class phpbb { class base { $db = "phpbb" $user = "phpbb" include apache::mod_php package { ["php-gd", "php-xml", "php-zlib", "php-ftp", "php-apc", "php-magickwand", "php-pgsql", "php-ldap", ] : ensure => installed } package { "perl-DBD-Pg": ensure => installed } file { "/usr/local/bin/": ensure => present, owner => root, group => root, mode => 755, source => 'puppet:///modules/phpbb/', } $pgsql_password = extlookup("phpbb_pgsql",'x') postgresql::remote_user { $user: password => $pgsql_password, } $forums_dir = "/var/www/forums/" file { "$forums_dir": ensure => directory, owner => root, group => root, } # TODO add a ssl counterpart # TODO check that everything is locked down apache::vhost_base { "forums.$domain": content => template("phpbb/forums_vhost.conf"), } apache::vhost_base { "ssl_forums.$domain": use_ssl => true, vhost => "forums.$domain", content => template("phpbb/forums_vhost.conf"), } file { "/etc/httpd/conf/vhosts.d/forums.d/": ensure => directory, } } define phpbb_config($key, $value, $database) { exec { "phpbb_apply $name": command => "/usr/local/bin/ $key", user => root, environment => ["PGDATABASE=$database", "PGUSER=$phpbb::base::user", "PGPASSWORD=$phpbb::base::pgsql_password", "PGHOST=pgsql.$domain", "VALUE=$value"], require => File["/usr/local/bin/"], } } define redirection_instance($url) { $lang = $name file { "/etc/httpd/conf/vhosts.d/forums.d/redirect_$name.conf": ensure => present, owner => root, group => root, mode => 644, content => template("phpbb/forums_redirect.conf"), notify => Service['apache'], } } define databases(){ Phpbb::Locale_db <<| |>> } define locale_db($tag = "default", $user = $phpbb::base::user) { postgresql::database { $name: description => "$lang db for phpbb forum", user => $user, tag => $tag, # this break due to the way it is remotely declared # this should only be a issue in case of bootstrapping again # require => Postgresql::User[$user] } } # TODO find a way to avoid all the phpbb::base prefix define instance() { include phpbb::base $lang = $name $database = "${phpbb::base::db}_$lang" $user = $phpbb::base::user $pgsql_password = $phpbb::base::pgsql_password $forums_dir = $phpbb::base::forums_dir include git::client exec { "git_clone $lang": command =>"git clone git://git.$domain/forum/ $lang", cwd => $forums_dir, creates => "$forums_dir/$lang", require => File["$forums_dir"], notify => Exec["rm_install $lang"], } # remove this or the forum will not work ( 'board disabled' ) # maybe it would be better to move this elsehwere, I # am not sure ( and in any case, that's still in git ) exec { "rm_install $lang": command => "rm -Rf $forums_dir/$lang/phpBB/install", onlyif => "test -d $forums_dir/$lang/phpBB/install", } # list found by reading ./install/install_install.php # end of check_server_requirements ( 2 loops ) $writable_dirs = ['cache', 'images/avatars/upload', 'files', 'store' ] $dir_names = regsubst($writable_dirs,'^',"$forums_dir/$lang/phpBB/") file { $dir_names: ensure => directory, owner => apache, group => root, mode => 755, require => Exec["git_clone $lang"], } file { "$forums_dir/$lang/phpBB/config.php": ensure => present, owner => root, group => root, mode => 644, content => template("phpbb/config.php"), } @@phpbb::locale_db { $database: user => $user, } phpbb_config { "ldap_user/$lang": database => $database, key => "ldap_user", value => "cn=phpbb-$hostname,ou=System Accounts,$dc_suffix", } phpbb_config { "ldap_server/$lang": database => $database, key => "ldap_server", value => "ldaps://ldap.$domain ldaps://ldap-slave-1.$domain", } $ldap_password = extlookup("phpbb_ldap",'x') phpbb_config { "ldap_password/$lang": database => $database, key => "ldap_password", value => $ldap_password, } phpbb_config { "ldap_base_dn/$lang": database => $database, key => "ldap_base_dn", value => "ou=People,$dc_suffix", } phpbb_config { "auth_method/$lang": database => $database, key => "auth_method", value => "ldap", } phpbb_config { "ldap_mail/$lang": database => $database, key => "ldap_mail", value => "mail", } phpbb_config { "ldap_uid/$lang": database => $database, key => "ldap_uid", value => "uid", } phpbb_config { "cookie_domain/$lang": database => $database, key => "cookie_domain", value => "forums.$domain", } phpbb_config { "server_name/$lang": database => $database, key => "server_name", value => "forums.$domain", } phpbb_config { "default_lang/$lang": database => $database, key => "default_lang", value => $lang, } } }