__ __ _ | \/ | __ _ __ _ ___(_) __ _ | |\/| |/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \ |/ _` | | | | | (_| | (_| | __/ | (_| | |_| |_|\__,_|\__, |\___|_|\__,_| |___/ This document describes the way to implement a Mageia Mirror. 1) Prerequisite --------------- The expected size of the mirror is around 700GB, if only cauldron and supported stable versions are mirrored. Including no longer supported versions, it is currently (January 2017) twice that size. Look here to see the (planned) end of support date for each version: https://www.mageia.org/en/support/#lifecycle You need rsync software to synchronise the tree. 2) Official source ------------------ For a public mirror, we encourage you to use one of our Tier1 mirrors. The servers below synchronise the tree directly from the Mageia rsync server. Check https://mirrors.mageia.org/ for their bandwidths. Check https://mirrors.mageia.org/status for their current statuses. o rsync://mageia.c3sl.ufpr.br/mageia/ located in Curitiba (Brasil) o rsync://mirrors.kernel.org/mirrors/mageia/ located in USA and Europe o rsync://ftp.acc.umu.se/mirror/mageia/ located in Umea (Sweden) o rsync://mirror.math.princeton.edu/pub/mageia/ located in Princeton (USA) o rsync://distro.ibiblio.org/mageia/ located in Durham (USA) 3) Rsync options ---------------- Ensure you're using at least these options: -a -H We appreciate if, in addition, you also add the options: --delete-after -S Don't use the compression and checksum options, they create excessive load on the remote server 4) Automated update procedure ----------------------------- The tree must be synchronized at least every 2 hours. Tier 1 mirrors should preferably sync at least every hour. Please ensure that another rsync process is not started while a first one is still running. Use a lock file. 5) Registering your mirror -------------------------- Go to https://mirrors.mageia.org/new and enter all possible protocols. 6) Subscribe to the mirrors-announce mailing list ------------------------------------------------- To get infos about new releases uploaded to the mirrors and other mirror updates, you can subscribe to the mirrors-announce mailing list : https://ml.mageia.org/wwsympa-wrapper.fcgi/info/mirrors-announce