# Generated by extract2lang.php on 2012-10-17T20:41:07+02:00 # Domain 3 # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +12 ;Mageia 3 Mageia 3 {ok} # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +34 ;Development roadmap Cestovní mapa vývoje # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +35 ;Features review Přehlídka vlastností # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +37 ;Release notes Poznámky k vydání # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +38 ;Errata Známé chyby # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +39 ;Bugs Reports Zprávy o chybách # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +43 ;This is a Release Candidate. Release Candidate software is software that has graduated Beta testing, and should be a release-ready product suitable for advanced users and reviewers. However, beginning users and critical-applications users may wish to wait for the final release planned for May 2013. This is a Release Candidate. Release Candidate software is software that has graduated Beta testing, and should be a release-ready product suitable for advanced users and reviewers. However, beginning users and critical-applications users may wish to wait for the final release planned for May 2013. # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +44 ;It is inteded to identify any remaining bugs or missing packages. It is inteded to identify any remaining bugs or missing packages. # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +46 ;Download %s Stáhnout %s # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +48 ;Up to 167 locales are supported: Podporováno až 167 jazyků: # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +51 ;and so much more! a ještě mnohem víc! # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +52 ;See the comprehensive list Vyčerpávající seznam # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +54 ;Installer DVD and CD ISOs now contains Free Software and some proprietary drivers. Instalátor DVD a CD ISO nyní obsahuje svobodný software a některé soukromé ovladače. # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +55 ;You will be asked of which kind of Software you want to install. Bude vám položena otázka, kterou budete dotázán, jaký software chcete instalovat. # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +54 ;Installer DVD and CD ISOs are made of Free Software exclusively. Obrazy instalačních DVD a CD jsou udělány výhradně ze svobodného software. # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +55 ;As a consequence, proprietary Wi-Fi and video drivers are not included. V důsledku toho nejsou zahrnuty soukromé ovladače Wi-Fi a videa. # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +56 ;If you need WiFi or specific video drivers at install time, you should go with below LiveCDs or LiveDVDs instead. Pokud potřebujete ovladače pro WiFi nebo zvláštní video v době instalace, měl byste použít namísto toho Živé CDs nebo DVD níže. # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +57 ;You may, if you will, add nonfree software repository after the installation. Můžete, chcete-li, po instalaci přidat nesvobodná skladiště se software. # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +57 ;The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages. The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages. # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +59 ;Use LiveCDs or LiveDVDs for fresh new installs ONLY, NOT FOR UPGRADE. Živá CD nebo DVD použijte POUZE na čerstvou instalaci NE NA AKTUALIZACI. # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +60 ;If you are looking for a stable version of Mageia, go here. Pokud hledáte stabilní verzi distribuce Mageia, přejděte sem. # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +61 ;Enjoy! And please report bugs if you find some. Bavte se! A hlašte, prosím, chyby, když nějaké najdete. # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +68 ;Format Formát # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +69 ;size Velikost # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +70 ;link Odkaz # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +71 ;BitTorrent BitTorrent {ok} # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +76 ;Installer DVD Instalační DVD # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +77 ;Free Software and some proprietary drivers Svobodný software a některé soukromé ovladače. # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +77 ;100% Free Software 100% svobodný software # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +79 ;32bit 32bit {ok} # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +80 ;64bit 64bit {ok} # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +85 ;Installer CD Instalační CD # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +88 ;dualarch dualarch {ok} # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +95 ;LiveDVD KDE Živé DVD s KDE # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +96 ;not suitable for upgrade není vhodné pro aktualizaci # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +104 ;LiveDVD GNOME Živé DVD s GNOME # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +114 ;LiveCD KDE, English-only Živé CD s KDE, pouze angličtina # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +121 ;LiveCD GNOME, English-only Živé CD s GNOME, pouze angličtina # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +129 ;Network installer, Free Software CD Síťový instalátor, CD se svobodným software # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +135 ;Network installer + nonfree firmware CD Síťový instalátor + CD s nesvobodným firmware # ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +136 ;needed for some disc controllers, some network cards, etc. potřeba pro některé diskové řadiče, některé síťové karty atd.