo) {
+ disable_repo();
+ }
+sub get_requested_rpms {
+ my $buffer = $entry5->get_buffer();
+ my $start = $buffer->get_start_iter();
+ my $end = $buffer->get_end_iter();
+ my $fuzzy_version = $check3->get_active();
+ my @lines = split("\n", $buffer->get_text($start, $end, FALSE));
+ if ($fuzzy_version) {
+ # replace version-release with wildcard
+ s/-\d.*-.+(\.mga$release(?:(?:\.$arch|\.noarch)(?:\.rpm)?)?)$/-\\d*$1/ foreach @lines;
+ }
+ s/^\s+// foreach @lines; # trim leading white space
+ s/\s+$// foreach @lines; # trim trailing white space
+ grep { $_ ne '' } @lines; # and discard blank lines
+sub get_existing_rpms {
+ map { basename($_) } glob("$qa_repo/$arch/*.rpm");
+sub disable_repo {
+ my $arch_type = $arch eq 'x86_64' ? '64' : '32';
+ if (system("$pkexec /usr/libexec/qarepo-helper disable $arch_type") == 0) {
+ $active_qa_repo = '';
+ } else {
+ my $message = "couldn't disable the $qa_repo_name media";
+ show_error_dialogue($message, $fatal_message);
+ print_error($message, 'fatal');
+ }
+sub enable_repo {
+ my $arch_type = $arch eq 'x86_64' ? '64' : '32';
+ if (system("$pkexec /usr/libexec/qarepo-helper enable $arch_type $qa_repo/$arch") == 0) {
+ $active_qa_repo = $qa_repo;
+ } else {
+ my $message = "couldn't enable the $qa_repo_name media";
+ show_error_dialogue($message);
+ print_error($message);
+ $active_qa_repo = '';
+ }
+sub update_repo {
+ my $arch_type = $arch eq 'x86_64' ? '64' : '32';
+ if (system("$pkexec /usr/libexec/qarepo-helper update $arch_type") != 0) {
+ my $message = "couldn't update the $qa_repo_name media";
+ show_error_dialogue($message);
+ print_error($message);
+ disable_repo();
+ }
+sub clear_repo {
+ my ($type) = @_;
+ my @existing_rpms = grep { $_ =~ /$type/ } get_existing_rpms();
+ if (@existing_rpms) {
+ if (!unlink(map { "$qa_repo/$arch/$_" } @existing_rpms)) {
+ my $message = "couldn't delete existing RPMs in the QA repo";
+ show_error_dialogue($message, $fatal_message);
+ print_error($message, 'fatal');
+ }
+ }
+my @sync_errors;
+sub sync_repo {
+ $status->set_label('Updating');
+ @sync_errors = ();
+ my $sync_file;
+ if ($mirror =~ /^rsync:/) {
+ $sync_file = \&sync_file_rsync;
+ } elsif ($mirror =~ /^ftp:/ || $mirror =~ /^http:/) {
+ $sync_file = \&sync_file_aria2;
+ } elsif ($mirror !~ /^\w+:/) {
+ $sync_file = \&sync_file_link;
+ } else {
+ my $message = "unsupported mirror URL type";
+ show_error_dialogue($message);
+ print_error($message);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ($release ne $last_release) {
+ $last_release = $release;
+ clear_repo();
+ gtk_update();
+ }
+ my $add_dependencies = $check4->get_active();
+ my $remote_repo = "$mirror/distrib/$release/$arch/media";
+ my $local_repo = "$qa_repo/$arch";
+ my @mediatypes = ( 'core' );
+ push @mediatypes, 'nonfree' if $nonfree;
+ push @mediatypes, 'tainted' if $tainted;
+ my $download_dir = "$qa_repo/.download";
+ mkdir_p($download_dir);
+ my %rpm_dependencies;
+ foreach my $media_type (@mediatypes) {
+ my $synthesis = 'synthesis.hdlist.cz';
+ my $remote_dir = "$remote_repo/$media_type/updates_testing/media_info";
+ &$sync_file("$remote_dir/$synthesis", $download_dir) or next;
+ gtk_update();
+ my $urpm = new URPM;
+ $urpm->parse_synthesis("$download_dir/$synthesis");
+ $urpm->traverse(sub {
+ my ($pkg) = @_;
+ my $name = $pkg->fullname();
+ my $rpm = "$name.rpm";
+ %{$rpm_dependencies{$rpm}} = ();
+ if ($add_dependencies) {
+ my @requires = ( $pkg->requires_nosense(), $pkg->recommends_nosense );
+ $urpm->traverse_tag('whatprovides', \@requires, sub {
+ my ($pkg) = @_;
+ my $name = $pkg->fullname();
+ ${$rpm_dependencies{$rpm}}{"$name.rpm"} = 1;
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ if (!unlink("$download_dir/$synthesis")) {
+ my $message = "couldn't delete $download_dir/$synthesis in the QA repo";
+ show_error_dialogue($message, $fatal_message);
+ print_error($message, 'fatal');
+ }
+ gtk_update();
+ }
+ my %selection;
+ my @requests = get_requested_rpms();
+ while (@requests) {
+ foreach my $request (@requests) {
+ my $pattern = wildcard_to_regexp($request);
+ my $matched = 0;
+ foreach my $candidate (keys %rpm_dependencies) {
+ if ($candidate =~ /^($pattern)((\.($arch|noarch))?\.rpm)?$/) {
+ $selection{$candidate} = 1;
+ $selection{$_} ||= 2 foreach keys %{$rpm_dependencies{$candidate}};
+ $matched = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ $matched or sync_error("$request not found in the remote repository");
