class buildsystem::maintdb { include buildsystem::var::groups include sudo $login = 'maintdb' $homedir = '/var/lib/maintdb' $dbdir = "$homedir/db" $binpath = '/usr/local/sbin/maintdb' $dump = '/var/www/bs/data/maintdb.txt' $unmaintained = '/var/www/bs/data/unmaintained.txt' user { $login: comment => 'Maintainers database', home => $homedir, } file { [$homedir,$dbdir]: ensure => directory, owner => $login, group => $login, mode => '0711', require => User[$login], } file { $binpath: mode => '0755', content => template('buildsystem/maintdb/maintdb.bin') } mga-common::local_script { 'wrapper.maintdb': content => template('buildsystem/maintdb/wrapper.maintdb') } sudo::sudoers_config { 'maintdb': content => template('buildsystem/maintdb/sudoers.maintdb') } file { [$dump,"$", $unmaintained,"$"]: owner => $login, # TODO uncomment once the situation with pkgsubmit module is cleared ( ie, maintdb depend on it ) # require => File['/var/www/bs/data'], } cron { 'update maintdb export': user => $login, command => "$binpath root get > $; cp -f $ $dump; grep ' nobody\$' $dump | sed 's/ nobody\$//' > $; cp -f $ $unmaintained", minute => '*/30', require => User[$login], } apache::vhost::base { "maintdb.$::domain": location => $dbdir, content => template('buildsystem/maintdb/vhost_maintdb.conf'), } }