path: root/langs/sv
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'langs/sv')
7 files changed, 984 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/langs/sv/about/code-of-conduct.po b/langs/sv/about/code-of-conduct.po
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d943fa533
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langs/sv/about/code-of-conduct.po
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+# gettext catalog for about/code-of-conduct web page(s)
+# Copyright (C) 2014 - 2014 Mageia
+# This file is distributed under the same license as
+# the content of the corresponding web page(s).
+# Generated by extract2gettext.php
+# Domain: about/code-of-conduct
+# include translation strings from:
+# en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php
+# Translators:
+# Kristoffer Grundströ <kristoffer.grundstrom1983@gmail.com>, 2014
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Mageia\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mageia-i18n@mageia.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-16 20:51:23+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-04-30 00:10+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Kristoffer Grundströ <kristoffer.grundstrom1983@gmail.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Swedish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/mageia/language/sv/)\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: sv\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +11"
+msgid "Code of Conduct - Mageia"
+msgstr "Uppförandekod - Mageia"
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +12"
+msgid "Mageia project Code of Conduct for contributors and users."
+msgstr "Mageia's projekt om uppförandekod för medarbetare och användare."
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +13"
+msgid "mageia, values, conduct, rules"
+msgstr "mageia, värderingar, uppförande, regler"
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +20"
+msgid "Code of Conduct"
+msgstr "Uppförandekod"
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +27"
+msgid ""
+"The Mageia project is a lively community, open to everyone. We want this "
+"community to be a nice place for both newcomers and current members, where "
+"everyone feels comfortable and accepted whatever the amount and type of "
+"his/her contributions are."
+msgstr "Mageia-projektet är en livlig gemenskap, öppet för alla. Vi vill att denna gemenskap ska bli ett trevligt ställe för både nykomlingar och nuvarande medlemmar där alla känner sig trygga och accepterade oavsett mängd och bidrag hans/hennes är."
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +29"
+msgid ""
+"In the Mageia Community, participants from all over the world come together "
+"to create a Free Software operating system. This is made possible by the "
+"support, hard work, and enthusiasm of thousands of people, including those "
+"who create and use Mageia, as well as other Free Software project members."
+msgstr "I Mageia-gemenskapen samlas deltagare från hela världen för att skapa ett operativsystem med fri mjukvara. Detta har möjliggjorts genom stödet, hårt arbetande och entusiasmen av tusentals människor inklusive de som skapar och använder Mageia, liksom andra projektmedlemmar inom Fri mjukvara."
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +31"
+msgid ""
+"This document offers some guidance to ensure that the Mageia participants "
+"can cooperate effectively in a positive and inspiring atmosphere, and to "
+"explain how we can support each other."
+msgstr "Det här dokumentet ger viss vägledning för att se till att Mageia-deltagarna kan samarbeta effektivt i en positiv och inspirerande atmosfär, samt för att förklara hur vi kan stötta varandra."
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +33"
+msgid ""
+"This Code of Conduct is shared by all contributors and users who engage with"
+" the Mageia project and its community services."
+msgstr "Den här uppförandekoden delas av alla medarbetare och användare som sysslar med Mageia-projektet och dess tjänster i gemenskapen."
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +37"
+msgid "Overview"
+msgstr "Översikt"
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +39"
+msgid ""
+"This Code of Conduct presents a summary of the shared values and “common "
+"sense” thinking in our community. The basic social imperatives that hold our"
+" project together include:"
+msgstr "Den här uppförandekoden presenterar en sammanställning av delade värderingar \"sunt förnuft\" är sättet att tänka i vår gemenskap. De grundläggande sociala kraven som för samman vårat projekt inkluderar:"
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +41"
+msgid "Be considerate"
+msgstr "Var omtänksam"
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +42"
+msgid "Be respectful"
+msgstr "Var respektfull"
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +43"
+msgid "Be collaborative"
+msgstr "Var samarbetsvillig"
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +44"
+msgid "Be pragmatic"
+msgstr "Var pragmatisk"
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +45"
+msgid "Support others in the community"
+msgstr "Stötta andra i gemenskapen"
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +46"
+msgid "Get support from others in the community"
+msgstr "Hitta stöd från andra i gemenskapen"
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +49"
+msgid ""
+"This Code of Conduct reflects the agreed standards of behaviour for members "
+"of the Mageia Community, in any forum, mailing list, wiki, web site, IRC "
+"channel, public meeting or private correspondence within the context of the "
+"Mageia project and its services. The community acts according to the "
+"standards written in this Code of Conduct and will defend these standards "
+"for the benefit of the community. Leaders of any Mageia team maintain the "
+"right to suspend the access of any person who persists in breaking our "
+"shared Code of Conduct or, if necessary, the issue can be escalated and "
+"brought to the attention of the Mageia Council for a final decision."