+ }
+ # avoid infinite loop if we haven't found a match
+ last if @sync_errors;
+ # recurse through any new dependencies
+ @requests = grep { $selection{$_} == 2 } keys %selection;
+ }
+ if (@sync_errors) {
+ show_error_dialogue(@sync_errors);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ my @required_rpms = sort keys %selection;
+ my @existing_rpms = get_existing_rpms();
+ my @unwanted_rpms = difference2(\@existing_rpms, \@required_rpms);
+ if (@unwanted_rpms) {
+ if (!unlink(map { "$local_repo/$_" } @unwanted_rpms)) {
+ my $message = "couldn't delete unwanted RPMs in the QA repo";
+ show_error_dialogue($message, $fatal_message);
+ print_error($message, 'fatal');
+ }
+ }
+ my $old_pubkey = "$local_repo/media_info/pubkey";
+ if (-e $old_pubkey) {
+ if (!unlink($old_pubkey)) {
+ my $message = "couldn't delete old pubkey in the QA repo";
+ show_error_dialogue($message, $fatal_message);
+ print_error($message, 'fatal');
+ }
+ }
+ mkdir_p("$local_repo/media_info");
+ gtk_update();
+ foreach my $rpm (difference2(\@required_rpms, \@existing_rpms)) {
+ my $remote_url = $remote_repo;
+ if ($rpm =~ /tainted/) {
+ $remote_url .= "/tainted/updates_testing/$rpm";
+ } elsif ($rpm =~ /nonfree/) {
+ $remote_url .= "/nonfree/updates_testing/$rpm";
+ } else {
+ $remote_url .= "/core/updates_testing/$rpm";
+ }
+ &$sync_file($remote_url, $local_repo);
+ gtk_update();
+ }
+ &$sync_file("$remote_repo/core/updates_testing/media_info/pubkey", "$local_repo/media_info");
+ gtk_update();
+ if (@sync_errors) {
+ print_error('failed to download all the files');
+ } else {
+ system("genhdlist2 --allow-empty-media $local_repo") == 0
+ or sync_error("failed to update hdlist");
+ }
+ if (@sync_errors) {
+ show_error_dialogue(@sync_errors);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ 1;
+sub sync_file_rsync {
+ my ($src_url, $dst_dir) = @_;
+ print "fetching $src_url\n";
+ system("rsync -q $src_url $dst_dir") == 0
+ or sync_error("failed to download $src_url");
+sub sync_file_aria2 {
+ my ($src_url, $dst_dir) = @_;
+ print "fetching $src_url\n";
+ system("aria2c -q -d $dst_dir $src_url") == 0
+ and return 1;
+ # aria2c leaves empty or partially downloaded files.
+ my $dst_file = $dst_dir . '/' . basename($src_url);
+ unlink($dst_file) if -e $dst_file;
+ sync_error("failed to download $src_url");
+sub sync_file_link {
+ my ($src_file, $dst_dir) = @_;
+ -e $src_file && symlink($src_file, $dst_dir . '/' . basename($src_file))
+ or sync_error("failed to link $src_file");
+sub sync_error {
+ my ($message) = @_;
+ push @sync_errors, $message;
+ print_error($message);
+ 0;
+sub downgrade_packages {
+ my $synthesis = "$qa_repo/$arch/media_info/synthesis.hdlist.cz";
+ if (! -e $synthesis) {
+ my $message = "no synthesis file found in local repository";
+ show_error_dialogue($message);
+ print_error($message);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ my @packages;
+ my $urpm = new URPM;
+ $urpm->parse_synthesis($synthesis);
+ $urpm->traverse(sub {
+ my ($pkg) = @_;
+ my $full_name = $pkg->fullname;
+ if (system("rpm --quiet -q $full_name") == 0) {
+ push @packages, $pkg->name();
+ }
+ });
+ if (@packages) {
+ @packages = sort @packages;
+ show_downgrade_dialogue("urpmi --update --downgrade @packages");
+ } else {
+ show_error_dialogue("none of the listed packages are installed");
+ }
+sub trim {
+ my ($text) = @_;
+ $text =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $text =~ s/\s+$//;
+ $text;
+sub wildcard_to_regexp {
+ my ($pattern) = @_;
+ $pattern =~ s/\./\\./g;
+ $pattern =~ s/\+/\\+/g;
+ $pattern =~ s/\*/.*/g;
+ $pattern =~ s/\?/./g;
+ $pattern;
+sub show_downgrade_dialogue {
+ $dialogue_window->set_title('Downgrade');
+ $dialogue_label->set_text('The following command may be used to downgrade the listed packages:');
+ $dialogue_text->get_buffer()->set_text(join("\n", @_));
+ $dialogue_text->set_wrap_mode('GTK_WRAP_WORD_CHAR');
+ $dialogue_window->show_all();
+sub show_error_dialogue {
+ $dialogue_window->set_title('Error');
+ $dialogue_label->set_text('The following error(s) occurred:');
+ $dialogue_text->get_buffer()->set_text(join("\n", @_));
+ $dialogue_text->set_wrap_mode('GTK_WRAP_NONE');
+ $dialogue_window->show_all();
+sub print_error {
+ my ($message, $o_fatal) = @_;
+ print "ERROR: $message.\n";
+ $fatal_error = $o_fatal;
+sub gtk_update {
+ while (Gtk3::events_pending()) {
+ Gtk3::main_iteration();
+ }