# This file is part of the Savane project
# $Id$
# Copyright 2004-2005 (c) Loic Dachary
# Mathieu Roy
# Timothee Besset
# The Savane project is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# The Savane project is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with the Savane project; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# Login shell for people who should only have limited access.
# You probably should add/modify the following option of your sshd_config
# like below (see sshd_config manual for more details):
# PermitEmptyPasswords no
# PasswordAuthentication no
# AllowTcpForwarding no
use strict;
# Import conf options
our $use_cvs = "0";
our $bin_cvs = "/usr/bin/cvs";
our $use_scp = "0";
our $bin_scp = "/usr/bin/scp";
our $regexp_scp = "^(scp .*-t /upload)|(scp .*-t /var/ftp)";
our $use_sftp = "0";
our $bin_sftp = "/usr/lib/sftp-server";
our $regexp_sftp = "^(/usr/lib/ssh/sftp-server|/usr/lib/sftp-server|/usr/libexec/sftp-server|/usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server)";
our $use_rsync = "0";
our $bin_rsync = "/usr/bin/rsync";
our $regexp_rsync = "^rsync --server";
our $regexp_dir_rsync = "^(/upload)|(/var/ftp)";
our $use_svn = "0";
our $bin_svn = "/usr/bin/svnserve";
our $regexp_svn = "^svnserve -t";
our @prepend_args_svn = ( '-r', '/svn' );
our $use_git = "0";
our $bin_git = "/usr/bin/git-shell";
our $use_pkgsubmit = "0";
our $regexp_pkgsubmit = "^/usr/share/repsys/create-srpm ";
our $bin_pkgsubmit = "/usr/share/repsys/create-srpm";
# Open configuration file
if (-e "/etc/membersh-conf.pl") {
do "/etc/membersh-conf.pl" or die "System misconfiguration, contact administrators. Exiting";
} else {
die "System misconfiguration, contact administrators. Exiting";
# A configuration file /etc/membersh-conf.pl must exists and be executable.
# Here come an example:
# $use_cvs = "1";
# $bin_cvs = "/usr/bin/cvs";
# $use_scp = "1";
# $bin_scp = "/usr/bin/scp";
# $regexp_scp = "^scp .*-t (/upload)|(/var/ftp)";
# $use_sftp = "1";
# $bin_sftp = "/usr/lib/sftp-server";
# $regexp_sftp = "^(/usr/lib/ssh/sftp-server|/usr/lib/sftp-server|/usr/libexec/sftp-server)";
# $use_rsync = "1";
# $bin_rsync = "/usr/bin/rsync";
# $regexp_rsync = "^rsync --server";
# $regexp_dir_rsync = "^(/upload)|(/var/ftp)";
# $use_pkgsubmit = "1";
if ($#ARGV == 1 and $ARGV[0] eq "-c") {
if ($use_cvs and $ARGV[1] eq 'cvs server') {
# Run a cvs server command
exec($bin_cvs, 'server') or die("Failed to exec $bin_cvs: $!");
} elsif ($use_scp and
$ARGV[1] =~ m:$regexp_scp:) {
# Authorize scp command
my (@args) = split(' ', $ARGV[1]);
exec($bin_scp, @args);
} elsif ($use_sftp and
$ARGV[1] =~ m:$regexp_sftp:) {
# Authorize sftp login
exec($bin_sftp) or die("Failed to exec $bin_sftp: $!");
} elsif ($use_rsync and
$ARGV[1] =~ m:$regexp_rsync:) {
my ($rsync, @rest) = split(' ', $ARGV[1]);
my ($dir) = $rest[$#rest];
# Authorize rsync command, if the directory is acceptable
if ($dir =~ m:$regexp_dir_rsync:) {
exec($bin_rsync, @rest) or die("Failed to exec $bin_rsync: $!");
} elsif ($use_svn and
$ARGV[1] =~ m:$regexp_svn:) {
# authorize svnserve in tunnel mode, with the svn root prepended
my (@args) = @prepend_args_svn;
my (@args_user) = split(' ', $ARGV[1]);
shift( @args_user );
push( @args, @args_user );
exec($bin_svn, @args) or die("Failed to exec $bin_svn: $!");
} elsif ($use_git and $ARGV[1] =~ m:git-.+:) {
# Delegate filtering to git-shell
exec($bin_git, @ARGV) or die("Failed to exec $bin_git: $!");
} elsif ($use_pkgsubmit and
$ARGV[1] =~ m:$regexp_pkgsubmit:) {
my ($createsrpm, @rest) = split(' ', $ARGV[1]);
exec($bin_pkgsubmit, @rest) or die("Failed to exec $bin_pkgsubmit: $!");
unless (-e "/etc/membersh-errormsg") {
if ($ARGV) {
print STDERR "You tried to execute: @ARGV[1..$#ARGV]\n";
} else {
print STDERR "You tried to run a interactive shell.\n"
print STDERR "Sorry, you are not allowed to execute that command.\n";
} else {
open(ERRORMSG, "< /etc/membersh-errormsg");
while () {
print STDERR $_;