+msgstr "Den här uppförandekoden reflekterar de överenskomna normerna för medlemmarnas uppförande i Mageia-gemenskapen, på alla forum, e-postlista, wiki, webbplats, IRC-kanal, offentligt möte eller privat korrespondens inom ramen för Mageia projektet och dess tjänster. Gemenskapen handlar i enlighet med de standarder som skrivits i denna uppförandekod och kommer att försvara dessa normer till förmån för gemenskapen. Ledare för något Mageia-arbetslag förbehåller sig rätten att dra in tillgången för varje person som envisas med att bryta vår gemensamma uppförandekod eller, om nödvändigt, kan problemet eskaleras och uppmärksammas av Mageia-rådet för ett slutligt beslut."
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +52"
+msgid "Be considerate."
+msgstr "Var omtänksam."
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +54"
+msgid ""
+"Your actions and work will affect and be used by other people, and you in "
+"turn will depend on the work and actions of others. Any decision you make "
+"will affect other community members, and we expect you to take those "
+"consequences into account when making decisions."
+msgstr "Dina handlingar och ditt arbete kommer att påverka och användas av andra människor och du kommer framför att vara beroende av arbetet och handlingar av andra. Det beslutet som du tar kommer att påverka andra medlemmar i gemenskapen och vi förväntar oss att du tar de där konsekvenserna i beräkning när besluten görs."
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +56"
+msgid ""
+"As a contributor, ensure that you give full credit for the work of others "
+"and bear in mind how your changes affect others. It is also expected that "
+"you try to follow the project schedule and guidelines."
+msgstr ""
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +58"
+msgid ""
+"As a user, remember that contributors work hard on their contributions to "
+"Mageia and take great pride in it. If you get frustrated with a particular "
+"issue, your problems are more likely to be resolved if you can give accurate"
+" and well-mannered information to all concerned."
+msgstr ""
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +60"
+msgid "Be respectful."
+msgstr "Var respektingivande."
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +62"
+msgid ""
+"In order for the Mageia community to stay healthy, its members must feel "
+"comfortable and accepted. Treating one another with respect is absolutely "
+"necessary for this to be achieved. If any disagreement occurs, you should "
+"first assume that people mean well."
+msgstr ""
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +64"
+msgid ""
+"We do not tolerate personal attacks, racism, sexism or any other form of "
+"discrimination. Disagreement is inevitable from time to time, but respect "
+"for the views of others will go a long way to winning respect for your own "
+"view. Respecting other people, their work, their contributions and assuming "
+"well-meaning motivation will make community members feel comfortable and "
+"safe, and will result in more motivation and productivity."
+msgstr ""
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +66"
+msgid ""
+"We expect members of our community to be respectful when dealing with other "
+"contributors, users and communities. Remember that Mageia is an "
+"international project and that you may be unaware of important aspects of "
+"other cultures."
+msgstr ""
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +68"
+msgid "Be collaborative."
+msgstr "Var samarbetsvillig."
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +70"
+msgid ""
+"The Free Software Movement depends on collaboration: it helps limit "
+"duplication of effort while improving the quality of the produced software. "
+"In order to avoid misunderstanding, try to be clear and concise when "
+"requesting or giving help. Remember that it is easy to misunderstand emails "
+"(especially when they are not written in your mother tongue). Ask for "
+"clarifications if something seems unclear; remember the first rule - first, "
+"assume that people mean well."
+msgstr ""
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +72"
+msgid ""
+"As a contributor, you should aim to collaborate with other community members"
+" as well as with other communities (upstream projects for instance) that are"
+" interested in, or depend on the work you do. Your work should be "
+"transparent and be fed back into the community as quickly as possible (even "
+"when not fully completed). If you wish to work on something new in existing "
+"projects, keep those projects team informed of your ideas and progress."
+msgstr ""
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +74"
+msgid ""
+"It may not always be possible to reach consensus on the implementation of an"
+" idea, so don't feel obliged to achieve this before you begin. However, "
+"always ensure that you keep the outside world informed of your work and "
+"publish it in a way that allows outsiders to test, discuss, and contribute "
+"to your efforts."
+msgstr ""
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +76"
+msgid ""
+"Contributors to every project come and go. When you leave or disengage from "
+"the project, in whole or in part, you should do so with pride about what you"
+" have achieved and by acting responsibly towards others who come after you "
+"to continue working on the project."
+msgstr ""
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +78"
+msgid ""
+"As a user, your feedback is important, as is its form. Poorly considered "
+"comments can cause pain and demotivate other community members, but "
+"considerate discussion of problems can bring positive results. An "
+"encouraging word works wonders."
+msgstr ""
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +81"
+msgid "Be pragmatic."
+msgstr "Var pragmatisk."
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +83"
+msgid "Mageia is a pragmatic community."
+msgstr "Mageia är en pragmatisk gemenskap."
