Restore all languages.
'; $count = 'One language: ' . $langs[$one_language]; $summary_text = 'Summary for each of ' . $num_of_enFiles . ' resources'; $display_array = $resource_summary; $progress = 'ReferencesRestore all resources.
'; $count = 'Together ' . count($otherLangs) . ' languages'; $summary_text = 'Summary for resource: ' . $one_resource; $eng_language = array_shift($language_summary); // shift English for proper sorting $display_array = $language_summary; $stats_width = '70px'; $progress = 'ReferencesOverview of all languages.
$count = 'Together ' . count($otherLangs) . ' languages'; $summary_text = 'Summary for all ' . $num_of_enFiles . ' resources'; $eng_language = array_shift($language_summary); // shift English for proper sorting $display_array = $language_summary; $sum_for_stat = $total_num_of_strings; $stats_width = '85px'; $references = ''; $progress = 'Progress'; } // build helper arrays foreach ($display_array as $key => $row) { if ($one_language_all_resources) { $first_helper[$key] = $row['num_of_translated_strings'] / $row['num_of_all_strings']; $second_helper[$key] = $row['num_of_fuzzy_or_missing_strings'] / $row['num_of_all_strings']; $third_helper[$key] = $row['resource_filename']; } else if ($all_languages_only_one_resource) { $first_helper[$key] = $row['num_of_translated_strings'] / $row['num_of_all_strings']; $second_helper[$key] = $row['num_of_fuzzy_or_missing_strings'] / $row['num_of_all_strings']; $third_helper[$key] = $row['language']; } else { // all languages, all resources $first_helper[$key] = $row['num_of_translated_strings'] / $total_num_of_strings; $second_helper[$key] = $row['num_of_fuzzy_or_missing_strings'] / $total_num_of_strings; $third_helper[$key] = $row['language']; } } array_multisort($first_helper, SORT_DESC, $second_helper, $third_helper, $display_array); // , SORT_STRING // array_unshift($language_summary, $eng_language); // unshift English back $table_lines = array(); $progress_width = 350; foreach ($display_array as $one_member) { $translation_status = 'translated: ' . $one_member['num_of_translated_strings']; $translation_status .= ', fuzzy or missing: ' . $one_member['num_of_fuzzy_or_missing_strings']; $translation_status .= ', untranslated: ' . $one_member['num_of_untranslated_strings']; if ($one_language_all_resources) { $first_clmn = $one_member['resource_filename']; $link_one = ''; if ($first_clmn == '../_nav/langs/en.pot') { $frst_clmn_t = '_nav/langs/en.pot'; } else { $frst_clmn_t = str_replace('en/', '', $first_clmn); } $first_clm_text = sprintf('' . $link_one . '%s', 'see this resource only', $frst_clmn_t); $single_stat = $one_member['num_of_translated_strings']; $sum_for_stat = $one_member['num_of_all_strings']; $references = '' . PHP_EOL; echo '' .'$one_language_all_resources: '; var_export($one_language_all_resources) . '' . PHP_EOL; echo '' .'$all_languages_only_one_resource: '; var_export($all_languages_only_one_resource) . '' . PHP_EOL; echo '' .'$report: '; var_export($report) . '' . PHP_EOL; echo '' .'$total_num_of_strings: '; var_export($total_num_of_strings) . '' . PHP_EOL; echo '' .'$language_summary: '; var_export($language_summary) . '' . PHP_EOL; echo '' .'$resource_summary: '; var_export($resource_summary) . '' . PHP_EOL; echo '' .'rlv: '; var_export($read_license_from_vcs_time_sum) . '' . PHP_EOL; echo '' .'dif: '; var_export($_diff_time_sum) . '' . PHP_EOL; echo '' .'Sst: '; var_export($snails_time) . '' . PHP_EOL; echo '' .'sum: '; var_export($sum) . '' . PHP_EOL; echo '' .'end: '; var_export($end) . '' . PHP_EOL; echo '' .'rel: ' . number_format(100 * $sum/$end, 1) . ' %' . PHP_EOL; /*echo '' .'snails: ' . PHP_EOL; var_export($snails) . PHP_EOL; echo 'times: ' . PHP_EOL; var_export($times) . PHP_EOL; /**/ echo '' . PHP_EOL; /* END OF DEBUG LINES */ } ?>