# Generated by extract2lang.php on 2012-12-21T15:09:11+01:00 # Domain donate # ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +10 ;Donate to Mageia Donasi ke Mageia # ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +12 ;mageia, donate, donation, donors, help mageia, mendonasi, donasi, donatur, bantuan # ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +31 ;Donate via PayPal, Donasi melalui PayPal, # ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +34 # ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +34 ;via bitcoin, via bitcoin, # ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +35 ;If you want to donate bitcoins, the Mageia.Org bitcoin address is %s. If you want to donate bitcoins, the Mageia.Org bitcoin address is %s. # ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +37 ;via bank transfer, melalui transfer bank, # ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +35 ;using the following Bank Identifier Code (IBAN-BIC): menggunakan Kode Identifikasi Bank berikut (IBAN-BIC): # ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +37 ;In favor of: Dengan jenis: # ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +42 ;Bank Account: Akun Bank: # ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +48 ;or via check (€ only). atau melalui cek (hanya €). # ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +49 ;You can send your donation by check to this address: Kamu bisa mengirim donasi dengan cek ke alamat ini: # ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +53 ;Use "Mageia.Org" in the "Pay to the order of..." line. Gunakan "Mageia.Org" di dalam baris "Untuk pembayaran...". # ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +56 ;Please note that: Harap catat bahwa: # ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +58 ;Paypal withdraws a small commission for each donation (around 2%) so we get a little bit less than you send; Ada komisi pengambilan Paypal untuk setiap donasi (sekitar 2%) jadi kami mendapat kurang dari yang kamu kirim; # ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +59 ;conversion rates are charged to Mageia, so please use € as currency; konversi kurs dibebankan ke Mageia, jadi harap gunakan mata uang €; # ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +60 ;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s. if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s. ;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment. jika kamu ingin donasi anonim, silakan tambahkan komentar. # ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +66 ;Why donate? Kenapa donasi? # ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +67 ;Mageia.Org is a not-for-profit association to manage the Mageia distribution. As a not-for-profit association, it can receive donations from the community to help in a lot of differents fields: Mageia.Org adalah asosiasi nonprofit dalam mengelola distribusi Mageia. Sebagai asosiasi nonprofit, kami bisa menerima donasi dari komunitas untuk membantu dalam berbagai bidang yang berbeda: # ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +69 ;hardware and hosting for servers; hardware dan hosting untuk server; # ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +70 ;domain names; nama domain; # ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +71 ;registrations of Mageia trademark; registrasi merek Mageia; # ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +72 ;goodies for spreading Mageia; barang-barang untuk menyebarluaskan Mageia; # ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +73 ;administrative expenses; biaya administrasi; # ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +74 ;eventually, legal counsel and terakhir, penasihat hukum dan # ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +75 ;etc. dll. # ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +79 ;How to track donation? Bagaimana melacak donasi? # ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +80 ;Currently, we received a lot of generous donations (%s, remains %s) thanks to all of our donors! Saat ini, kami banyak menerima donasi (%s, tersisa %s) terima kasih untuk semua donatur kami! # ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +82 ;We believe public accountability is crucial. You can know more about how are used the funds received by reading our financial reports. Kami percaya bahwa akuntabilitas publik sangat penting. Kamu bisa tahu bagaimana dana digunakan dengan membaca laporan keuangan kami. # ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +107 ;Questions? Questions? # ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +108 ;If you have any question about donations, you can send an email to treasurer@mageia.org. If you have any question about donations, you can send an email to treasurer@mageia.org.