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +84"
+msgid ""
+"We value tangible results over having the last word in a discussion. We "
+"defend our core values like freedom and respectful collaboration, but we "
+"don't let arguments about minor issues get in the way of achieving more "
+"important results. We are open to suggestions and welcome solutions "
+"regardless of their origin. When in doubt, support a solution which helps "
+"getting things done over one which has theoretical merits, but isn't being "
+"implemented. Use the tools and methods which help get the job done. Let "
+"decisions be made by those who do the work. If some issues arise that seem "
+"irreconcilable, consult the relevant team leader. If necessary, the Mageia "
+"Council may be consulted."
+msgstr ""
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +87"
+msgid "Support others in the community."
+msgstr "Stötta andra i gemenskapen"
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +89"
+msgid ""
+"Our community is made strong by mutual respect, collaboration and "
+"responsible, pragmatic behaviour. Sometimes these values have to be defended"
+" and other community members may need help."
+msgstr ""
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +91"
+msgid ""
+"If you witness others being attacked, think first about how you can offer "
+"them personal support. If you feel that the situation is beyond your ability"
+" to help individually, go privately to the victim and ask if some form of "
+"official intervention is needed. Similarly you should support anyone who "
+"appears to be in danger of burning out, either through work-related stress "
+"or personal problems."
+msgstr ""
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +93"
+msgid ""
+"When problems arise, consider respectfully reminding those involved of our "
+"shared Code of Conduct as a first action. Leaders are defined by their "
+"actions, and can help set a good example by working to resolve issues in the"
+" spirit of this Code of Conduct before those issues escalate."
+msgstr ""
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +96"
+msgid "Get support from others in the community."
+msgstr "Få stöd från andra i gemenskapen."
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +98"
+msgid ""
+"Disagreements, both political and technical, happen all the time. Our "
+"community is not an exception. The goal is not to avoid disagreements or "
+"differing views but to resolve them constructively. You should turn to the "
+"community to seek advice and to resolve disagreements, and where possible, "
+"consult the team(s) most directly involved."
+msgstr ""
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +100"
+msgid ""
+"Think deeply before turning a disagreement into a public dispute. If "
+"necessary request mediation and attempt to resolve differences in a less "
+"highly-emotional medium. If you do feel that you or your work is being "
+"attacked, take your time to breathe before writing heated replies. Consider "
+"a 24 hour moratorium if emotional language is being used - a cooling off "
+"period is sometimes all that is needed. If you really want to go a different"
+" way, then we encourage you to publish your ideas and your work, so that it "
+"can be tried and tested."
+msgstr ""
+#: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +102"
+msgid ""
+"This document is licensed under the <a "
+"href=\"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/us/\">Creative Commons "
+"Attribution - Share Alike 3.0 License</a> (<a "
+"href=\"http://wiki.mandriva.com/en/Code_of_Conduct\" rel=\"nofollow\">parent"
+" version</a>)."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/langs/sv/about/constitution.po b/langs/sv/about/constitution.po
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d220c5265
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langs/sv/about/constitution.po
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# gettext catalog for about/constitution web page(s)
+# Copyright (C) 2014 - 2014 Mageia
+# This file is distributed under the same license as
+# the content of the corresponding web page(s).
+# Generated by extract2gettext.php
+# Domain: about/constitution
+# include translation strings from:
+# en/about/constitution/index.php
+# Translators:
+# Kristoffer Grundströ <kristoffer.grundstrom1983@gmail.com>, 2014
+# Willard1975 <willard@null.net>, 2014
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Mageia\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mageia-i18n@mageia.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-23 14:19:23+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-05-08 11:41+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Willard1975 <willard@null.net>\n"
+"Language-Team: Swedish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/mageia/language/sv/)\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: sv\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#: "/web/en/about/constitution/index.php +8"
+msgid ""
+"Please translate constitution in file \"mageia.org_statutes_fr.md\" or "
+"\"mageia.org_statutes_en.md\" as a fallback first. Check wiki for details."
+msgstr ""
+#: "/web/en/about/constitution/index.php +14"
+msgid "Mageia.Org constitution"
+msgstr "Magiea.org-konstitutionen"
+#: "/web/en/about/constitution/index.php +16"
+msgid "mageia.org, association, organization, legal, constitution, statuts"
+msgstr "mageia.org, association, organisation, lagligt, konstitution, statuts"
+#: "/web/en/about/constitution/index.php +29"
+msgid ""
+"Original and definitive version (in French) is available from %s. These "
+"<em>may</em> be improved. Do not hesitate to mail your patches; check how in"
+" the %s."
+msgstr "Originell och slutgiltig version (på Franska) är tillgänglig från %s. Dessa <em>kan</em>förbättras. Tveka inte att maila dina patchar, se här hur man gör det %s."
diff --git a/langs/sv/about/license.po b/langs/sv/about/license.po
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..557148ae8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langs/sv/about/license.po
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# gettext catalog for about/license web page(s)
+# Copyright (C) 2014 - 2014 Mageia
+# This file is distributed under the same license as
+# the content of the corresponding web page(s).
