# gettext catalog for 7 web page(s) # Copyright (C) 2014 - 2019 Mageia # This file is distributed under the same license as # the content of the corresponding web page(s). # # Generated by extract2gettext.php # Domain: 7 # # include translation strings from: # en/7/download_index.php # en/7/nav.php # # Translators: # Yuri Chornoivan , 2019 # Filip Komar , 2019 # Marek Laane , 2019 # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: 7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mageia-i18n@mageia.org\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-12 19:51:01+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-06-30 12:07+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Marek Laane , 2019\n" "Language-Team: Estonian (https://www.transifex.com/MageiaLinux/teams/9361/et/)\n" "Language: et\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +37" msgid "32 bit" msgstr "32-bitine" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +40" msgid "64 bit" msgstr "64-bitine" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +47" msgid "forthcoming" msgstr "tulekul" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +65" msgid "Download" msgstr "Allalaadimine -" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +66" #, fuzzy msgid "Download %s DVD, LiveDVD, network install ISO images." msgstr "%s DVD, LiveDVD ja võrgupaigalduse ISO-tõmmiste allalaadimine." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +67" msgid "mageia, %s, linux, free, download, iso, torrent, vm, http, ftp, rsync, bittorrent" msgstr "mageia, mageia 4, linux, vaba, tasuta, allalaadimine, iso, torrent, http, ftp, rsync, bittorrent" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +102" msgid "It looks like you have JavaScript disable. Please enable it to have better render. At the end of this page there will be download link for you. But what is written between is important." msgstr "Tundub, et JavaScript ei ole lubatud. Palun lubage see parema renderdamise huvides. Lehekülje lõpus on teile mõeldud allalaadimislink. Kuid oluline on ka see, mis on enne seda kirjutatud." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +107" msgid "But please remember that it will soon reach EOL." msgstr "Kuid palun arvestage, et selle eluiga saab peagi läbi." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +108" msgid "But please remember that it already reached EOL." msgstr "Kuid palun arvestage, et selle eluiga on juba läbi." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +110" msgid "Mageia is provided as ISO image files that have to be written to blank CD or DVD discs." msgstr "Mageiat pakutakse ISO-tõmmistena, mis tuleb kirjutada tühjale CD- või DVD-plaadile." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +110" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Writing_CD_and_DVD_images" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Writing_CD_and_DVD_images" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +112" msgid "All ISOs can also be launched from a USB drive." msgstr "Kõiki ISO-sid saab käivitada ka USB-pulgalt." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +112" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Installation_Media#Dump_Mageia_ISO_on_a_USB_flash_drive" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Installation_Media#Dump_Mageia_ISO_on_a_USB_flash_drive" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +114" msgid "To dump a Mageia installation ISO on a USB stick, you may try one of several tools:" msgstr "Mageia paigaldus-ISO kirjutamiseks USB-pulgale võib kasutada mitut tööriista:" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +116" msgid "For Linux, IsoDumper, available inside repo. Or any tools based on %sdd%s." msgstr "Linuxi korral IsoDumper, mille leiab hoidlast, või mõni muu tööriist, mille aluseks on %sdd%s." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +117" msgid "Unetbootin is not supported." msgstr "Unetbootin ei ole toetatud." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +119" msgid "For Windows please have a look on our wiki for your options." msgstr "Windowsi korral tutvustab võimalusi meie wiki." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +119" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Dump_Mageia_ISO_on_a_USB_flash_drive_-_Alternative_tools" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Dump_Mageia_ISO_on_a_USB_flash_drive_-_Alternative_tools" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +122" msgid "\"Dumping\" an image onto a flash device destroys any prior file-system in the partition; access to any data not destroyed will be lost, and partition capacity will be reduced to the image size. In other words, all prior data on the device is at risk." msgstr "Tõmmise kirjutamine USB-pulgale hävitab kõik varasemad failisüsteemid partitsioonis, kaob võimalus kasutada kõiki hävitamata jäänud andmeid ning partitsiooni suurus väheneb tõmmise suurusele. Teisisõnu, kõik pulgal varem olnud andmed on ohus." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +125" msgid "If you have UEFI, a procedure is available in the wiki." msgstr "Kui teil on UEFI, siis kirjeldatakse protseduuri lähemalt meie wikis." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +125" msgid "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unified_Extensible_Firmware_Interface" msgstr "http://et.wikipedia.org/wiki/EFI" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +125" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Installing_on_systems_with_UEFI_firmware" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Installing_on_systems_with_UEFI_firmware" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +129" #, fuzzy msgid "ISO image files have been updated to support new hardware." msgstr "ISO-tõmmiseid on uue riistvara toetamise huvides uuendatud." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +130" #, fuzzy msgid "They are called Mageia %s release to distinguish them from the original Mageia %s release." msgstr "Algupärasest Mageia 7 väljalaskest eristamiseks on neile antud nimeks Mageia 7.1." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +131" #, fuzzy msgid "Use these if the original Mageia %s iso images are unable to boot on your hardware, or if you would like more up-to-date software while running in live mode." msgstr "Tarvitage neid, kui algupärased Mageia 7 ISO-tõmmised ei lähe Teie riistvaral käima või kui soovite pruukida uusimat tarkvara Live-režiimis." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +132" msgid "Please take a look in the documentation for the appropriate media." msgstr "Sobiva andmekandja aitab leida vastav dokumentatsioon." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +133" #, fuzzy msgid "There's no need to reinstall if you have Mageia %s installed and already have the latest updates installed." msgstr "Kui Teil on Mageia 7 paigaldatud ja olete seda järjepidevalt uuendanud, ei ole uueks paigalduseks vajadust." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +142" msgid "Classical Installation Flavours" msgstr "Klassikalised paigaldusandmekandjad" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +144" msgid "The Classical ISO is the traditional way to install Mageia directly. Take a look at the complete documentation for this installer." msgstr "Klassikaline paigaldus-ISO on traditsioonilisem viis paigaldada Mageia otsekohe. Eelnevalt võite tutvuda ka paigaldusprogrammi põhjaliku käsiraamatuga." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +146" msgid "Up to 167 locales are supported:" msgstr "Toetatud on kuni 167 keelt:" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +148" msgid "and so much more!" msgstr "ja veel paljud teised!" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +149" msgid "See the comprehensive list" msgstr "Siin näeb täielikku nimekirja" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +152" msgid "These ISOs contains Free Software and some proprietary drivers." msgstr "Need DVD ja CD ISO-d sisaldavad vaba tarkvara ja mõningaid omanduslikke draivereid." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +153" msgid "You will be asked of which kind of Software you want to install." msgstr "Teie käest päritakse, millist laadi tarkvara soovite paigaldada." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +154" msgid "The installer includes the capability of adding the online Mageia repositories during the installation, which means you can install even more packages than those available on the ISO." msgstr "Paigaldusprogramm suudab paigaldamise ajal lisada Mageia võrguhoidlad, mis tähendab, et saate paigaldada veel rohkem tarkvara, kui seda saab pakkuda ISO." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +157" msgid "For 32 and 64bit, size of the ISOs is about %sGB." msgstr "32- ja 64-bitise puhul on ISO suurus umbes %s GB." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +165" msgid "LiveDVDs" msgstr "LiveDVD-d" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +167" #, fuzzy msgid "Live ISO's let you try %s without installation. You can run Mageia directly from a DVD or USB device, and try it using one of the graphical user interfaces such as GNOME, Plasma or Xfce." msgstr "LiveISO-d võimaldavad proovida %s ilma paigaldamata. Mageia saab käivitada otse DVD või USB-pulga pealt ning järele proovida meeldiva graafilise töökeskkonna, näiteks GNOME, Plasma või Xfce." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +168" msgid "If you are happy with the Mageia experience, you can then install it onto your hard drive from the Live media." msgstr "Kui Mageia jätab teile hea mulje, võite selle otse Live-andmekandjalt kõvakettale paigaldada." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +170" msgid "Use LiveDVDs for fresh new installs ONLY." msgstr "LiveDVD-sid tuleks kasutada AINULT värske paigalduse jaoks." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +171" msgid "DO NOT use these LiveDVDs to upgrade from the prior Mageia release!" msgstr "ÄRGE kasutage LiveDVD-sid uuendamiseks varasema Mageia pealt!" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +172" msgid "Use a classical installation and see upgrade guide." msgstr "Ülaltoodud DVD või CD kasutamisel uurige uuendamisjuhiseid." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +175" msgid "For LiveDVDs, size of the ISOs is about %sGB." msgstr "LiveDVD-de ISO suurus on umbes %s GB." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +180" msgid "Wired Network-based Installation CD" msgstr "Juhtmega võrgu põhise paigalduse CD" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +181" msgid "Download quickly and immediately boot into install mode from wired network or a local disk." msgstr "Kiire allalaadimine ja kohene paigaldamisrežiimi laadimine kas juhtmega võrgust või kohalikult kettalt." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +182" msgid "Have a look in the wiki to get a list of possibilities." msgstr "Kõiki võimalusi tutvustab wiki." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +182" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Boot.iso_install" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Boot.iso_install" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +184" msgid "Size of the ISOs is about 50MB." msgstr "ISO-de suurus on umbes 50 MB." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +189" msgid "Classic Installation" msgstr "Klassikalised paigaldusandmekandjad" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +189" msgid "(initial release 7)" msgstr "(algne Mageia 7)" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +192" msgid "Live Media" msgstr "Live-andmekandjad" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +195" msgid "Network Installation" msgstr "Võrgupaigaldus" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +200" #, fuzzy msgid "LiveDVDs are not yet available." msgstr "LiveDVD-d pole veel saadaval." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +201" msgid "Classical Installation flavours is not yet available." msgstr "Klassikalised paigaldusandmekandjad" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +209" msgid "Desktop" msgstr "Töölaud" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +212" #, fuzzy msgid "%s Desktop" msgstr "Töölaud" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +212" msgid "GNOME" msgstr "" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +216" #, fuzzy msgid "Plasma" msgstr "Plasma töölaud" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +220" msgid "Xfce" msgstr "" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +238" msgid "Network installer" msgstr "Võrgupaigaldus" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +241" msgid "Network installer, Free Software CD" msgstr "Võrgupaigaldus, vaba tarkvara CD" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +242" msgid "Contain only free software" msgstr "Sisaldab ainult vaba tarkvara." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +245" msgid "Network installer + nonfree firmware CD" msgstr "Võrgupaigaldus + mittevaba püsivara CD" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +246" msgid "Contain nonfree drivers needed for some disc controllers, some network cards, etc." msgstr "vajalik mõningate kettakontrollerite, võrgukaartide jms puhul" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +250" msgid "Free Software CD" msgstr "Võrgupaigaldus, vaba tarkvara CD" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +253" msgid "Nonfree Firmware CD" msgstr "Võrgupaigaldus + mittevaba püsivara CD" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +259" msgid "Supported Architecture" msgstr "Toetatud arhitektuur" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +262" msgid "Most new computers support x86-64 (also known as AMD64 and Intel64), but some laptop processors and netbook processors do not support it." msgstr "Enamik uuemaid arvuteid toetab x86-64 (tuntud ka kui AMD64 või Intel64), kuid mõned sülearvutite ja väikearvutite protsessorid ei pruugi seda toetada." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +266" msgid "This version runs on all PCs including those that support 64 Bit. If you have more than 3 GB of RAM you should prefer the 64 Bit version though." msgstr "See versioon töötab kõigis arvutites, sealhulgas neis, mis toetavad 64-bitist tarkvara. Kui teil on üle 3 GB RAM-i, tasuks siiski eelistada 64-bitist versiooni." