path: root/langs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'langs')
18 files changed, 98 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/langs/cs/donate.cs.lang b/langs/cs/donate.cs.lang
index 1809df6a2..c9f5a8b16 100644
--- a/langs/cs/donate.cs.lang
+++ b/langs/cs/donate.cs.lang
@@ -62,6 +62,10 @@ Paypal si bere za každý dar malý poplatek (asi 2%), takže se k nám dostane
jako měnu používejte, prosím, &euro, neboť náklady za převod jdou k tíži Mageii;
+;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s.
+if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s.
;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment.
v případě, že byste chtěli darovat anonymně, připojte poznámku.
@@ -123,7 +127,7 @@ Pokud chcete dát dar v podobě měny <a href="http://bitcoin.org/">bitcoin</a>,
# ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +107
-;Questions ?
diff --git a/langs/de/donate.de.lang b/langs/de/donate.de.lang
index 602ca069f..eb3ca0be3 100644
--- a/langs/de/donate.de.lang
+++ b/langs/de/donate.de.lang
@@ -106,6 +106,10 @@ Paypal behält für jede Spende eine geringe Gebühr ein (etwa 2%), sodass uns e
bitte benutzen Sie € als Währung, denn Umrechnungskosten gehen zu Lasten von Mageia;
+;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s.
+if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s.
;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment.
falls Sie anonym spenden wollen, so fügen Sie bitte Ihrer Spende einen Hinweis bei.
@@ -115,8 +119,8 @@ mageia, spenden, spende, spender, hilfe, unterstützung
# ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +107
-;Questions ?
-Questions ?
# ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +108
diff --git a/langs/el/donate.el.lang b/langs/el/donate.el.lang
index 2f3de1b58..cfd87490c 100644
--- a/langs/el/donate.el.lang
+++ b/langs/el/donate.el.lang
@@ -61,6 +61,10 @@ If you want to donate <a href="http://bitcoin.org/">bitcoins</a>, the Mageia.Org
Τα έξοδα μετατροπής συναλλάγματος βαρύνουν τη Mageia, γι' αυτό σας παρακαλούμε να χρησιμοποιείτε ως νόμισμα το &euro.
+;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s.
+if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s.
;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment.
Αν επιθυμείτε να κάνετε μια ανώνυμη δωρεά, παρακαλούμε προσθέστε ένα σχόλιο.
@@ -114,8 +118,8 @@ If you want to donate <a href="http://bitcoin.org/">bitcoins</a>, the Mageia.Org
# ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +107
-;Questions ?
-Questions ?
# ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +108
diff --git a/langs/en/donate.en.lang b/langs/en/donate.en.lang
index 9a07b5419..133456a87 100644
--- a/langs/en/donate.en.lang
+++ b/langs/en/donate.en.lang
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ conversion rates are charged to Mageia, so please use &euro; as currency;
# ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +63
-;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment.
-if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment.
+;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s.
+if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s.
# ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +69
@@ -140,8 +140,8 @@ Currently, we received a lot of generous donations (%s, remains %s) thanks to al
We believe public accountability is crucial. You can know more about how are used the funds received by reading our <a href="%s">financial reports</a>.
# ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +107
-;Questions ?
-Questions ?
# ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +108
diff --git a/langs/eo/donate.eo.lang b/langs/eo/donate.eo.lang
index 01e52f91c..e54d80a8e 100644
--- a/langs/eo/donate.eo.lang
+++ b/langs/eo/donate.eo.lang
@@ -62,6 +62,10 @@ Paypal prenas malgrandan procenton por ĉiu donaco (ĉirkaŭ 2%), do ni ricevos
kurzo-kostojn pagas Magejo, do bv. uzi &euro; kiel mono;
+;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s.
+if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s.
;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment.
se vi volas fari anoniman mondonacon, bv. aldoni komenton.
@@ -115,8 +119,8 @@ Ni kredas ke publika konto-registrado estas gravega. Vi povas scii pli pri la uz
# ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +107
-;Questions ?
-Questions ?
# ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +108
diff --git a/langs/es/donate.es.lang b/langs/es/donate.es.lang
index d2e45700c..ad576d7fa 100644
--- a/langs/es/donate.es.lang
+++ b/langs/es/donate.es.lang
@@ -62,6 +62,10 @@ Paypal cobra una pequeña comisión para cada donación (cerca del 2%) así que
Tarifas de conversión son cobradas a Mageia, le pedimos usar &euro; como moneda;
+;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s.
+if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s.
;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment.
Si desea hacer una donación anónima, por favor agregue un comentario.
