class postgresql { class server { $pgsql_data = "/var/lib/pgsql/data/" $pg_version = '9.0' # missing requires is corrected in cooker, # should be removed # once the fix is in a stable release package { "postgresql${pg_version}-plpgsql": alias => "postgresql-plpgsql", } package { "postgresql${pg_version}-server": alias => "postgresql-server", require => Package['postgresql-plpgsql'], } service { postgresql: ensure => running, subscribe => Package["postgresql-server"], hasstatus => true, } exec { "service postgresql reload": refreshonly => true, } openssl::self_signed_splitted_cert { "pgsql.$domain": filename => "server", directory => $pgsql_data, owner => "postgres", group => "postgres", require => Package['postgresql-server'] } file { '/etc/pam.d/postgresql': content => template("postgresql/pam"), } define config($content) { file { "$name": owner => postgres, group => postgres, mode => 600, content => $content, require => Package["postgresql-server"], notify => Exec['service postgresql reload'], } } $db = list_exported_ressources('Postgresql::Db_and_user') $forum_lang = list_exported_ressources('Phpbb::Locale_db') config { "$pgsql_data/pg_hba.conf": content => template("postgresql/pg_hba.conf"); "$pgsql_data/pg_ident.conf": content => template("postgresql/pg_ident.conf"); "$pgsql_data/postgresql.conf": content => template("postgresql/postgresql.conf"); } } define tagged() { # TODO add a system of tag so we can declare database on more than one # server Postgresql::User <<| tag == $name |>> Postgresql::Database <<| tag == $name |>> Postgresql::Db_and_user <<| tag == $name |>> } define remote_db_and_user($description = "", $tag = "default", $callback_notify = "", $password ) { @@postgresql::db_and_user { $name: callback_notify => $callback_notify, tag => $tag, description => $description, password => $password } # fetch the exported ressources that should have been exported # once the db was created, and trigger a notify to the object passwed as callback_notify Postgresql::Database_callback <<| tag == $name |>> } define remote_database($description = "", $user = "postgresql", $callback_notify = "", $tag = "default") { @@postgresql::database { $name: description => $description, user => $user, callback_notify => $callback_notify, tag => $tag, require => Postgresql::User[$user] } Postgresql::Database_callback <<| tag == $name |>> } define remote_user($password, $tag = "default") { @@postgresql::user { $name: tag => $tag, password => $password, } } define db_and_user($description = "", $callback_notify = "", $password ) { postgresql::database { $name: callback_notify => $callback_notify, description => $description, user => $name, require => Postgresql::User[$name], } postgresql::user { $name: password => $password } } define database_callback($callback_notify = '') { # dummy declaration, so we can trigger the notify if $callback_notify { exec { "callback $name": command => "true", notify => $callback_notify, } } } # TODO convert it to a regular type ( so we can later change user and so on ) define database($description = "", $user = "postgres", $callback_notify = "") { exec { "createdb -O $user -U postgres $name '$description'": user => root, unless => "psql -A -t -U postgres -l | grep '^$name|'", require => Service['postgresql'], } # this is fetched by the manifest asking the database creation, once the db have been created # FIXME proper ordering ? @@postgresql::database_callback { $name: tag => $name, callback_notify => $callback_notify, } } # TODO convert to a regular type, so we can later change password without erasing the # current user define user($password) { $sql = "CREATE ROLE $name ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '\$pass' NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB NOCREATEROLE INHERIT LOGIN;" exec { "psql -U postgres -c \"$sql\" ": user => root, environment => "pass=$password", unless => "psql -A -t -U postgres -c '\\du $name' | grep '$name'", require => Service['postgresql'], } } }