define phpbb::instance() { include phpbb::base $lang = $name $database = "${phpbb::base::db}_$lang" $user = $phpbb::base::user $pgsql_password = $phpbb::base::pgsql_password $forums_dir = $phpbb::base::forums_dir include git::client exec { "git_clone $lang": command =>"git clone git://git.$::domain/web/forums/ $lang", cwd => $forums_dir, creates => "$forums_dir/$lang", require => File[$forums_dir], notify => Exec["rm_install $lang"], } # remove this or the forum will not work ( 'board disabled' ) # maybe it would be better to move this elsehwere, I # am not sure ( and in any case, that's still in git ) exec { "rm_install $lang": command => "rm -Rf $forums_dir/$lang/phpBB/install", onlyif => "test -d $forums_dir/$lang/phpBB/install", } # list found by reading ./install/install_install.php # end of check_server_requirements ( 2 loops ) $writable_dirs = ['cache', 'images/avatars/upload', 'files', 'store' ] $dir_names = regsubst($writable_dirs,'^',"$forums_dir/$lang/phpBB/") file { $dir_names: ensure => directory, owner => 'apache', require => Exec["git_clone $lang"], } file { "$forums_dir/$lang/phpBB/config.php": content => template('phpbb/config.php'), } @@phpbb::locale_db { $database: user => $user, } Phpbb::Config { database => $database, } $ldap_password = extlookup( 'phpbb_ldap','x') phpbb::config { "ldap_user/$lang": key => 'ldap_user', value => "cn=phpbb-$::hostname,ou=System Accounts,$::dc_suffix"; "ldap_server/$lang": key => 'ldap_server', value => "ldaps://ldap.$::domain ldaps://ldap-slave-1.$::domain"; "ldap_password/$lang": key => 'ldap_password', value => $ldap_password; "ldap_base_dn/$lang": key => 'ldap_base_dn', value => "ou=People,$::dc_suffix"; "auth_method/$lang": key => 'auth_method', value => 'ldap'; "ldap_mail/$lang": key => 'ldap_mail', value => 'mail'; "ldap_uid/$lang": key => 'ldap_uid', value => 'uid'; "cookie_domain/$lang": key => 'cookie_domain', value => "forums.$::domain"; "server_name/$lang": key => 'server_name', value => "forums.$::domain"; "default_lang/$lang": key => 'default_lang', value => $lang; } }