@@ -115,8 +119,8 @@ Creemos que la contabilidad pública es crucial. Puede conocer más sobre cómo
# ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +107
-;Questions ?
-Questions ?
# ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +108
diff --git a/langs/et/donate.et.lang b/langs/et/donate.et.lang
index 455c36745..2f5944d4d 100644
--- a/langs/et/donate.et.lang
+++ b/langs/et/donate.et.lang
@@ -62,6 +62,10 @@ Paypal võtab iga annetuse eest väikest vahendustasu (umbes 2%), mistõttu me s
valuutavahetuse tasu peab maksma Mageia, mistõttu oleks kasulikum arveldada eurodes
+;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s.
+if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s.
;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment.
kui soovite annetada anonüümselt, märkige see kindlasti ära
@@ -115,7 +119,7 @@ Me pooldame täielikult rahaasjade läbipaistvuse põhimõtet. Sellest, kuidas m
# ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +107
-;Questions ?
diff --git a/langs/fr/donate.fr.lang b/langs/fr/donate.fr.lang
index 9808d92c2..5489dab9c 100644
--- a/langs/fr/donate.fr.lang
+++ b/langs/fr/donate.fr.lang
@@ -110,12 +110,16 @@ Paypal prélève une petite commission (environ 2%) sur chaque don donc nous rec
Les frais de change sont à la charge de Mageia donc, s&rsquo;il vous plaît, utilisez l&rsquo;euro (€, EUR) comme devise&nbsp;;
+;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s.
+if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s.
;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment.
Si vous souhaitez faire un don anonyme, ajoutez-le en commentaire.
# ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +107
-;Questions ?
Des questions&nbsp;?
diff --git a/langs/id/donate.id.lang b/langs/id/donate.id.lang
index 551311ef9..25620e3df 100644
--- a/langs/id/donate.id.lang
+++ b/langs/id/donate.id.lang
@@ -77,6 +77,10 @@ konversi kurs dibebankan ke Mageia, jadi harap gunakan mata uang &euro;;
# ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +60
+;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s.
+if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s.
;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment.
jika kamu ingin donasi anonim, silakan tambahkan komentar.
@@ -142,8 +146,8 @@ Kami percaya bahwa akuntabilitas publik sangat penting. Kamu bisa tahu bagaimana
# ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +107
-;Questions ?
-Questions ?
# ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +108
diff --git a/langs/it/donate.it.lang b/langs/it/donate.it.lang
index b4e514b86..e65eb6b4b 100644
--- a/langs/it/donate.it.lang
+++ b/langs/it/donate.it.lang
@@ -62,6 +62,10 @@ Paypal preleva una piccola commissione per ogni donazione (circa il 2%) cosicch
il tasso di cambio è a carico di Mageia, per favore usate &euro; come valuta;
+;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s.
+if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s.
;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment.
se volete fare una donazione anonima, per favore indicatelo nei commenti.
@@ -115,8 +119,8 @@ Noi crediamo che una contabilità pubblica sia cruciale. Puoi saperne di più su
# ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +107
-;Questions ?
-Questions ?
# ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +108
diff --git a/langs/pl/donate.pl.lang b/langs/pl/donate.pl.lang
index 050fb9742..8c70e494c 100644
--- a/langs/pl/donate.pl.lang
+++ b/langs/pl/donate.pl.lang
@@ -62,6 +62,10 @@ Paypal pobiera prowizję od każdej dotacji (około 2%), dlatego otrzymana kwota
Mageia jest obciążana kosztami przewalutowania, dlatego prosimy o dotację w &euro;
+;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s.
+if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s.
;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment.
jeśli chcesz, aby Twoja dotacja pozostała anonimowa, prosimy o zaznaczenie tego w komentarzu.
@@ -115,8 +119,8 @@ Wierzymy, że wsparcie publiczne ma kluczowe znaczenie. Więcej o wykorzystaniu
# ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +107
-;Questions ?
-Questions ?
# ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +108
diff --git a/langs/pt-br/donate.pt-br.lang b/langs/pt-br/donate.pt-br.lang
index 520da16a1..7dcc7e333 100644
--- a/langs/pt-br/donate.pt-br.lang
+++ b/langs/pt-br/donate.pt-br.lang
@@ -62,6 +62,10 @@ Paypal retira uma pequena Comissão por cada doação (cerca de 2%) então ficam
taxas de conversão são cobradas a Mageia, por favor, usar &euro; como moeda;
+;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s.
+if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s.
;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment.
Se você quiser fazer uma doação anônima, por favor, adicione um comentário.
@@ -115,8 +119,8 @@ Acreditamos que a responsabilidade pública é crucial. Você pode saber mais so
# ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +107
-;Questions ?
