# Contributing First of all, thanks a lot for considering to contribute! ## Found a bug? * Nice catch! * Make sure that this bug is not already present in our [Issues](https://github.com/moonmoon/moonmoon/issues) tracker. * If none matches, please [create a new ticket](https://github.com/moonmoon/moonmoon/issues/new). ## Fixing a bug with a patch you made? * Awesome! * If the bug you are fixing is present in our [Issues tracker](https://github.com/moonmoon/moonmoon/issues), don't forget to mention the related issue. * Make sure to stick to the [PSR-2](http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-2/) coding style. ## Adding a new feature? * Marvelous! * If it's not too late, please create a new ticket in the [Issues tracker](https://github.com/moonmoon/moonmoon/issues/new) before developing something. Maybe it does not really fit into moonmoon and we may not merge it :( * Make sure to stick to the [PSR-2](http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-2/) coding style. ## Seeking support ? * Is your problem already listed in our [FAQ](https://github.com/moonmoon/moonmoon/wiki/Faq)? * If not, please create a ticket in our [Issues tracker](https://github.com/moonmoon/moonmoon/issues/new). * You more details you give (version, steps to reproduce…), the better we'll help you :-)