class bugzilla { $bugzilla_location = '/usr/share/bugzilla/' package {['graphviz', 'perl-Template-GD', # needed for graphical_report support 'perl-Test-Taint', 'perl-JSON-RPC', 'perl-Email-MIME', 'perl-Email-Sender', 'Math-Random-ISAAC', 'perl-Chart', 'perl-PatchReader', 'perl-ldap', 'perl-SOAP-Lite', 'perl-XMLRPC-Lite', 'perl-CGI', 'perl-HTML-Scrubber', 'perl-Encode-Detect', 'perl-File-MimeInfo', 'perl-Email-Reply', 'perl-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks', 'perl-Cache-Memcached', 'perl-File-Copy-Recursive', 'perl-Daemon-Generic']: } $pgsql_password = extlookup('bugzilla_pgsql','x') $ldap_password = extlookup('bugzilla_ldap','x') postgresql::remote_db_and_user { 'bugs': description => 'Bugzilla database', password => $pgsql_password, } # Only enable the first time ( need to be fixed)' # file { '/usr/share/bugzilla/localconfig': # group => 'apache', # mode => '0640', # content => template('bugzilla/localconfig') # } file { '/usr/share/bugzilla/data/params.json': group => 'apache', mode => '0640', content => template('bugzilla/params.json') } apache::webapp_other { 'bugzilla': webapp_file => 'bugzilla/webapp_bugzilla.conf', } $bugs_vhost = "bugs.${::domain}" $vhost_root = '/usr/share/bugzilla' apache::vhost::redirect_ssl { $bugs_vhost: } apache::vhost::base { $bugs_vhost: content => template('bugzilla/vhost.conf'), aliases => { '/bugzilla/' => $vhost_root }, use_ssl => true, location => $vhost_root, vhost => $bugs_vhost, } git::snapshot { $bugzilla_location: source => "git://git.${::domain}/web/bugs" } file { 'Mageia': ensure => directory, path => '/usr/share/bugzilla', group => 'apache', recurse => true, require => Git::Snapshot[$bugzilla_location], } file { '/usr/share/bugzilla/robots.txt': group => 'apache', mode => '0640', content => template('bugzilla/robots.txt') } cron { 'collectstats': command => '/usr/share/bugzilla/bin/', user => 'apache', hour => 2, minute => 30, } }