-Questions ?
# ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +108
diff --git a/langs/ro/donate.ro.lang b/langs/ro/donate.ro.lang
index e9778975f..f6518017c 100644
--- a/langs/ro/donate.ro.lang
+++ b/langs/ro/donate.ro.lang
@@ -62,6 +62,10 @@ Paypal își însușește un mic comision pentru fiecare donație (cam 2%) așa
ratele de schimb valutar sînt plătite de Mageia, deci folosiți &euro; ca monedă;
+;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s.
+if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s.
;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment.
dacă doriți să fiți donator anonim, adăugați asta în comentariu.
@@ -115,8 +119,8 @@ Credem că este crucială contabilitatea publică. Puteți afla mai multe despre
# ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +107
-;Questions ?
-Questions ?
# ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +108
diff --git a/langs/ru/donate.ru.lang b/langs/ru/donate.ru.lang
index 4c83cf1d1..119c33398 100644
--- a/langs/ru/donate.ru.lang
+++ b/langs/ru/donate.ru.lang
@@ -111,12 +111,16 @@ Paypal снимет небольшую комиссию за каждое пож
Пожалуйста, используйте &euro; как валюту взносов, так как любая другая валюта будет обменяна по текущему курсу.
+;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s.
+if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s.
;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment.
Если вы хотите сделать пожертвование анонимно, пожалуйста, оставьте комментарий.
# ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +107
-;Questions ?
Есть вопросы?
diff --git a/langs/sl/donate.sl.lang b/langs/sl/donate.sl.lang
index f72761685..cc13d72af 100644
--- a/langs/sl/donate.sl.lang
+++ b/langs/sl/donate.sl.lang
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ menjalni tečaji bremenijo Magejo, zato vas prosimo, da uporabite &euro; kot val
# ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +63
-;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment.
-dodate ustrezen komentar, če želite narediti anonimno donacijo.
+;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s.
+dodate ustrezen komentar ali pošljete e-pošto na e-naslov: %s, če želite narediti anonimno donacijo.
# ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +69
@@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ Prepričani smo, da je javna sledljivost ključnega pomena. Več o tem, kako se
# ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +107
-;Questions ?
-Vprašanja ?
# ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +108
diff --git a/langs/tr/donate.tr.lang b/langs/tr/donate.tr.lang
index 9e127480f..1906b6310 100644
--- a/langs/tr/donate.tr.lang
+++ b/langs/tr/donate.tr.lang
@@ -62,6 +62,10 @@ Paypal her bir bağış için küçük bir komisyon (yaklaşık %2) almaktadır,
Dönüşüm oranları Mageia'ya yansıtılmaktadır, bu yüzden para birimi olarak lütfen &euro; kullanın;
+;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s.
+if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s.
;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment.
Eğer isimsiz bir bağış yapmak isterseniz, lütfen bir yorum ekleyin.
@@ -115,7 +119,7 @@ Biz şeffaf olmanın çok önemli olduğuna inanıyoruz. Bu yüzden sizler paran
# ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +107
-;Questions ?
Sorular ?
diff --git a/langs/uk/donate.uk.lang b/langs/uk/donate.uk.lang
index 638ae3550..8213fd390 100644
--- a/langs/uk/donate.uk.lang
+++ b/langs/uk/donate.uk.lang
@@ -62,6 +62,10 @@ Paypal стягує невеличкі комісійні з кожної пож
всі витрати, пов’язані з обміном валют, лягають на Mageia, отже, будь ласка, надсилайте пожертви у &euro;;
+;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s.
+if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s.
;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment.
якщо ви хочете зробити анонімну пожертву, будь ласка, додайте відповідний коментар.
@@ -115,7 +119,7 @@ Mageia.Org є неприбутковою організацією, яка кер
# ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +107
-;Questions ?
Маєте питання?
diff --git a/langs/zh-cn/donate.zh-cn.lang b/langs/zh-cn/donate.zh-cn.lang
index 8654315f5..c2b4ffeab 100644
--- a/langs/zh-cn/donate.zh-cn.lang
+++ b/langs/zh-cn/donate.zh-cn.lang
@@ -76,6 +76,11 @@ Paypal 会对每笔捐赠抽取一定佣金(每笔大约 2%) 所以我们收到
# ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +63
+;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s.
+if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s.
+# ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +63
;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment.
@@ -140,7 +145,7 @@ Mageia 商标注册;
我们相信公共问责是很重要的。您可以阅读我们的<a href="%s">财政报告</a>来了解我们收到的基金。
# ../../svn/web/en/donate/index.php +107
-;Questions ?