DialogDialogLoading images list from repository...IsosViewerDirectoryஅடைவுNameகணினியின்பெயர்SizeஅளவுDateதேதி bytesCheckingOKஓ.கே.Failedதோல்விCommand rsync not foundError in rsync parametersUnknown error in rsyncthe user must set values or default valuesLocal directory: Remote directory: Select a directoryUnselect &AllSelect &AllSource: Renaming {0} files and {1} directoriesLocal directory {} doesn't exists or isn't accessible. Check mounts or settings.Local directory {} isn't writableLogWindowLoading images list from repository.aboutDialogA tool for loading ISO images. It is a frontend to rsync.License: GNU GPL v3CreditsdbWarningLoading images list from repository.Loading...findIsosError in rsync parameters: Command rsync not found: Error in rsync: mainWindowRemote directorySelect &All0 byteskB/sRemaining:H:mm:ss&Do sync&Stop&QuitReportஅறிக்ைக&FileS&ync&Update list&Preferences&Rename archives&CheckCheck selected images&HelpA&boutOnline &helpprefsDialogPreferencesGive the release name like "mageia5-alpha2"Release:User:பயனர்:Associated with user, if neededPassword:கடவுச்சொல்:Source repository. Keep void to use the testing repo.Source:The local directory where you store ISOs. Will sync your existent ISOs already present.Destination:Set to zero if you don't want apply limit.Bandwith limit (kB/s):Define parameters which are stored and used for rsyncUser name to access the repository. Only for testing repository.prefsDialog0PreferencesDefine parameters which are stored and used for rsyncUser name to access the repository. Only for testing repository.User:பயனர்:Associated with user, if neededPassword:கடவுச்சொல்:Give a value if you want to use testing repositorySource repository. Keep void to use the testing repo.Source:Give a mirror address with public accessrenameDialogRename releaseOld releaseNew releaseThis action renames the directories and names from a former version to a new one.Base directoryPushButtonsyncThreadProcess rsync stoppedProcess rsync already stoppedNo entry selectedStarting rsync with Space available {:.3f} Mb isn't enough ({:.3f} Mb needed)Ending with {}, no space left