class gnupg { class client { package { ["gnupg","rng-utils"]: ensure => present, } file { ["/etc/gnupg", "/etc/gnupg/batches"]: ensure => directory, } file { "/etc/gnupg/keys": ensure => directory, mode => 600, owner => root, group => root } file { "/usr/local/bin/": ensure => present, owner => root, group => root, mode => 755, content => template('gnupg/') } } # debian recommend SHA2, with 4096 # # as they are heavy users of gpg, I will tend # to follow them # however, for testing purpose, 4096 is too strong, # this empty the entropy of my vm define keys( $email, $key_name, $key_type = 'RSA', $key_length = '1024', $expire_date = '1m' ) { include gnupg::client file { "$name.batch": ensure => present, path => "/etc/gnupg/batches/$name.batch", content => template("gnupg/batch") } # TODO make sure the perm are good exec { "/usr/local/bin/ $name": user => root, creates => "/etc/gnupg/keys/$name.secring", require => File["/etc/gnupg/batches/$name.batch"] } } }