# msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ./langs/eo/community.eo.lang\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mageia-i18n@mageia.org\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-22 22:25:09+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-03-13 21:13+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Duffy Duck \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" "Language: eo\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +13" msgid "Mageia Community" msgstr "Mageja komunumo" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +14" msgid "Mageia Community Central is the place where all contributors and users can find the latest news about Mageia and learn more about what to do in the project." msgstr "Mageja Komunuma Centralo estas ejo kie kontribuantoj kaj uzuloj povas trovi la lastajn novaĵojn pri Magejo kaj lerni pli pri tio kion ni faras en la projekto." #: "/web/en/community/index.php +15" msgid "mageia, community, news, tools, tasks" msgstr "magejo, komunumo, novaĵoj, iloj, taskoj" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +31" msgid "Mageia Community Central" msgstr "Mageja Komunuma Centralo" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +33" msgid "https://blog.mageia.org/en/" msgstr "https://blog.mageia.org/en/" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +33" msgid "Blog" msgstr "Blogo" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +34" msgid "https://planet.mageia.org/en/" msgstr "https://planet.mageia.org/en/" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +34" msgid "Planet" msgstr "Planet" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +35" msgid "Calendar" msgstr "Kalendaro" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +37" msgid "https://forum.mageia.org/en/" msgstr "https://forum.mageia.org/en/" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +37" msgid "Forums" msgstr "Forumoj" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +38" msgid "Mailing-lists" msgstr "Ret-listoj" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +39" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +41" msgid "People" msgstr "People" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +48" msgid "News" msgstr "Novaĵoj" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +68" msgid "How to contribute?" msgstr "Kiel kontribui?" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +70" msgid "Start here" msgstr "Komencu ĉi tie" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +71" msgid "and meet us on IRC." msgstr "kaj renkontu nin retbabileje." #: "/web/en/community/index.php +72" msgid "You can also support financially the project!" msgstr "Vi povas ankaŭ subteni finance la projekton!" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +75" msgid "Toolbox" msgstr "Ilaro" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +77" msgid "Wiki ← collaborative documentation" msgstr "Vikio ← kunlabora dokumentaro" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +78" msgid "Bugzilla ← to report bugs" msgstr "Bugzilla ← por raporti cimojn" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +81" msgid "Mageia Applications Database" msgstr "Mageja Aplikaĵ-datumbazo" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +84" msgid "For developers & packagers" msgstr "Por programistoj kaj pakantoj" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +86" msgid "Subversion" msgstr "Subversio" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +87" msgid "Git code repositories" msgstr "Git kodo-deponejoj" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +88" msgid "Packages submission queue" msgstr "Pakaĵa senda atendovico" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +89" msgid "unmaintained packages" msgstr "nezorgataj pakaĵoj" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +90" msgid "Global QA report" msgstr "Globala kvalitokontrola raporto" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +94" msgid "Conversations" msgstr "Konversacioj" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +95" msgid "... or, how to get in touch with us? Easy:" msgstr "... aŭ, kiel kontakti nin? Facile:" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +97" msgid "IRC on Freenode" msgstr "Retbabileje per Freenode" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +101" msgid "in real life!" msgstr "En la reala vivo!" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +102" msgid "during events!" msgstr "Dum la eventoj!" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +105" msgid "Teams you can join!" msgstr "Teamoj al kiuj vi povas aliĝi!" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +107" msgid "Atelier" msgstr "Ateliero" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +108" msgid "Documentation" msgstr "Dokumentaro" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +109" msgid "Packaging" msgstr "Pakaĵaro" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +110" msgid "Testing & QA" msgstr "Testado kaj kvalito-kontrolo" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +111" msgid "Translation" msgstr "Tradukado" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +112" msgid "Systems & infrastructure administration" msgstr "Sistema kaj substruktura administrado" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +113" msgid "Bugs triaging" msgstr "Cimo-klasifikado" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +125" msgid "Mageia" msgstr "Magejo" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +127" msgid "More about Mageia" msgstr "Pli pri Magejo" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +128" msgid "Our code of conduct and values" msgstr "Niaj konduto-kodo kaj valoroj" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +129" msgid "Our governance model and structure:" msgstr "Nia regad-sistemo kaj strukturo:" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +131" msgid "Teams" msgstr "Teamoj" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +132" msgid "the Council" msgstr "La konsilantaro" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +133" msgid "the Board" msgstr "La personaro" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +135" msgid "Donations & reports." msgstr "Donacioj kaj raportoj." #: "/web/en/community/index.php +140" msgid "This page needs you! Join the Web team!" msgstr "Ĉi tiu paĝaro bezonas vin! Aliĝu al la paĝar-teamo!" #~ msgid "Forum" #~ msgstr "Forumo" #~ msgid "mailing-lists 1 & 2" #~ msgstr "Retlistoj 1 kaj 2"