# # The hobbit-alerts.cfg file controls who receives alerts # when a status in the BB system goes into a critical # state (usually: red, yellow or purple). # # This file is made up from RULES and RECIPIENTS. # # A RULE is a filter made from the PAGE where a host # is located in BB; the HOST name, the SERVICE name, # the COLOR of the status, the TIME of day, and the # DURATION of the event. # # A RECIPIENT can be a MAIL address, or a SCRIPT. # # Recipients can also have rules associated with them, # that modify the rules for a single recipient, e.g. # you can define a rule for alerting, then add an # extra criteria e.g. so a single recipient does not get # alerted until after 20 minutes. # # A sample rule: # # HOST=www.foo.com SERVICE=http # MAIL webadmin@foo.com REPEAT=20 RECOVERED # MAIL cio@foo.com DURATION>60 COLOR=red # SCRIPT /usr/local/bin/sendsms 1234567890 FORMAT=SMS # # The first line sets up a rule that catches alerts # for the host "www.foo.com" and the "http" service. # There are three recipients for these alerts: The first # one is the "webadmin@foo.com" - they get alerted # immediately when the status goes into an alert state, # and the alert is repeated every 20 minutes until it # recovers. When it recovers, a message is sent about # the recovery. # # The second recipient is "cio@foo.com". He gets alerted # only when the service goes "red" for more than 60 minutes. # # The third recipient is a script, "/usr/local/bin/sendsms". # The real recipient is "1234567890", but it is handled # by the script - the script receives a set of environment # variables with the details about the alert, including the # real recipient. The alert message is preformatted for # an SMS recipient. # # You can use Perl-compatible "regular expressions" for # the PAGE, HOST and SERVICE definitions, by putting a "%" # in front of the regex. E.g. # # HOST=%^www.* # MAIL webadmin@foo.com EXHOST=www.testsite.foo.com # # This sets up a rule so that alerts from any hostname # beginning with "www" goes to "webadmin@foo.com", EXCEPT # alerts from "www.testsite.foo.com" # # The following keywords are recognized: # PAGE - rule matching an alert by the name of the # page in BB. This is the name following # the "page", "subpage" or "subparent" keyword # in the bb-hosts file. # EXPAGE - rule excluding an alert if the pagename matches. # HOST - rule matching an alert by the hostname. # EXHOST - rule excluding an alert by matching the hostname. # SERVICE - rule matching an alert by the service name. # EXSERVICE - rule excluding an alert by matching the hostname. # GROUP - rule matching an alert by the group ID. # (Group ID's are associated with a status through the # hobbit-clients.cfg configuration). # EXGROUP - rule excluding an alert by matching the group ID. # COLOR - rule matching an alert by color. Can be "red", # "yellow", or "purple". # TIME - rule matching an alert by the time-of-day. This # is specified as the DOWNTIME timespecification # in the bb-hosts file (see bb-hosts(5)). # DURATION - Rule matcing an alert if the event has lasted # longer/shorter than the given duration. E.g. # DURATION>10 (lasted longer than 10 minutes) or # DURARION<30 (only sends alerts the first 30 minutes). # RECOVERED - Rule matches if the alert has recovered from an # alert state. # NOTICE - Rule matches if the message is a "notify" message # (typically sent when a status is enabled or disabled). # MAIL - Recipient who receives an e-mail alert. This takes # one parameter, the e-mail address. # SCRIPT - Recipient that invokes a script. This takes two # parameters: The script filename, and the recipient # that gets passed to the script. # FORMAT - format of the text message with the alert. Default # is "TEXT" (suitable for e-mail alerts). "SMS" is # a short message with no subject for SMS alerts. # "SCRIPT" is a brief message template for scripts. # REPEAT - How often an alert gets repeated, in minutes. # STOP - Valid for a recipient: If this recipient gets an # alert, recipients further down in hobbit-alerts.cfg # are ignored. # UNMATCHED - Matches if no alerts have been sent so far. # # # Script get the following environment variables pre-defined so # that they can send a meaningful alert: # # BBCOLORLEVEL - The color of the alert: "red", "yellow" or "purple" # BBALPHAMSG - The full text of the status log triggering the alert # ACKCODE - The "cookie" that can be used to acknowledge the alert # RCPT - The recipient, from the SCRIPT entry # BBHOSTNAME - The name of the host that the alert is about # MACHIP - The IP-address of the host that has a problem # BBSVCNAME - The name of the service that the alert is about # BBSVCNUM - The numeric code for the service. From SVCCODES definition. # BBHOSTSVC - HOSTNAME.SERVICE that the alert is about. # BBHOSTSVCCOMMAS - As BBHOSTSVC, but dots in the hostname replaced with commas # BBNUMERIC - A 22-digit number made by BBSVCNUM, MACHIP and ACKCODE. # RECOVERED - Is "1" if the service has recovered. # DOWNSECS - Number of seconds the service has been down. # DOWNSECSMSG - When recovered, holds the text "Event duration : N" where # N is the DOWNSECS value. HOST=%.*.<%= domain %> MAIL=root@<%= domain %> DURATION>5 RECOVERED NOTICE REPEAT=3h