# Generated by extract2lang.php on 2012-06-29T22:43:53+02:00 # Domain map # en/map/index.php +11 ;About Mageia Tentang Mageia # en/map/index.php +14 ;Mission Misi # en/map/index.php +15 ;Projects Proyek # en/map/index.php +16 ;News Berita # en/map/index.php +17 ;Contacts Kontak # en/map/index.php +18 ;Supporters Pendukung # en/map/index.php +19 ;Governance Pengelola # en/map/index.php +21 ;Board Komite # en/map/index.php +22 ;Council Majelis # en/map/index.php +23 ;Teams Tim # en/map/index.php +26 ;Values Nilai # en/map/index.php +27 ;Code of conduct Kode etik # en/map/index.php +30 ;Constitution Konstitusi # en/map/index.php +31 ;Members Anggota # en/map/index.php +32 ;Reports Laporan # en/map/index.php +35 ;Timeline Garis waktu # en/map/index.php +39 ;Downloads Download # en/map/index.php +40 (modified manually) ;3 (May 2013) 3 (Mei 2013) # en/map/index.php +42 ;2 (May 2012) 2 (Mei 2012) # en/map/index.php +43 ;1 (June 2011) 1 (Juni 2011) # en/map/index.php +44 ;Download mirrors Mirror download # en/map/index.php +48 ;Support Dukungan # en/map/index.php +51 ;Software updates Update software # en/map/index.php +52 ;Product lifecycle Waktu dukungan produk # en/map/index.php +52 ;Official Documentation Dokumentasi resmi # en/map/index.php +53 ;Community support Dukungan komunitas # en/map/index.php +54 ;Professional support Dukungan profesional # en/map/index.php +55 ;Compatible hardware Hardware kompatibel # en/map/index.php +56 ;FAQ FAQ {ok} # en/map/index.php +60 ;Community Komunitas # en/map/index.php +63 ;Planet Planet {ok} # en/map/index.php +63 ;http://planet.mageia.org/en/ http://planet.mageia.org/en/ {ok} # en/map/index.php +64 ;Blog Blog {ok} # en/map/index.php +64 ;http://blog.mageia.org/en/ http://blog.mageia.org/en/ {ok} # en/map/index.php +65 ;Calendar Kalender # en/map/index.php +66 ;Mailing-lists Mailing-list # en/map/index.php +69 ;Forums Forum # en/map/index.php +69 ;http://forums.mageia.org/ http://forums.mageia.org/ {ok} # en/map/index.php +76 ;Contribute Kontribusi # en/map/index.php +79 ;Why contribute? Kenapa perlu berkontribusi? # en/map/index.php +80 ;How to contribute? Bagaimana cara berkontribusi? # en/map/index.php +81 ;Donate Donasi # en/map/index.php +85 ;About you Tentang kamu # en/map/index.php +88 ;Your Mageia id Identitas Mageia-mu # en/map/index.php +89 ;Privacy policy Kebijakan privasi # en/map/index.php +123 ;Mageia.org site map Peta situs Mageia.org # en/map/index.php +124 ;mageia, web site, map, sitemap mageia, situs web, peta, peta situs # en/map/index.php +132 ;Site Map Peta Situs # en/map/index.php +134 ;welcome! selamat datang! # en/map/index.php +140 ;You still can not find what you were looking for? Try searching mageia.org: Masih belum menemukan apa yang kamu cari? Coba untuk mencari mageia.org: