From 892c3bbb20510a24f15371264c0e362c4151ec80 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Matteo Pasotti Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2013 18:25:48 +0000 Subject: updated Italian translations (about/ --- langs/it/about/ | 10 +++++----- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) (limited to 'langs/it/about/') diff --git a/langs/it/about/ b/langs/it/about/ index cc93f34ca..60ef128b8 100644 --- a/langs/it/about/ +++ b/langs/it/about/ @@ -133,27 +133,27 @@ Siate collaborativi. # /web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +70 ;The Free Software Movement depends on collaboration: it helps limit duplication of effort while improving the quality of the produced software. In order to avoid misunderstanding, try to be clear and concise when requesting or giving help. Remember that it is easy to misunderstand emails (especially when they are not written in your mother tongue). Ask for clarifications if something seems unclear; remember the first rule - first, assume that people mean well. -The Free Software Movement depends on collaboration: it helps limit duplication of effort while improving the quality of the produced software. In order to avoid misunderstanding, try to be clear and concise when requesting or giving help. Remember that it is easy to misunderstand emails (especially when they are not written in your mother tongue). Ask for clarifications if something seems unclear; remember the first rule - first, assume that people mean well. +Il Movimento per il Software Libero dipende dalla collaborazione: aiuta a ridurre la duplicazione degli sforzi migliorando al contempo la qualità del software prodotto. Al fine di evitare incomprensioni, cerca di essere chiaro e conciso quando richiedi o dai aiuto. Ricorda che è facile misinterpretare i messaggi di posta elettronica (specialmente quando non vengono scritti nella tua lingua madre). Chiedi chiarimenti se qualcosa non ti sembra chiaro; ricorda la prima regola - prima, assumi che le intenzioni delle persone siano buone. # /web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +72 ;As a contributor, you should aim to collaborate with other community members as well as with other communities (upstream projects for instance) that are interested in, or depend on the work you do. Your work should be transparent and be fed back into the community as quickly as possible (even when not fully completed). If you wish to work on something new in existing projects, keep those projects team informed of your ideas and progress. -As a contributor, you should aim to collaborate with other community members as well as with other communities (upstream projects for instance) that are interested in, or depend on the work you do. Your work should be transparent and be fed back into the community as quickly as possible (even when not fully completed). If you wish to work on something new in existing projects, keep those projects team informed of your ideas and progress. +In qualità di collaboratore, dovresti ambire a collaborare con altri membri della comunità, così come con altre comunità (i progetti a monte per esempio), che sono interessati o che dipendano dal lavoro che svolgi. Il tuo lavoro dovrebbe essere trasparente e reimmesso alla comunità il prima possibile (anche se non completato). Se desideri lavorare su qualcosa di nuovo in progetti esistenti, tieni informate le squadre di questi progetti sulle tue idee e su i tuoi progressi. # /web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +74 ;It may not always be possible to reach consensus on the implementation of an idea, so don't feel obliged to achieve this before you begin. However, always ensure that you keep the outside world informed of your work and publish it in a way that allows outsiders to test, discuss, and contribute to your efforts. -It may not always be possible to reach consensus on the implementation of an idea, so don't feel obliged to achieve this before you begin. However, always ensure that you keep the outside world informed of your work and publish it in a way that allows outsiders to test, discuss, and contribute to your efforts. +Non sempre è possibile raggiungere il pieno consenso sull\'implementazione di un\'idea, quindi non sentirti obbligato a raggiungere questo obiettivo prima di incominciare. Comunque, assicurati sempre di tenere informato del tuo lavoro il mondo esterno e pubblicalo in un modo che permetta ad esterni di collaudarlo, discuterlo, e contribuire ai tuoi sforzi. # /web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +76 ;Contributors to every project come and go. When you leave or disengage from the project, in whole or in part, you should do so with pride about what you have achieved and by acting responsibly towards others who come after you to continue working on the project. -Contributors to every project come and go. When you leave or disengage from the project, in whole or in part, you should do so with pride about what you have achieved and by acting responsibly towards others who come after you to continue working on the project. +I collaboratori di ogni progetto vanno e vengono. Quando te ne vai o ti stacchi dal progetto, interamente o in parte, dovresti farlo con orgoglio per gli obiettivi che hai raggiunto ed agendo responsabilmente verso gli altri che verranno dopo per continuare a lavorare sul progetto. # /web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +78 ;As a user, your feedback is important, as is its form. Poorly considered comments can cause pain and demotivate other community members, but considerate discussion of problems can bring positive results. An encouraging word works wonders. -As a user, your feedback is important, as is its form. Poorly considered comments can cause pain and demotivate other community members, but considerate discussion of problems can bring positive results. An encouraging word works wonders. +In qualità di utente, i tuoi commenti sono importanti, tanto quanto la loro forma. Commenti ritenuti scarsi possono causare dolore e demotivare altri membri della comunità, ma il dibattito attento dei problemi può portare risultati positivi. Una parola di incoraggiamento fa miracoli. # /web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +81 -- cgit v1.2.1