# this class hold the common stuff for all django applications # as we cannot declare the same ressource twice ( ie, python-psycopg2 for example ) # it is required to place this in a common class class django_application { package { ['python-django','python-psycopg2','python-django-auth-ldap']: } file { "/usr/local/lib/custom_backend.py": source => "puppet:///modules/django_application/custom_backend.py", notify => Service['apache'] } define script() { file { $name: path => "/usr/local/bin/$name", mode => 755, source => "puppet:///modules/django_application/$name", } } script { ['django_create_group.py','django_add_permission_to_group.py']: } define create_group($path,$module) { exec { "/usr/local/bin/django_create_group.py $name": user => root, environment => ["DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=$module.settings", "PYTHONPATH=$path" ], require => Django_application::Script['django_create_group.py'] } } define add_permission_to_group($path,$module,$group, $app='') { exec { "/usr/local/bin/django_add_permission_to_group.py $group $name $app": user => root, environment => ["DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=$module.settings", "PYTHONPATH=$path" ], require => Django_application::Script['django_add_permission_to_group.py'] } } }