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +280" msgid "Download Method" msgstr "Allalaadimine -" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +282" msgid "Direct Link" msgstr "Otselink" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +283" msgid "You will be redirected to a HTTP or FTP mirror." msgstr "Teid suunatakse ümber HTTP- vƵi FTP-peegelsaidile." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +289" msgid "BitTorrent" msgstr "BitTorrent" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +290" msgid "We recommend you to use BitTorrent for downloading as it usually give a higher speeds and more reliable download of large files." msgstr "Me soovitame kasutada allalaadimiseks BitTorrentit, sest see tagab tavaliselt parema kiiruse ja eriti suurte failide puhul usaldusväärsema allalaadimise." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +290" msgid "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BitTorrent" msgstr "http://et.wikipedia.org/wiki/BitTorrent" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +291" msgid "BitTorrent link are not yet available." msgstr "BitTorrenti link pole veel saadaval." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +304" msgid "Alternative downloads" msgstr "Alternatiivsed allalaadimised" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +311" msgid "Release notes" msgstr "Väljalaskemärkmed" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +312" msgid "More about known issues or limitation in installation and usage" msgstr "Täpsemalt teadaolevatest paigaldamise ja kasutamisega seotud probleemidest või piirangutest" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +313" msgid "Which to choose" msgstr "Milline valida?" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +313" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Installation_Media" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Installation_Media" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +314" msgid "Get ISO on USB flash drive" msgstr "ISO-tõmmis otse USB-pulgale" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +315" msgid "Newcomer? Here's a wiki page for you." msgstr "Tahaks rohkem teada? Wiki räägib lähemalt." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +315" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Newcomers_start_here" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Newcomers_start_here" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +316" msgid "Help us on %s" msgstr "Aidake meid %s juures" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +321" #, fuzzy msgid "Looking for a stable release?" msgstr "Huvitab hoopis stabiilne väljalase?" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +323" msgid "It is here." msgstr "Selle leiab siit." #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +325" msgid "Upgrading
from %s ?" msgstr "Soovite uuendada
%s pealt?" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +327" #, fuzzy msgid "do not use LiveDVDs;" msgstr "ärge kasutage
LiveDVD-d" #: "/web/en/8/download_index.php +328" msgid "see the upgrade guide" msgstr "uurige uuendamisjuhiseid" #: "/web/en/8/nav.php +7" #, fuzzy msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_8_Release_Notes" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_7_Release_Notes" #: "/web/en/8/nav.php +8" #, fuzzy msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_8_Errata" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_7_Errata" #: "/web/en/8/nav.php +9" #, fuzzy msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_8_Release_Notes#Upgrading_from_Mageia_7" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_7_Release_Notes#Upgrading_from_Mageia_6" #: "/web/en/8/nav.php +15" msgid "Errata" msgstr "Teadaolevad vead" #: "/web/en/8/nav.php +16" msgid "Bugs Reports" msgstr "Veateated" #: "/web/en/8/index.php +14" #, fuzzy msgid "Mageia %s" msgstr "Mageia 5.1" #: "/web/en/8/index.php +15" #, fuzzy msgid "Mageia %s is the new, solid, stable Linux distribution from the Mageia project." msgstr "Mageia 5 on Mageia projekti uus töökindel stabiilne Linuxi distributsioon." #: "/web/en/8/index.php +66" msgid "Welcome on Mageia" msgstr "" #: "/web/en/8/index.php +66" msgid "Try without installing." msgstr "" #: "/web/en/8/index.php +67" msgid "Daily use" msgstr "" #: "/web/en/8/index.php +67" msgid "Access all your files" msgstr "" #: "/web/en/8/index.php +68" msgid "Watch all your media" msgstr "" #: "/web/en/8/index.php +69" msgid "Install" msgstr "" #: "/web/en/8/index.php +69" msgid "Doc" msgstr "" #: "/web/en/8/index.php +70" msgid "A choice of desktops" msgstr "" #: "/web/en/8/index.php +74" msgid "You can install all apps available even in live mode" msgstr "" #: "/web/en/8/index.php +75" msgid "Tools" msgstr "" #: "/web/en/8/index.php +75" #, fuzzy msgid "Mageia Control Center" msgstr "Mageia