+# Generated by extract2gettext.php
+# Domain: about/license
+# include translation strings from:
+# en/about/license/index.php
+# Translators:
+# Kristoffer Grundströ <kristoffer.grundstrom1983@gmail.com>, 2014
+# Willard1975 <willard@null.net>, 2014
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Mageia\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mageia-i18n@mageia.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-22 22:24:02+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-05-08 13:11+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Willard1975 <willard@null.net>\n"
+"Language-Team: Swedish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/mageia/language/sv/)\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: sv\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#: "/web/en/about/license/index.php +11"
+msgid ""
+"Please translate license in your po file "
+"\"http://gitweb.mageia.org/software/drakx/tree/perl-install/share/po/\" "
+"first. Check wiki for details."
+msgstr ""
+#: "/web/en/about/license/index.php +17"
+msgid "Mageia license"
+msgstr "Mageia-licens"
+#: "/web/en/about/license/index.php +34"
+msgid "You can get more information about our licensing policy %shere</a>."
+msgstr "Du kan få mer information om vår licens-policy %s här</a>."
+#: "/web/en/about/license/index.php +47"
+msgid "Warning about patents"
+msgstr "Varning om patenter"
diff --git a/langs/sv/about/media.po b/langs/sv/about/media.po
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c3dbe472c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langs/sv/about/media.po
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+# gettext catalog for about/media web page(s)
+# Copyright (C) 2014 - 2014 Mageia
+# This file is distributed under the same license as
+# the content of the corresponding web page(s).
+# Generated by extract2gettext.php
+# Domain: about/media
+# include translation strings from:
+# en/about/media/index.php
+# Translators:
+# Kristoffer Grundströ <kristoffer.grundstrom1983@gmail.com>, 2014
+# Willard1975 <willard@null.net>, 2014
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Mageia\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mageia-i18n@mageia.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-05-04 21:24:54+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-05-08 13:11+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Willard1975 <willard@null.net>\n"
+"Language-Team: Swedish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/mageia/language/sv/)\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: sv\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#: "/web/en/about/media/index.php +12"
+msgid "Mageia media files"
+msgstr "Mageia media-filer"
+#: "/web/en/about/media/index.php +21"
+msgid "Media files"
+msgstr "Media-filer"
+#: "/web/en/about/media/index.php +25"
+msgid "Official Logo"
+msgstr "Officiell logotyp"
+#: "/web/en/about/media/index.php +28"
+msgid "Mageia 2013"
+msgstr "Mageia 2013"
+#: "/web/en/about/media/index.php +29"
+msgid "Mageia 2013 dark"
+msgstr "Mageia 2013 mörk"
+#: "/web/en/about/media/index.php +30"
+msgid "Mageia 2013 alpha"
+msgstr "Mageia 2013 alpha"
+#: "/web/en/about/media/index.php +39"
+msgid "%sPNG</a> or %sSVG</a>"
+msgstr "%sPNG</a> eller %sSVG</a>"
+#: "/web/en/about/media/index.php +47"
+msgid "The font used for the logo can be downloaded <a href=\"%s\">here</a>."
+msgstr "Typsnittet som används för logotypen kan laddas ner <a href=\"%s\">här</a>."
+#: "/web/en/about/media/index.php +51"
+msgid "Previous Logo"
+msgstr "Förra logotypen"
+#: "/web/en/about/media/index.php +53"
+msgid "Mageia 2011 logo"
+msgstr "Mageia-logotyp 2011"
+#: "/web/en/about/media/index.php +56"
+msgid "Mageia 3 CD/DVD covers"
+msgstr "CD/DVD-omslag för Mageia 3"
+#: "/web/en/about/media/index.php +57"
+msgid "Mageia 3 plain CD/DVD"
+msgstr "Enkel Mageia 3 CD/DVD"
+#: "/web/en/about/media/index.php +58"
+msgid "Mageia 3 CD"
+msgstr "Mageia 3-CD"
+#: "/web/en/about/media/index.php +59"
+msgid "Mageia 3 DVD"
+msgstr "Mageia 3-DVD"
+#: "/web/en/about/media/index.php +60"
+msgid "Mageia 3 dualarch CD"
+msgstr "Mageia 3 \"dual arch\"-CD"
+#: "/web/en/about/media/index.php +61"
+msgid "Mageia 3 32bit DVD"
+msgstr "Mageia 3 32bitars DVD"
+#: "/web/en/about/media/index.php +62"
+msgid "Mageia 3 64bit DVD"
+msgstr "Mageia 3 64bitars DVD"
+#: "/web/en/about/media/index.php +63"
+msgid "Mageia 3 32bit LiveCD Gnome"
