BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterUpdate with paypal payments from 2024-10-08 to 2024-10-04Papoteur2 weeks
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2024-11-05Update with paypal payments from 2024-10-08 to 2024-10-04HEADmasterPapoteur1-1/+14
2024-10-07Update with paypal payments from 2024-08-20 to 2024-10-07Papoteur1-0/+20
2024-08-22Remove comments 'Paiement de don' and 'Paiement d'abonnement'Papoteur1-331/+330
2024-08-22Remove money sent from paypal to the bank accountNicolas Lécureuil1-9/+7
2024-08-22Update with paypal payments from 2022-08-01 to 2024-08-20Papoteur1-3/+381
2023-07-14Add a transaction during treasurer trainingNicolas Lécureuil1-4/+5
2023-01-10 Update donationsNicolas Lécureuil1-4/+45
2022-10-23Add a missing transaction from dec 2020Nicolas Lécureuil1-1/+3
2022-06-17Add some money exchange ( + and - ). Paypal is missingNicolas Lécureuil1-0/+5
2022-05-07Update donationsNicolas Lécureuil1-0/+7