class openldap::master inherits openldap { include openldap::var Openldap::Config['/etc/openldap/mandriva-dit-access.conf'] { content => template('openldap/mandriva-dit-access.conf'), } $ldap_test_password = extlookup('ldap_test_password','x') $ldap_test_directory = '/var/lib/ldap/test' file { $ldap_test_directory: ensure => directory, group => 'ldap', owner => 'ldap', require => Package['openldap-servers'], before => Service[$openldap::var::service], } Openldap::Config['/etc/openldap/slapd.conf'] { content => template('openldap/slapd.conf', 'openldap/slapd.test.conf'), } Openldap::Config['/etc/sysconfig/ldap'] { content => template('openldap/ldap.sysconfig'), } host { "ldap.${::domain}": ip => '', } if $::environment == 'test' { # if we are in a test vm, we need to fill the directory # with data package { 'openldap-clients': } mga_common::local_script { '': content => template('openldap/'), require => Package['openldap-clients'], } exec { '': # taken arbitrary among all possible files creates => '/var/lib/ldap/objectClass.bdb', require => Mga_common::Local_script[''], } } }