+msgstr "Mageia 3 32bitars LiveCD med Gnome"
+#: "/web/en/about/media/index.php +64"
+msgid "Mageia 3 32bit LiveCD KDE"
+msgstr "Mageia 3 32bitars LiveCD med KDE"
+#: "/web/en/about/media/index.php +65"
+msgid "Mageia 3 32bit LiveDVD Gnome"
+msgstr "Mageia 3 32bitars LiveDVD med Gnome"
+#: "/web/en/about/media/index.php +66"
+msgid "Mageia 3 32bit LiveDVD KDE"
+msgstr "Mageia 3 32bitars LiveDVD med KDE"
+#: "/web/en/about/media/index.php +67"
+msgid "Mageia 3 64bit LiveDVD Gnome"
+msgstr "Mageia 3 64bitars LiveDVD med Gnome"
+#: "/web/en/about/media/index.php +68"
+msgid "Mageia 3 64bit LiveDVD KDE"
+msgstr "Mageia 3 64bitars LiveDVD med KDE"
+#: "/web/en/about/media/index.php +71"
+msgid "Mageia 3 CD/DVD cover dedicated to Eugeni with his black silhuete"
+msgstr "Mageia 3 CD/DVD-omslag dedikerad till Eugeni med hans svarta siluett"
+#: "/web/en/about/media/index.php +72"
+msgid "Mageia 3 CD/DVD cover with watermark dedicated to Eugeni"
+msgstr "Mageia 3 CD/DVD-omslag med vattenstämped dedikerad till Eugeni"
+#: "/web/en/about/media/index.php +77"
+msgid "Mageia 1 CD/DVD covers"
+msgstr "Mageia 1 CD/DVD-omslag"
+#: "/web/en/about/media/index.php +78"
+msgid "Mageia 1 CD/DVD"
+msgstr "Mageia 1 CD/DVD"
+#: "/web/en/about/media/index.php +81"
+msgid "Licensed under CC-By-SA by Julie Guennegues."
+msgstr "Licensierad under CC-By-SA av Julie Guennegues."
+#: "/web/en/about/media/index.php +85"
+msgid ""
+"Please consult <a href=\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Atelier_team\">atelier "
+"team</a> if you have questions/concerns about using these files."
+msgstr "Vänligen rådfråga <a href=\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Atelier_team\">atelje-teamet</a> om du har frågor/bekymmer rörande användandet av dessa filer."
diff --git a/langs/sv/about/reports.po b/langs/sv/about/reports.po
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aa7574bc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langs/sv/about/reports.po
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# gettext catalog for about/reports web page(s)
+# Copyright (C) 2014 - 2014 Mageia
+# This file is distributed under the same license as
+# the content of the corresponding web page(s).
+# Generated by extract2gettext.php
+# Domain: about/reports
+# include translation strings from:
+# en/about/reports/index.php
+# Translators:
+# Kristoffer Grundströ <kristoffer.grundstrom1983@gmail.com>, 2014
+# Willard1975 <willard@null.net>, 2014
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Mageia\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mageia-i18n@mageia.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-04-21 16:18:39+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-05-08 13:21+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Willard1975 <willard@null.net>\n"
+"Language-Team: Swedish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/mageia/language/sv/)\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: sv\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#: "/web/en/about/reports/index.php +10"
+msgid "Mageia activity &amp; financial reports"
+msgstr "Mageia-aktivitet &amp; finansiella rapporter"
+#: "/web/en/about/reports/index.php +11"
+msgid "Mageia reports, every year."
+msgstr "Mageia-rapporter, varje år."
+#: "/web/en/about/reports/index.php +12"
+msgid "mageia, reports, activity, financial"
+msgstr "mageia, rapporter, aktivitet, finansiell"
+#: "/web/en/about/reports/index.php +19"
+msgid "Activity Reports"
+msgstr "Aktivitetsrapporter"
+#: "/web/en/about/reports/index.php +24"
+msgid ""
+"Here you will find our various activity and financial reports for every "
+msgstr "Här kommer du att hitta våra olika aktiviteter och finansiella rapporter för varje år."
+#: "/web/en/about/reports/index.php +27"
+msgid "%sFinancial report</a>%s."
+msgstr "%sFinansiell rapport</a>%s."
+#: "/web/en/about/reports/index.php +27"
+msgid "(in progress)"
+msgstr "(pågår)"
+#: "/web/en/about/reports/index.php +30"
+msgid ""
+"<a href=\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Rapport_moral_2011\">Moral report</a> "
+"(in French &amp; English), <a href=\"2011/\">financial report</a>."
+msgstr "<a href=\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Rapport_moral_2011\">Moralisk rapport</a> (på franska &amp; engelska), <a href=\"2011/\">finansiell rapport</a>."
+#: "/web/en/about/reports/index.php +31"
+msgid "Moral report, <a href=\"2010/\">financial report</a>."
