DialogDialogLoading images list from repository...IsosViewerDirectoryDireutoriuNameNomeSizeTamañuDateData bytes bytesCheckingOKFailedCommand rsync not foundError in rsync parametersUnknown error in rsyncthe user must set values or default valuesLocal directory: Direutoriu llocal:Remote directory: Direutoriu remotu:Select a directoryUnselect &AllSelect &AllSource: Renaming {0} files and {1} directoriesLogWindowLoading images list from repository.aboutDialogA tool for loading ISO images. It is a frontend to rsync.License: GNU GPL v3Llicencia: GNU GPL v3CreditsCreitosdbWarningLoading images list from repository.Loading...Cargando...findIsosError in rsync parameters: Command rsync not found: Error in rsync: mainWindowRemote directoryDireutoriu remotuSelect &All0 bytes0 byteskB/sRemaining:H:mm:ssH:mm:ss&Do sync&Stop&QuitReport&FileS&ync&Update list&Preferences&Preferencies&Rename archives&CheckCheck selected images&Help&AyudaA&boutOnline &helpprefsDialogPreferencesPreferenciesGive the release name like "mageia5-alpha2"Release:User:Associated with user, if neededPassword:Contraseña:Source repository. Keep void to use the testing repo.Source:The local directory where you store ISOs. Will sync your existent ISOs already present.Destination:Destín:Set to zero if you don't want apply limit.Bandwith limit (kB/s):Define parameters which are stored and used for rsyncUser name to access the repository. Only for testing repository.prefsDialog0PreferencesPreferenciesDefine parameters which are stored and used for rsyncUser name to access the repository. Only for testing repository.User:Associated with user, if neededPassword:Contraseña:Give a value if you want to use testing repositorySource repository. Keep void to use the testing repo.Source:Give a mirror address with public accessrenameDialogRename releaseOld releaseNew releaseThis action renames the directories and names from a former version to a new one.Esta aición renoma los direutorios y nomes de la versión vieya a la nueva.Base directoryPushButtonsyncThreadProcess rsync stoppedProcess rsync already stoppedNo entry selectedEnding with Starting rsync with