# Generated by extract2lang.php on 2012-08-15T10:35:10+02:00 # Domain downloads/get # ../../svn/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +94 ;This %s download mirror is located in %s (%s). %s 下载镜像位于 %s (%s)。 # ../../svn/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +99 ;If it does not work well for you, check out these other mirrors. 如果您使用起来有困难,可以看看下面其它的镜像。 # ../../svn/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +131 ;Mageia Downloads Mageia 下载 # ../../svn/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +141 ;Download %s 下载 %s # ../../svn/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +148 ;Your download of %s should start within a few seconds 下载 %s 即将于几秒钟之后开始。 # ../../svn/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +149 ;(download size is about %s). (下载大小约为 %s)。 # ../../svn/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +150 ;If the download does not start, click here. 如果下载不开始,请点击此处。 # ../../svn/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +159 ;As soon as your download is complete, you should check that the signatures match: 下载完成后,您应该检查签名是否匹配: # ../../svn/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +166 ;If signatures do not match, DO NOT use this ISO. Double-check and try to download again. 如果签名不匹配,请不要使用此 ISO。请再次检查然后重新下载。 # ../../svn/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +169 ;Your IP address is %s and you seem to be in %s, %s. 您的 IP 是 %s,貌似是在 %s, %s。 # ../../svn/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +175 ;Country 国家/地区 # ../../svn/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +176 ;City 城市 # ../../svn/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +177 ;Download mirrors 下载镜像 # ../../svn/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +189 ;The making and the distribution of Mageia worldwide is made possible by all the people and organizations that mirror our software and that donate money, hardware, hosting and more. Mageia 的全球发行源自热心帮助我们软件以及捐赠款项或硬件施舍等资产的人士和组织。 # ../../svn/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +190 ;Want to help? %sJoin Us!%s 想要帮忙?%s快加入我们!%s # ../../svn/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +196 ;Sorry! 抱歉! # ../../svn/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +197 ;Your download could not complete, as we could not find this file. Please try again from the main downloads page. 您的下载无法完成,我们找不到这个文件。请从下载页面再试一次。 # ../../svn/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +199 ;If you still encounter this error and think IT SHOULD NOT HAPPEN – please tell us: 如果您持续遇到此类您觉得不应该出现的错误,请告知我们: # ../../svn/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +201 ;directly on #mageia-web on Freenode IRC, 在 Freenode IRC 的 #mageia-web 上直接通报, # ../../svn/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +202 ;or via our Tweeter account, 通过我们的 Tweeter 账户, # ../../svn/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +203 ;or with a notice on the Web team mailing-list, 通知 Web 团队的邮件列表, # ../../svn/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +204 ;or a bug report. 或者提交错误报告。 # ../../svn/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +207 ;You may embed this debug info if you like: 如果您需要的话,还可以附上以下调试信息: # ../../svn/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +209 ;Thanks! 感谢! # ../../svn/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +210 ;back to that awesome Mageia home page 回到 Mageia 首页