+msgstr "Moralisk rapport, <a href=\"2010/\">finansiell rapport</a>."
diff --git a/langs/sv/about/values.po b/langs/sv/about/values.po
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7f911f5d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langs/sv/about/values.po
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+# gettext catalog for about/values web page(s)
+# Copyright (C) 2014 - 2014 Mageia
+# This file is distributed under the same license as
+# the content of the corresponding web page(s).
+# Generated by extract2gettext.php
+# Domain: about/values
+# include translation strings from:
+# en/about/values/index.php
+# Translators:
+# Kristoffer Grundströ <kristoffer.grundstrom1983@gmail.com>, 2014
+# Willard1975 <willard@null.net>, 2014
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Mageia\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mageia-i18n@mageia.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-16 20:51:26+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-05-08 14:01+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Willard1975 <willard@null.net>\n"
+"Language-Team: Swedish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/mageia/language/sv/)\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: sv\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +10"
+msgid "Mageia Values"
+msgstr "Mageias värderingar"
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +11"
+msgid "Mageia project values"
+msgstr "Magiea-projektets värderingar"
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +12"
+msgid "mageia, values"
+msgstr "mageia, värderingar"
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +19"
+msgid "Values"
+msgstr "Värderingar"
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +24"
+msgid "Mageia is Social Software"
+msgstr "Mageia är en social programvara"
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +27"
+msgid ""
+"We will, as a Community, Value Our Users. We will always be in touch with "
+"our user base, for they are as much part of the community as are makers and "
+msgstr "Vi kommer att som en gemenskap värdesätta våra användare. Vi kommer alltid att vara i kontakt med vår användarbas, de är lika mycket en del av gemenskapen som beslutsfattare och organisatörer."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +28"
+msgid ""
+"We understand that our most valuable assets are people and the Community."
+msgstr "Vi förstår att våra mest värderfulla tillgångar är människorna och gemenskapen."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +29"
+msgid ""
+"We will always be a community distribution, valuing all the community's "
+msgstr "Vi kommer alltid att vara en Community-distribution, och värdesätta alla bidragsgivare."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +30"
+msgid ""
+"We will be an inclusive distribution, making sure that everyone in the "
+"community can make their voice heard."
+msgstr "Vi kommer att vara en innehållsrik distribution som försäkrar att alla i gemenskapen kan få sina röster hörda."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +31"
+msgid ""
+"We esteem friendships highly and will promote social interaction between "
+msgstr "Vi värdesätter vänskapsrelationer högt och kommer att uppmuntra socialt samspel mellan människor."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +32"
+msgid ""
+"We value integrity, community, trust and will always adhere to the highest "
+"ethical standards."
+msgstr "Vi värderar integritet, gemenskap, tillit och kommer alltid hålla oss till de högsta etiska normerna."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +33"
+msgid "We will, above all things, enjoy ourselves :-) ."
+msgstr "Vi kommer framför allt roa oss :-) ."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +34"
+msgid ""
+"We will strive to maintain the goodwill of both our own and the wider Open "
+"Source community."
+msgstr "Vi kommer att sträva efter att bibehålla den goda viljan hos både vår egen och den bredare gemenskapen för öppen källkod."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +35"
+msgid ""
+"We will help and support each other. When something isn't right, we will "
+"take the appropriate steps to find a better solution and use it."
+msgstr "Vi kommer att hjälpa och stödja varandra. När något är fel kommer vi att ta vidta passande åtgärder för att hitta en bättre lösning, och använda den."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +38"
+msgid "Mageia is Powerful Technology"
+msgstr "Mageia är en kraftfull teknik"
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +40"
+msgid ""
+"We, as Free Software and as an Operating System, will constantly innovate to"
+" remain a premium computing technology choice."
+msgstr "Vi, med fri programvara och som ett operativsystem kommer konstant att vara innovativa och förbli en ett premiumval för datorteknik."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +41"
+msgid ""
+"We will stay up-to-date with the latest trends in Open Source, while "
+"choosing wisely to balance between modernization and reliability in our "
+msgstr "Vi kommer att hålla oss uppdaterade med de senaste trenderna inom öppen källkod och samtidigt vara försiktiga i balansgången mellan modernitet och tillförlitlighet i våra utgåvor."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +42"
+msgid ""
+"We will maintain the vibrancy within our Community, always aiming to lead "
+"the way in collaborative development."
+msgstr "Vi kommer att behålla vitaliteten i våra grupper och alltid ha som mål att leda vägen för utveckling i samarbete."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +43"
+msgid ""
+"We will encourage our users to be the best they can be on their computers."
+msgstr "Vi uppmuntrar våra användare att vara det bästa de kan bli med sina datorer."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +44"
+msgid ""
+"We will strive for ease of use, but also offer a holistic set of innovations"
+" for novice and power users alike."
