path: root/langs/it/about
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'langs/it/about')
1 files changed, 182 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/langs/it/about/values.it.lang b/langs/it/about/values.it.lang
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2bf276e09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langs/it/about/values.it.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+# Generated by extract2lang.php on 2012-08-01T11:02:36+02:00
+# Domain values
+# /web/en/about/values/index.php +10
+;Mageia Values
+I Valori di Mageia {ok}
+# /web/en/about/values/index.php +11
+;Mageia project values
+I valori del progetto Mageia
+# /web/en/about/values/index.php +12
+;mageia, values
+mageia, valori {ok}
+# /web/en/about/values/index.php +18
+# /web/en/about/values/index.php +23
+;Mageia is Social Software
+Mageia è Software Sociale
+# /web/en/about/values/index.php +26
+;We will, as a Community, Value Our Users. We will always be in touch with our user base, for they are as much part of the community as are makers and organisers.
+Noi, come Comunità, Valorizzeremo i Nostri Utenti. Resteremo sempre in contatto con la nostra base d'utenza, perché loro sono parte della comunità tanto quanto lo sono i creatori e gli organizzatori. {ok}
+# /web/en/about/values/index.php +27
+;We understand that our most valuable assets are people and the Community.
+Noi comprendiamo che i nostri assets di maggior valore sono le persone e la Comunità. {ok}
+# /web/en/about/values/index.php +28
+;We will always be a community distribution, valuing all the community's contributions.
+Noi saremo sempre una distribuzione della comunità, valorizzando tutti i contributi della comunità. {ok}
+# /web/en/about/values/index.php +29
+;We will be an inclusive distribution, making sure that everyone in the community can make their voice heard.
+Noi saremo sempre una distribuzione inclusiva, assicurandoci che chiunque nella comunità possa fare sentire la sua voce. {ok}
+# /web/en/about/values/index.php +30
+;We esteem friendships highly and will promote social interaction between people.
+Noi stimiamo molto l'amicizia e promuoviamo l'interazione sociale tra le persone. {ok}
+# /web/en/about/values/index.php +31
+;We value integrity, community, trust and will always adhere to the highest ethical standards.
+Noi valorizziamo l'integrità, la comunità, la fiducia e aderiremo sempre ai migliori standard etici. {ok}
+# /web/en/about/values/index.php +32
+;We will, above all things, enjoy ourselves :-) .
+Noi, sopra ogni cosa, ci divertiremo :-) . {ok}
+# /web/en/about/values/index.php +33
+;We will strive to maintain the goodwill of both our own and the wider Open Source community.
+Noi ci impegnermo a mantenere i nostri buoni propositi e quelli della più ampia comunità dell'Open Source.
+# /web/en/about/values/index.php +34
+;We will help and support each other. When something isn't right, we will take the appropriate steps to find a better solution and use it.
+Noi ci aiuteremo e supporteremo a vicenda. Quando qualcosa non va bene, intraprenderemo i passi appropriati per trovare la soluzione migliore e la useremo.
+# /web/en/about/values/index.php +37
+;Mageia is Powerful Technology
+Mageia è Powerful Technology
+# /web/en/about/values/index.php +39
+;We, as Free Software and as an Operating System, will constantly innovate to remain a premium computing technology choice.
+Noi, come Software Libero e come un Sistema Operativo, ci innoveremo costantemente per restare la prima scelta tecnologica per il computing.
+# /web/en/about/values/index.php +40
+;We will stay up-to-date with the latest trends in Open Source, while choosing wisely to balance between modernization and reliability in our releases.
+Noi resteremo aggiornati con gli ultimi andamenti dell'Open Source, e al contempo sceglieremo accuratamente per mantenere i nostri rilasci in equilibrio tra moderno e affidabile.
+# /web/en/about/values/index.php +41
+;We will maintain the vibrancy within our Community, always aiming to lead the way in collaborative development.
+We will maintain the vibrancy within our Community, always aiming to lead the way in collaborative development.
+# /web/en/about/values/index.php +42
+;We will encourage our users to be the best they can be on their computers.
+We will encourage our users to be the best they can be on their computers.
+# /web/en/about/values/index.php +43
+;We will strive for ease of use, but also offer a holistic set of innovations for novice and power users alike.
+We will strive for ease of use, but also offer a holistic set of innovations for novice and power users alike.
+# /web/en/about/values/index.php +46
+;Mageia is Knowledge
+Mageia is Knowledge
+# /web/en/about/values/index.php +48
+;Software is an integral part of our daily lives, in almost every interaction at home and around the world, and at its heart is computer Code. We will strive to understand it, and how it works in our daily lives.
+Software is an integral part of our daily lives, in almost every interaction at home and around the world, and at its heart is computer Code. We will strive to understand it, and how it works in our daily lives.
+# /web/en/about/values/index.php +49
+;We will empower our user base by demystifying advanced technologies.
+We will empower our user base by demystifying advanced technologies.
+# /web/en/about/values/index.php +50
+;We recognise that we are human. Failure and inadequacies do happen and context changes. We will take that into account in our software and lives, as well as the pursuit of happiness. We will evolve.
+We recognise that we are human. Failure and inadequacies do happen and context changes. We will take that into account in our software and lives, as well as the pursuit of happiness. We will evolve.
+# /web/en/about/values/index.php +51
+;We believe that there is nothing as beautiful as understanding the software you use in daily life. Therefore, we will openly educate people about Free Software, our Community, and our Operating System.
+We believe that there is nothing as beautiful as understanding the software you use in daily life. Therefore, we will openly educate people about Free Software, our Community, and our Operating System.
+# /web/en/about/values/index.php +54
+;Mageia is Quality
+Mageia is Quality
+# /web/en/about/values/index.php +56
+;Mageia will be based on good quality/stability requirements.
+Mageia will be based on good quality/stability requirements.
+# /web/en/about/values/index.php +57
+;Mageia will be compliant with open source standards.
+Mageia will be compliant with open source standards.
+# /web/en/about/values/index.php +58
+;Mageia will always adhere to high security and privacy standards/technologies to protect our users' data.
+Mageia will always adhere to high security and privacy standards/technologies to protect our users' data.
+# /web/en/about/values/index.php +61
+;Mageia is Open Relations
+Mageia is Open Relations
+# /web/en/about/values/index.php +63
+;We will secure the future of the distribution through its community.
+We will secure the future of the distribution through its community.
+# /web/en/about/values/index.php +64
+;We will cooperate with other OSS distributions and core and kernel developers with code contribution.
+We will cooperate with other OSS distributions and core and kernel developers with code contribution.
+# /web/en/about/values/index.php +65
+;We will work in collaboration with other open source projects.
+We will work in collaboration with other open source projects.
+# /web/en/about/values/index.php +66
+;We will welcome any Commercial Enterprise as part of our community.
+We will welcome any Commercial Enterprise as part of our community.
+# /web/en/about/values/index.php +67
+;Mageia will always be based upon Open Source Software. However, it will also be open to non-OSS contributions, to provide alternatives for our users' diverse needs and expectations.
+Mageia will always be based upon Open Source Software. However, it will also be open to non-OSS contributions, to provide alternatives for our users' diverse needs and expectations.
+# /web/en/about/values/index.php +68
+;Mageia will always be a collective, international and organised endeavor, representative of our pluralistic community.
+Mageia will always be a collective, international and organised endeavor, representative of our pluralistic community.