path: root/en/about/reports
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1 files changed, 10 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/en/about/reports/2012/mageia-financial-report-2012.csv b/en/about/reports/2012/mageia-financial-report-2012.csv
index 1215d9c2d..1ec1572c7 100644
--- a/en/about/reports/2012/mageia-financial-report-2012.csv
+++ b/en/about/reports/2012/mageia-financial-report-2012.csv
@@ -9,25 +9,25 @@ year,2012,,,,,
licence,ODbL-1.0,This financial report data is made available under the Open Database License: http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1.0/. Any rights in individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents License: http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/dbcl/1.0/,,,,
-last updated,2012/07/26,,,,,
+last updated,2012/08/03,,,,,
comment,This is a first attempt to provide open and direct access to Mageia financial data. We will try to improve on it, feel free to suggest improvements in format, detail, presentation.,,,,,
# Account balance,,,,,,
-main account,339.91,,,,,
-savings account,3686.86,,,,,
+main account,148.95,,,,,
+savings account,3486.86,,,,,
# Income Statement,,,,,,
## Revenues,,,,,,
Bank interests,0,,,,,
-Total of revenues,4863.61,,,,,
+Total of revenues,0,,,,,
## Expenses,,,,,,
-Total of expenses,2209.74,,,,,
+Total of expenses,0,,,,,
Net Income,0,,,,,
@@ -79,6 +79,8 @@ date,category,description,amount,
2012-06-31,bank,Paypal fees,9.72,
2012-07-26,infra:hardware,2 servers,7613.14,
2012-07-31,bank,Paypal fees,7.72,
+2012-08-01,infra:hosting,Gandi: domain names renewal,30.64,
+2012-08-03,transport,Marseille DC: train+hotel for 3,370.96,
# That's all folks!,,,,,,