+msgstr "Vi strävar för att vara lättanvändliga, men även förse helhetssyn med en uppsättning innovationer för både nybörjare och avancerade användare."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +47"
+msgid "Mageia is Knowledge"
+msgstr "Mageia är kunskap"
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +49"
+msgid ""
+"Software is an integral part of our daily lives, in almost every interaction"
+" at home and around the world, and at its heart is computer Code. We will "
+"strive to understand it, and how it works in our daily lives."
+msgstr "Mjukvara är en väsentlig del av våra dagliga liv. I nästan varje interaktion i hemmet och runt om i världen finns datorkod. Vi kommer att sträva för att förstå den och hur den fungerar i våra dagliga liv."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +50"
+msgid "We will empower our user base by demystifying advanced technologies."
+msgstr "Vi kommer att göra det möjligt för vår användarbas genom att avmystifiera avancerade teknologier."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +51"
+msgid ""
+"We recognise that we are human. Failure and inadequacies do happen and "
+"context changes. We will take that into account in our software and lives, "
+"as well as the pursuit of happiness. We will evolve."
+msgstr "Vi erkänner at vi är människor. Fel och brister uppstår och sammanhang ändras. Vi kommer att tänka på det i våra programvaror och i våra liv, så väl som i jakten på lycka. Vi kommer att utvecklas."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +52"
+msgid ""
+"We believe that there is nothing as beautiful as understanding the software "
+"you use in daily life. Therefore, we will openly educate people about Free "
+"Software, our Community, and our Operating System."
+msgstr "Vi tycker att det finns inget vackrare än att förstår programvaran som används i våra dagliga liv. Därför kommer vi öppet att utbilda folk om fri programvara, vår gemenskap och vårt operativsystem."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +55"
+msgid "Mageia is Quality"
+msgstr "Mageia är kvalitet"
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +57"
+msgid "Mageia will be based on good quality/stability requirements."
+msgstr "Mageia kommer att baseras på bra kvalité och stabilitetskrav."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +58"
+msgid "Mageia will be compliant with open source standards."
+msgstr "Mageia kommer att vara kompatibelt med standarder inom öppen källkod."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +59"
+msgid ""
+"Mageia will always adhere to high security and privacy "
+"standards/technologies to protect our users' data."
+msgstr "Mageia kommer alltid att hålla fast vid hög säkerhet och sekretess-standarder/teknologier för att skydda användares data."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +62"
+msgid "Mageia is Open Relations"
+msgstr "Mageia är öppna relationer"
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +64"
+msgid "We will secure the future of the distribution through its community."
+msgstr "Vi kommer att säkerställa distributionens framtid genom dess användare."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +65"
+msgid ""
+"We will cooperate with other OSS distributions and core and kernel "
+"developers with code contribution."
+msgstr "Vi kommer att samarbeta med andra OSS-distributioner, samt kärn- och kernel-utvecklare med bidrag av kod."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +66"
+msgid "We will work in collaboration with other open source projects."
+msgstr "Vi kommer att arbeta tillsammans med andra projekt inom öppen källkod."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +67"
+msgid "We will welcome any Commercial Enterprise as part of our community."
+msgstr "Vi kommer att välkomna alla kommersiella företag som en del av vår gemenskap."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +68"
+msgid ""
+"Mageia will always be based upon Open Source Software. However, it will also"
+" be open to non-OSS contributions, to provide alternatives for our users' "
+"diverse needs and expectations."
+msgstr "Mageia kommer alltid att baseras på programvara från öppen källkod, men det kommer även att vara öppet för icke-OSS-bidrag för att ge alternativ för våra användares olika behov och förväntningar."
+#: "/web/en/about/values/index.php +69"
+msgid ""
+"Mageia will always be a collective, international and organised endeavor, "
+"representative of our pluralistic community."
+msgstr "Mageia kommer alltid att vara en kollektiv, internationell, organiserad och strävande representant för vårt pluralistiska samhälle."
diff --git a/langs/sv/downloads/get.po b/langs/sv/downloads/get.po
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5764fde21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langs/sv/downloads/get.po
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+# gettext catalog for downloads/get web page(s)
+# Copyright (C) 2014 - 2014 Mageia
+# This file is distributed under the same license as
+# the content of the corresponding web page(s).
+# Generated by extract2gettext.php
+# Domain: downloads/get
+# include translation strings from:
+# en/downloads/get/index.php
+# Translators:
+# Kristoffer Grundströ <kristoffer.grundstrom1983@gmail.com>, 2014
+# Willard1975 <willard@null.net>, 2014
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Mageia\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mageia-i18n@mageia.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-17 17:17:21+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-05-08 14:21+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Willard1975 <willard@null.net>\n"
+"Language-Team: Swedish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/mageia/language/sv/)\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: sv\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +116"
+msgid "This <a href=\"%s\">%s</a> download mirror is located in %s (%s)."
+msgstr "Den här nedladdningsspegeln ligger i %s (%s)."
+#: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +122"
+msgid ""
+"If it does not work well for you, <a href=\"#om\" "
+"id=\"other_mirrors_btn\">check out these other mirrors</a>."
