#!/usr/bin/ruby def usage puts "Usage: #{$0} [options]" puts "Moves obsolete packages" puts puts "-h, --help show help" puts "-m, --media path to the binary media" puts "-s, --src path to the associated src media" puts "-d, --destination path to the old packages storage" end require 'fileutils' require 'getoptlong' require 'readline' opts = GetoptLong.new( [ '--help', '-h', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--archs', '-a', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--base', '-p', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--media', '-m', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--bmedia', '-b', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--smedia', '-s', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--destination', '-d', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--version', '-v', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ] ) base_path = "<%= repository_root %>/distrib" archs = [ "i586", "x86_64" ] media = "core/release" old_path = "<% $packages_archivedir %>" version = "cauldron" opts.each do |opt, arg| case opt when '--help' usage exit 0 when '--bmedia' bin_path = arg.split(",") when '--smedia' src_path = arg when '--destination' old_path = arg when '--media' media = arg when '--archs' archs = arg.split(",") when '--base' base_path = arg when '--version' version = arg end end bin_path ||= archs.map{|arch| "#{base_path}/#{version}/#{arch}/media/#{media}" } src_path ||= "#{base_path}/#{version}/SRPMS/#{media}" debug_path = bin_path.map{|path| path.sub("/media/", "/media/debug/")} $used_srcs = {} $srcs = {} # Get a list of all src.rpm `urpmf --synthesis "#{src_path}/media_info/synthesis.hdlist.cz" --qf '%filename' "."`.each_line{|l| $srcs[l.rstrip] = true } # For each binary media: # - Check if we have the src.rpm (else the binary package is obsolete) # - Mark used src.rpm (if one is never marked, the src.rpm is obsolete) def move_packages(src, dst, list) list.reject!{|f| !File.exist?(src + "/" + f)} return if list.empty? list.each{|b| puts b } puts "The #{list.length} listed packages will be moved from #{src} to #{dst}." line = Readline::readline('Are you sure [Yn]? ') if (line =~ /^y?$/i) list.each{|s| oldfile = src + "/" + s newfile = dst + "/" + s next unless File.exist?(oldfile) if (File.exist?(newfile)) File.unlink(oldfile) else FileUtils.mv(oldfile, newfile) end } end end def check_binaries(path_list, old_path, mark_used) path_list.each{|bm| old_binaries = [] `urpmf --synthesis "#{bm}/media_info/synthesis.hdlist.cz" --qf '%sourcerpm:%filename' ":"`.each_line{|l| l2 = l.split(':') src = l2[0] filename = l2[1].rstrip old_binaries << filename unless $srcs[src] $used_srcs[src] = true if mark_used } move_packages(bm, old_path, old_binaries) } end check_binaries(bin_path, old_path, true) check_binaries(debug_path, old_path, false) $used_srcs.keys.each{|s| $srcs.delete(s)} move_packages(src_path, old_path, $srcs.keys)