<%- mirror_root = scope.lookupvar('buildsystem::var::repository::mirror_root') mirror_reporoot = scope.lookupvar('buildsystem::var::repository::mirror_reporoot') bootstrap_reporoot = scope.lookupvar('buildsystem::var::repository::bootstrap_reporoot') distribdir = scope.lookupvar('buildsystem::var::repository::distribdir') distros = scope.lookupvar('buildsystem::var::distros::distros') -%> ServerName <%= scope.lookupvar('buildsystem::var::repository::hostname') %> DocumentRoot <%= mirror_root %> # Some simple API to check existence of SRPMs for QA RewriteEngine On RewriteCond /distrib/bootstrap/distrib/$2/SRPMS/$3/$1s_testing/$4.src.rpm -f RewriteRule ^/qa/checksrpm/(update|backport)/([1-9][0-9]*)/([a-z_]+)/([^/]+)$ http://repository.mageia.org/qa/checksrpm/found [L,R=302] RewriteRule ^/qa/checksrpm/ - [L,G] <%- distros.keys.sort.each{|distroname| distro = distros[distroname] allow_from = distro['repo_allow_from'] != nil ? distro['repo_allow_from'] : [ 'all' ] %> Alias /bootstrap/<%= distroname %>/ "<%= bootstrap_reporoot %>/<%= distroname %>/" <%- if distro['no_mirror'] -%> Alias /<%= distribdir %>/<%= distroname %>/ "<%= bootstrap_reporoot %>/<%= distroname %>/" <%- end -%> /<%= distroname %>> Header append Cache-Control "public, must-revalidate" Order deny,allow <%- for allow in allow_from do -%> Allow from <%= allow %> <%- end -%> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks /<%= distroname %>> Header append Cache-Control "public, must-revalidate" Order deny,allow Deny from all <%- for allow in allow_from do -%> Allow from <%= allow %> <%- end -%> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks <%- } -%>