#!/bin/sh # Initialization PATH_TO_FILE=${PATH_TO_FILE:-/var/lib/planet} PATH_TO_PLANET=${PATH_TO_PLANET:-/var/www/html/planet.<%= domain %>} #Ask for new locale name echo -n "Locale name: " read locale # Display the answer and ask for confirmation echo -e -n "Do you confirm the entry: \"$locale\"? (y/n) " read answer if [ "$answer" == "y" ] then FILE="$PATH_TO_PLANET/$locale/" if test -d $FILE then echo "Aborted, $FILE already exist." exit 2 else # Deploy new planet with locale given /bin/mkdir $FILE /bin/chown planet:apache $FILE /usr/bin/wget -O $PATH_TO_FILE"/moonmoon.tar.gz" http://damsweb.net/files/moonmoon_mageia.tar.gz if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo "Aborted, can't download GZIP file" exit 2 fi /bin/tar zxvf $PATH_TO_FILE/moonmoon.tar.gz -C $FILE /bin/mkdir $FILE"cache" /bin/chown -R planet:apache $FILE /bin/chmod g+w $FILE"custom" $FILE"custom/people.opml" $FILE"admin/inc/pwd.inc.php" $FILE"cache" echo -e "Info: a new Planet had been deployed.\nThe locale is: \"$locale\" - http://planet.<%= domain %>/$locale\n-- \nMail sent by the script '$0' on `hostname`" | /bin/mail -s "New planet Mageia deployed" -c mageia-webteam@<%= domain %> -c mageia-marcom@<%= domain %> fi else echo "Aborted, please try again." exit 2 fi