class postfix::server::primary inherits postfix::server { package { 'postfix-ldap': } # council is here until we fully decide who has aliases in com team, # see # alumini is a special group for tracking previous members of # the project, so they keep their aliases for a time $aliases_group = ['mga-founders', 'mga-packagers', 'mga-sysadmin', 'mga-council', 'mga-alumni', 'mga-i18n-committers'] $ldap_password = extlookup('postfix_ldap','x') $ldap_servers = get_ldap_servers() file { '/etc/postfix/': content => template('postfix/'); '/etc/postfix/ldap_aliases.conf': content => template('postfix/ldap_aliases.conf'); # TODO merge the file with the previous one, for common part (ldap, etc) '/etc/postfix/group_aliases.conf': content => template('postfix/group_aliases.conf'); # TODO make it conditional to the presence of sympa '/etc/postfix/sympa_aliases': content => template('postfix/sympa_aliases'); '/etc/postfix/virtual_aliases': content => template('postfix/virtual_aliases'); } exec { 'postmap /etc/postfix/virtual_aliases': refreshonly => true, subscribe => File['/etc/postfix/virtual_aliases'], } }