There are different options that can be set in cavendish/config.php $cavendishLogoURL Link to the Logo that should be displayed in the header $cavendishLogoWidth width of the logo as a number in px $cavendishLogoHeight height of the logo as a number in px $cavendishLogoMargin offset on top of the logo $cavendishSiteWith fixed width of the content area, if not set it's dynamic (default is false, that means dynamic) $cavendishExtensionCSS set this to false if you do not want to use Cavendish CSS for Extensions (default is true) $cavendishQRCode adding QR-Code to printpage (default is true) $cavendishQRurladd used to track campaign for entry through QR Code, default is for Piwik (default="?pk_campaign=qr-code") $cavendishcolor select color of the theme: blue, brown or green (default is blue)