class git { class common { package { 'git-core': } } class server inherits common { # $git_base_path = '/git/' xinetd::service { "git": content => template('git/xinetd') } file { "$git_base_path": ensure => directory } file { "/usr/local/bin/": ensure => present, owner => root, group => root, mode => 755, content => template('git/') } # TODO # define common syntax check, see svn # # proper policy : fast-forward-only # ( ) # no branch ? # no binary # no big file # no empty commit message # no commit from root # see # automated push to another git repo ( see # # how do we handle commit permission ? # mail sending # } define repository($description = '', $group ) { include git::server # # TODO group permission should be handled here too exec { "/usr/local/bin/ $name": user => root, group => $group, creates => $name, } file { "$name/git-daemon-export-ok": ensure => present, require => Exec["/usr/local/bin/ $name"] } file { "$name/description": ensure => present, content => $description, require => File["$name/git-daemon-export-ok"] } } define svn_repository($source, $std_layout = true, $refresh = '*/5') { include git::svn include git::server # a cron job # a exec if $std_layout { $options = "-s" } else { $options = " " } exec { "/usr/bin/git svn init $options $source $name": alias => "git svn $name", creates => $name, } file { "/usr/local/bin/": ensure => present, owner => root, group => root, mode => 755, source => 'puppet:///modules/git/', } cron { "update $name": # done in 2 times, so fetch can fill the repo after init command => "/usr/local/bin/ $name" , minute => $refresh } file { "$name/.git/hooks/pre-receive": ensure => present, owner => root, group => root, mode => 755, content => template('git/pre-receive'), require => Exec["git svn $name"] } } class client inherits common { } class svn inherits client { package { "git-svn": ensure => installed } } define snapshot($source, $refresh ='*/5', $user = 'root') { include git::client #TODO # should handle branch -> clone -n + branch + checkout # create a script # Idealy, should be handled by vcsrepo # once it is merged in puppet exec { "/usr/bin/git clone $source $name": creates => $name, user => $user } cron { "update $name": # FIXME no -q ? command => "cd $name && /usr/bin/git pull", user => $user, minute => $refresh } } }