# $groups: array of secondary groups (only local groups, no ldap) define buildsystem::sshuser($homedir, $comment, $groups = []) { group { $name: } user { $name: comment => $comment, managehome => true, home => $homedir, gid => $name, groups => $groups, shell => '/bin/bash', notify => Exec["unlock $name"], require => Group[$title], } # set password to * to unlock the account but forbid login through login exec { "unlock $name": command => "usermod -p '*' $name", refreshonly => true, } file { $homedir: ensure => directory, owner => $name, group => $name, require => User[$name], } file { "$homedir/.ssh": ensure => directory, mode => '0600', owner => $name, group => $name, require => File[$homedir], } ssh::auth::key { $name: # declare a key for sched bot: RSA, 2048 bits home => $homedir, } }