+msgstr "Om den inte fungerar bra för dig, <a href=\"#om\" id=\"other_mirrors_btn\">ta en titt på de här andra speglarna</a>."
+#: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +164"
+msgid "Mageia Downloads"
+msgstr "Mageia-nerladdningar"
+#: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +176"
+msgid "Download %s"
+msgstr "Ladda ner %s"
+#: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +183"
+msgid "Your download of %s should start within a few seconds"
+msgstr "Din nerladdning av %s borde starta inom ett par sekunder"
+#: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +184"
+msgid "(download size is about %s)."
+msgstr "(nerladdningsstorleken är ungefär %s)"
+#: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +185"
+msgid ""
+"If the download does not start, <a href=\"%s\" rel=\"nofollow\" "
+"title=\"%s\">click here</a>."
+msgstr "Om nerladdningen inte startar så <a href=\"%s\" rel=\"nofollow\" title=\"%s\">klickar du här</a>."
+#: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +195"
+msgid ""
+"As soon as your download is complete, you should check that the signatures "
+msgstr "Så fort som din nerladdning är färdig så bör du kontrollera att signaturerna matchar:"
+#: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +202"
+msgid ""
+"If signatures do not match, <strong>DO NOT use this ISO</strong>. Double-"
+"check and try to download again."
+msgstr "Använd <strong>INTE</strong> den här ISO-filen om signaturerna inte matchar. Dubbelkolla och försök igen."
+#: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +208"
+msgid "Your IP address is %s and you seem to be in %s, %s."
+msgstr "Din IP-adress är %s och du verkar vara i %s, %s."
+#: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +216"
+msgid "Country"
+msgstr "Land"
+#: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +217"
+msgid "City"
+msgstr "Stad"
+#: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +218"
+msgid "Download mirrors"
+msgstr "Nerladdningsspeglar"
+#: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +229"
+msgid ""
+"The making and the distribution of Mageia worldwide is made possible by all "
+"the <a href=\"%s\">people and organizations that mirror our software</a> and"
+" that <a href=\"%s\">donate money, hardware, hosting and more</a>."
+msgstr "Tillverkningen och distribueringen av Mageia över hela världen är möjliggjord av alla <a href=\"%s\">människor och organisationer som speglar vår mjukvara</a> och som <a href=\"%s\">skänker pengar, hårdvara, struktur och mer</a>."
+#: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +230"
+msgid "Want to help? %sJoin Us!%s"
+msgstr "Vill du hjälpa till? %sAnslut dig till oss!%s"
+#: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +235"
+msgid "Sorry!"
+msgstr "Ledsen!"
+#: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +236"
+msgid ""
+"Your download could not complete, as we could not find this file. Please try"
+" again from the <a href=\"%s\">main downloads page</a>."
+msgstr "Din nerladdning kunde inte färdigställas eftersom att vi inte kunde hitta den här filen. Vänligen försök igen från <a href=\"%s\">den huvudsakliga nerladdningssidan</a>."
+#: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +238"
+msgid ""
+"If you still encounter this error and think IT SHOULD NOT HAPPEN &ndash; "
+"please tell us:"
+msgstr "Om du fortfarande stöter på det här felet och tänker att det här SKA inte kunna ske &ndash; snälla berätta det då för oss:"
+#: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +240"
+msgid ""
+"directly on <a href=\"irc://irc.freenode.net/#mageia-atelier\">#mageia-"
+"atelier on Freenode IRC</a>,"
+msgstr "direkt i <a href=\"irc://irc.freenode.net/#mageia-ateilier\">#mageia-atelier på Freenode IRC-nätverket</a>."
+#: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +241"
+msgid "or <a href=\"https://twitter.com/mageia_org\">via our Twitter account</a>,"
+msgstr "eller <a href=\"https://twitter.com/mageia_org\">via vårat Twitter-konto</>."
+#: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +242"
+msgid ""
+"or with a <a href=\"https://ml.mageia.org/l/info/atelier-discuss\">notice on"
+" the Atelier team mailing-list</a>,"
+msgstr "eller med en <a href=\"https://ml.mageia.org/l/info/atelier-discuss\">notis på e-postlistan för Atelier-teamet</a>."
+#: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +243"
+msgid ""
+"or a <a "
+" report</a>."
+msgstr "eller en <a href=\"https://bugs.mageia.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Websites&amp;format=guided&amp;component=www.mageia.org\">felrapport</a>."
+#: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +246"
+msgid ""
+"Please copy and report us the above address that returned you to this page."
+msgstr "Kopiera och rapportera till oss den ovanstående adressen som gav dig den här sidan."
+#: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +246"
+msgid "Thanks!"
+msgstr "Tack!"
+#: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +247"
+msgid "back to that awesome Mageia home page"
+msgstr "tillbaka till Mageia's toppenfina hemsida"