juhtimiskeskus" #: "/web/en/8/index.php +75" #, fuzzy msgid "Install applications" msgstr "Klassikalised paigaldusandmekandjad" #: "/web/en/8/index.php +76" msgid "Configure your hardware" msgstr "" #: "/web/en/8/index.php +81" msgid "previous" msgstr "" #: "/web/en/8/index.php +85" msgid "next" msgstr "" #: "/web/en/8/index.php +95" #, fuzzy msgid "About Mageia %s" msgstr "Mis on Mageia 5" #: "/web/en/8/index.php +98" #, fuzzy msgid "Mageia %s is a GNU/Linux distribution for your computer, released by the Mageia community. It can be installed in several ways, with the Live or Classical ISOs being the most popular methods." msgstr "Mageia 5 on just teie arvutile mõeldud GNU/Linuxi distributsioon, mille on valmistanud Mageia kogukond. Seda saab paigaldada mitmel moel, levinuimad viisid on Live-plaadid või klassikalised paigaldus-ISO-d." #: "/web/en/8/index.php +100" msgid "Download it right away!" msgstr "Laadige kohe alla!" #: "/web/en/8/index.php +102" #, fuzzy msgid "Live ISO's let you try Mageia without installation. Use these instructions to put the Live ISO on a CD, DVD or USB device. Then you can run Mageia %s directly from there, and try Mageia using one of the graphical user interfaces such as GNOME or Plasma." msgstr "LiveISO-d võimaldavad proovida %s ilma paigaldamata. Mageia saab käivitada otse DVD või USB-pulga pealt ning järele proovida meeldiva graafilise töökeskkonna, näiteks GNOME, Plasma või Xfce." #: "/web/en/8/index.php +104" #, fuzzy msgid "The Classical ISO is the more traditional way to install Mageia directly. Take a look at the complete documentation for this installer." msgstr "Klassikaline paigaldus-ISO on traditsioonilisem viis paigaldada Mageia otsekohe. Eelnevalt võite tutvuda ka paigaldusprogrammi põhjaliku käsiraamatuga." #: "/web/en/8/index.php +105" #, fuzzy msgid "Mageia %s includes several desktop managers including Plasma, GNOME, Xfce, Mate, LXQt and Cinnamon." msgstr "Mageia 5 pakub mitmeid töökeskkondi, nende seas KDE, GNOME, XFCE, Mate ja Cinnamon." #: "/web/en/8/index.php +106" msgid "There are lots of applications in the official repositories. You can have a look at the Mageia Application Database to get a complete list of packages inside Mageia." msgstr "Ametlikes tarkvarahoidlates leiab rohkelt kõikvõimalikke rakendusi. Täieliku pildi saamiseks Mageia pakutavatest tarkvarapakettidest võib uurida Mageia rakenduste andmebaasi." #: "/web/en/8/index.php +107" msgid "What's new?" msgstr "Mida on uut?" #: "/web/en/8/index.php +108" #, fuzzy msgid "There's plenty of new goodness in Mageia %s, too much to include here - see the release notes for an extensive exposé." msgstr "Seda ei jõua siin ära rääkida! Põhjaliku ülevaate annavad väljalaskemärkmed." #: "/web/en/8/index.php +116" msgid "Mageia in context" msgstr "Mageia kontekstis" #: "/web/en/8/index.php +118" #, fuzzy msgid "Mageia %s is supported by the Mageia.org nonprofit organisation, which is governed by a body of recognized and elected contributors." msgstr "Mageia 5 toetab mittetulundusorganisatsioon Mageia.org, mida juhivad selleks valitud tunnustatud kaastöötajad." #: "/web/en/8/index.php +120" msgid "Our work adds to the excellent work of the wider Linux and Free Software community. We aim to blend all the excellent work done by the community, adding the special Mageia ingredients, to bring you the best, most stable, reliable and enjoyable experience we can make for regular users, developers and businesses." msgstr "Meie töö täiendab laiema Linuxi ja vaba tarkvara kogukonna suurepärast tegevust. Me püüame pakkuda oma võimete ja oskuste piires parimat, stabiilseimat, usaldusväärseimat ja nauditavaimat kogemust ja platvormi nii tavalistele kasutajatele, arendajatele kui ka ettevõtetele." #: "/web/en/8/index.php +122" msgid "We welcome new contributors to any of the many different teams that go to make up Mageia the Community, and we encourage you to join us." msgstr "Me võtame rõõmuga vastu uusi kaastöötajaid oma arvukatesse meeskondadesse, millest Mageia kogukond lõppeks koosnebki, ja julgustame teid meiega ühinema." #~ msgid "GNOME Desktop" #~ msgstr "GNOME töölaud" #~ msgid "Xfce Desktop" #~ msgstr "Xfce töölaud" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Here is the Plasma Desktop" #~ msgstr "Plasma töölaud" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "If you are happy with the Mageia experience, you can then install it onto your hard drive from the Live media" #~ msgstr "Kui Mageia jätab teile hea mulje, võite selle otse Live-andmekandjalt kõvakettale paigaldada." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Here is the GNOME Desktop" #~ msgstr "GNOME töölaud" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Here is the Xfce Desktop" #~ msgstr "Xfce töölaud" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Several Desktop" #~ msgstr "Xfce töölaud" #~ msgid "Mageia is both a Community and a Linux Distribution, with Mageia 5 being our fifth release." #~ msgstr "Mageia on ühtaegu kogukonna ja Linuxi distributsioon, mis praegu on jõudnud oma viienda väljalaskeni: Mageia 5." #~ msgid "There is one feature worth mentioning here. It took a lot of effort and time but it was worth it. Mageia 5 supports UEFI, which means it’s now even easier to install it on recent hardware." #~ msgstr "Siiski väärib märkimist üks omadus. See nõudis palju aega ja vaeva, aga oli seda väärt. Mageia 5 toetab UEFI-t, mis tähendab, et nüüd on seda veel hõlpsam paigaldada uuemale riistvarale." #~ msgid "https://blog.mageia.org/en/2015/05/30/waiting-for-mageia-5-spotlight-on-uefi-support/" #~ msgstr "https://blog.mageia.org/en/2015/05/30/waiting-for-mageia-5-spotlight-on-uefi-support/" #~ msgid "To help users configure and use Mageia, and to provide some information about the community and the project, there's a program called MageiaWelcome. It starts automatically when a session opens for the first time in any of the graphical environments." #~ msgstr "Aitamaks kasutajatel Mageiat seadistada ja edukalt pruukida ning mõningase teabe jagamiseks kogukonna ja projekti kohta tervikuna oleme lisanud uue tervitusakna MageiaWelcome. See käivitub automaatselt mis tahes töökeskkonna esmakordsel käivitamisel." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Feature:MageiaWelcome" #~ msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/FeatureMageia8_Review" #~ msgid "Mageia 5 has been made by more than 100 people from all around the world." #~ msgstr "Mageia 5 valmimise taga seisis üle 100 inimese kogu maailmast." #~ msgid "Be careful! This is an alpha, unstable release." #~ msgstr "Olge ettevaatlik! Tegu on beeta ehk veel ebastabiilse väljalaskega." #~ msgid "Be careful! This is a beta, unstable release." #~ msgstr "Olge ettevaatlik! Tegu on beeta ehk veel ebastabiilse väljalaskega." #~ msgid "It is only intended for developer use. DO NOT USE THIS IN PRODUCTION OR FOR OFFICIAL REVIEW." #~ msgstr "See on mõeldud ainult arendajatele. ÄRGE KASUTAGE SEDA PÕHISÜSTEEMINA VÕI AMETLIKU ÜLEVAATE ANDMISEKS." #~ msgid "This is a Release Candidate. Release Candidate software is software that has graduated Beta testing, and should be a release-ready product suitable for advanced users and reviewers. However, beginning users and critical-applications users may wish to wait for the final release planned for %s." #~ msgstr "See on väljalaskekandidaat. Väljalaskekandidaadi tarkvara on uuendatud ja beetaväljalasete ajal testitud, mistõttu see peaks olema piisavalt töökindel kogenud kasutajatele ja ülevaadete kirjutajatele. Vähese kogemusega ja kriitilise tähtsusega rakenduste kasutajad peaksid siiski ootama lõpliku väljalaskeni, mille plaanikohane ilmumisaeg on %s." #~ msgid "July 2019" #~ msgstr "Juuli 2019" #~ msgid "Release Candidate is intended to identify any remaining bugs or missing packages." #~ msgstr "Väljalaskekandidaat on mõeldud veel leiduvate vigade ning puuduva tarkvara väljaselgitamiseks." #~ msgid "Development roadmap" #~ msgstr "Arenduse ajakava" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_7_Development" #~ msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_8_Development" #~ msgid "Features review" #~ msgstr "Omaduste ülevaade" #~ msgid "iso image" #~ msgstr "ISO-tõmmis" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "torrent link" #~ msgstr "BitTorrent" #~ msgid "magnet link" #~ msgstr "Magnet-link" #~ msgid "size" #~ msgstr "Suurus" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Latest stable release" #~ msgstr "Huvitab hoopis stabiilne väljalase?" #~ msgid "Test release" #~ msgstr "Arendusväljalase" #~ msgid "Previous releases" #~ msgstr "Varasemad väljalasked" #~ msgid "https://blog.mageia.org/en/2018/09/15/summers-end-roundup-2018/" #~ msgstr "https://blog.mageia.org/en/2018/09/15/summers-end-roundup-2018/" #~ msgid "The important addition is that Mageia 5.1 can be installed on NVMe hardware." #~ msgstr "Üks olulisemaid Mageia 5.1 täiendusi seisneb selles, et seda saab paigaldada ka NVMe riistvarale." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NVM_Express" #~ msgstr "http://et.wikipedia.org/wiki/BitTorrent" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "KDE Desktop" #~ msgstr "Töölaud" #~ msgid "Format" #~ msgstr "Andmekandja" #~ msgid "link" #~ msgstr "Link" #~ msgid "http://blog.mageia.org/en/2015/09/10/mageia-4-about-to-reach-its-end-of-life/" #~ msgstr "http://blog.mageia.org/en/2015/09/10/mageia-4-about-to-reach-its-end-of-life/" #~ msgid "Need more challenge?" #~ msgstr "Vajate veel suuremat väljakutset?" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "You can help us on %s." #~ msgstr "Kui teil on UEFI, siis kirjeldatakse protseduuri lähemalt meie wikis."