path: root/modules
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules')
2 files changed, 122 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/modules/bugzilla/manifests/init.pp b/modules/bugzilla/manifests/init.pp
index 6f758ce5..4e2a70bd 100644
--- a/modules/bugzilla/manifests/init.pp
+++ b/modules/bugzilla/manifests/init.pp
@@ -5,13 +5,23 @@ class bugzilla {
$password = extlookup("bugzilla_password")
+ $passwordLdap = extlookup("bugzilla_ldap")
file { '/etc/bugzilla/localconfig':
- ensure => present,
- owner => root,
- group => root,
- mode => 644,
- content => template("bugzilla/localconfig")
+ ensure => present,
+ owner => root,
+ group => root,
+ mode => 644,
+ content => template("bugzilla/localconfig")
+ file { '/var/lib/bugzilla/params':
+ ensure => present,
+ owner => root,
+ group => root,
+ mode => 644,
+ content => template("bugzilla/params")
+ }
diff --git a/modules/bugzilla/templates/params b/modules/bugzilla/templates/params
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..78c5b5e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/bugzilla/templates/params
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+%param = (
+ 'LDAPBaseDN' => 'ou=People,dc=mageia,dc=org',
+ 'LDAPbinddn' => 'cn=bugzilla-alamut,ou=System Accounts,dc=mageia,dc=org:<%= passwordLdap %>',
+ 'LDAPfilter' => '',
+ 'LDAPmailattribute' => 'mail',
+ 'LDAPserver' => 'ldap.mageia.org',
+ 'LDAPstarttls' => '1',
+ 'LDAPuidattribute' => 'uid',
+ 'RADIUS_NAS_IP' => '',
+ 'RADIUS_email_suffix' => '',
+ 'RADIUS_secret' => '',
+ 'RADIUS_server' => '',
+ 'allow_attach_url' => 0,
+ 'allow_attachment_deletion' => 0,
+ 'allow_attachment_display' => 0,
+ 'allowbugdeletion' => 0,
+ 'allowemailchange' => 1,
+ 'allowloginid' => '0',
+ 'allowuserdeletion' => 0,
+ 'announcehtml' => '',
+ 'attachment_base' => '',
+ 'auth_env_email' => '',
+ 'auth_env_id' => '',
+ 'auth_env_realname' => '',
+ 'bonsai_url' => '',
+ 'chartgroup' => 'editbugs',
+ 'commentonchange_resolution' => 0,
+ 'commentonduplicate' => 0,
+ 'confirmuniqueusermatch' => 1,
+ 'cookiedomain' => '',
+ 'cookiepath' => '/',
+ 'createemailregexp' => '.*',
+ 'cvsroot' => '',
+ 'cvsroot_get' => '',
+ 'defaultopsys' => '',
+ 'defaultplatform' => '',
+ 'defaultpriority' => '---',
+ 'defaultquery' => 'bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&emailassigned_to1=1&emailassigned_to2=1&emailreporter2=1&emailcc2=1&emailqa_contact2=1&order=Importance&long_desc_type=substring',
+ 'defaultseverity' => 'enhancement',
+ 'docs_urlbase' => 'docs/%lang%/html/',
+ 'duplicate_or_move_bug_status' => 'RESOLVED',
+ 'emailregexp' => '^[\\w\\.\\+\\-=]+@[\\w\\.\\-]+\\.[\\w\\-]+$',
+ 'emailregexpdesc' => 'A legal address must contain exactly one \'@\', and at least one \'.\' after the @.',
+ 'emailsuffix' => '',
+ 'globalwatchers' => '',
+ 'inbound_proxies' => '',
+ 'insidergroup' => '',
+ 'letsubmitterchoosemilestone' => 1,
+ 'letsubmitterchoosepriority' => 1,
+ 'lxr_root' => '',
+ 'lxr_url' => '',
+ 'mail_delivery_method' => 'Sendmail',
+ 'mailfrom' => 'bugzilla-daemon',
+ 'makeproductgroups' => 0,
+ 'maxattachmentsize' => '1000',
+ 'maxlocalattachment' => '0',
+ 'maxusermatches' => '1000',
+ 'mostfreqthreshold' => '2',
+ 'move-button-text' => 'Move To Bugscape',
+ 'move-enabled' => 0,
+ 'move-to-address' => 'bugzilla-import',
+ 'move-to-url' => '',
+ 'moved-default-component' => '',
+ 'moved-default-product' => '',
+ 'moved-from-address' => 'bugzilla-admin',
+ 'movers' => '',
+ 'musthavemilestoneonaccept' => 0,
+ 'mybugstemplate' => 'buglist.cgi?bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&amp;bug_status=NEW&amp;bug_status=ASSIGNED&amp;bug_status=REOPENED&amp;emailassigned_to1=1&amp;emailreporter1=1&amp;emailtype1=exact&amp;email1=%userid%&amp;field0-0-0=bug_status&amp;type0-0-0=notequals&amp;value0-0-0=UNCONFIRMED&amp;field0-0-1=reporter&amp;type0-0-1=equals&amp;value0-0-1=%userid%',
+ 'noresolveonopenblockers' => 0,
+ 'proxy_url' => '',
+ 'querysharegroup' => 'editbugs',
+ 'quip_list_entry_control' => 'open',
+ 'rememberlogin' => 'on',
+ 'requirelogin' => '0',
+ 'sendmailnow' => 1,
+ 'shadowdb' => '',
+ 'shadowdbhost' => '',
+ 'shadowdbport' => '3306',
+ 'shadowdbsock' => '',
+ 'shutdownhtml' => '',
+ 'smtp_debug' => 0,
+ 'smtp_password' => '',
+ 'smtp_username' => '',
+ 'smtpserver' => 'localhost',
+ 'specific_search_allow_empty_words' => 1,
+ 'ssl_redirect' => 0,
+ 'sslbase' => '',
+ 'strict_isolation' => 0,
+ 'timetrackinggroup' => 'editbugs',
+ 'upgrade_notification' => 'latest_stable_release',
+ 'urlbase' => 'http://bugs.mageia.org/',
+ 'use_mailer_queue' => 0,
+ 'use_see_also' => 1,
+ 'usebugaliases' => 0,
+ 'useclassification' => 0,
+ 'usemenuforusers' => '0',
+ 'useqacontact' => 0,
+ 'user_info_class' => 'CGI',
+ 'user_verify_class' => 'LDAP',
+ 'usestatuswhiteboard' => 0,
+ 'usetargetmilestone' => 0,
+ 'usevisibilitygroups' => 0,
+ 'usevotes' => 0,
+ 'utf8' => 1,
+ 'webdotbase' => 'http://www.research.att.com/~north/cgi-bin/webdot.cgi/%urlbase%',
+ 'whinedays' => 7
+ );