class libvirtd { class base { # make sure to use a recent enough version # dnsmasq-base -> for nat network # netcat-openbsd -> for ssh remote access # iptables -> for dhcp, message error was quite puzzling # python-* => needed for helper script package {['libvirt-utils', 'dnsmasq-base', 'netcat-openbsd', 'iptables', 'python-libvirt', 'python-IPy']: } service { 'libvirtd': require => Package['libvirt-utils'], } #TODO remove once libvirt package is fixed to manage the directory file { ['/etc/libvirt/storage', '/etc/libvirt/storage/autostart']: ensure => directory, require => Package['libvirt-utils'], } file { '/usr/local/bin/': mode => '0755', source => 'puppet:///modules/libvirtd/', } file { '/usr/local/bin/': mode => '0755', source => 'puppet:///modules/libvirtd/', } } class kvm inherits base { # pull cyrus-sasl, should be checked package { 'qemu': } } # see define group_access() { # to pull polkit and create the directory include libvirtd::base file { "/etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/50-$name-libvirt-remote-access.pkla": content => template('libvirtd/50-template-libvirt-remote-access.pkla'), require => Package['libvirt-utils'], } } define storage($path, $autostart = true) { include libvirtd::base exec { "/usr/local/bin/ $name $path": creates => "/etc/libvirt/storage/$name.xml", require => [File['/usr/local/bin/'], Package['python-libvirt'] ] } #TODO use API of libvirt file { "/etc/libvirt/storage/autostart/$name.xml": ensure => $autostart ? { true => "/etc/libvirt/storage/$name.xml", false => absent }, require => Package['libvirt-utils'], } } define network( $bridge_name = 'virbr0', $forward = 'nat', $forward_dev = 'eth0', $network = '', $tftp_root = '', $disable_pxe = '', $autostart = true, $vm_type = 'qemu') { exec { '/usr/local/bin/': environment => ["BRIDGE_NAME=$bridge_name", "FORWARD=$forward", "FORWARD_DEV=$forward_dev", "NETWORK=$network", "TFTP_ROOT=$tftp_root", "DISABLE_PXE=\"$disable_pxe\""], creates => "/etc/libvirt/$vm_type/networks/$name.xml", require => [File['/usr/local/bin/'], Package['python-IPy'], Package["python-libvirt"] ] } #TODO use API of libvirt file { "/etc/libvirt/$vm_type/networks/autostart/$name.xml": ensure => $autostart ? { true => "/etc/libvirt/$vm_type/networks/$name.xml", false => absent }, require => Package['libvirt-utils'], } } }