'; /** Full system path where packages are uploaded. */ $upload_dir = '<%= scope.lookupvar('buildsystem::var::scheduler::homedir') %>/uploads'; /** How long a history should we keep, in days. */ $max_modified = 2; /** How many nodes are available. */ $g_nodes_count = 2; /** html > body > h1 title */ $title = 'Build system status'; /** Should crawlers index this page or not? meta[robots] tag.*/ $robots = 'index,nofollow,nosnippet,noarchive'; /** */ $g_root_url = 'http://<%= scope.lookupvar('buildsystem::var::webstatus::hostname') %>/'; /** URL to view a package svn revision. %d is replaced by the revision */ $package_commit_url = '<%= scope.lookupvar('buildsystem::var::webstatus::package_commit_url') %>'; /** name of the theme */ $theme_name = '<%= scope.lookupvar('buildsystem::var::webstatus::theme_name') %>'; /** themes directory */ $themes_dir = '<%= scope.lookupvar('buildsystem::var::webstatus::themes_dir') %>';