0) ? reset($pkgs) : null ); ?> <?php echo strip_tags($title); ?> /m", file_get_contents("http://check.mageia.org/cauldron/dependencies.rss"), $matches); $unmaintained_count = file_exists(__DIR__ . '/data/unmaintained.txt') ? count(file(__DIR__ . '/data/unmaintained.txt')) : 0; if ($missing_deps_count > 0 || $unmaintained_count > 0 ) { if ($missing_deps_count > 0) { $figures_list[] = sprintf('%d broken deps.', $missing_deps_count, 'http://check.mageia.org/cauldron/dependencies.html' ); } if ($unmaintained_count > 0) { $figures_list[] = sprintf('%d unmaintained', $unmaintained_count, 'data/unmaintained.txt' ); } if (count($figures_list) > 0) $figures_list[count($figures_list)-1] .= sprintf(' %s', 'https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Importing_packages', 'YES you can help!', 'pick one'); } preg_match_all('/(\d+)/', file_get_contents("https://bugs.mageia.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=%40qa-bugs+-kw%3Avali"), $matches); $qa_bugs = $matches[1][0]; if ($qa_bugs > 0) { $figures_list[] = sprintf('%d update%s to validate %s', $qa_bugs, 'http://mageia.madb.org/tools/updates', plural($qa_bugs), 'https://wiki.mageia.org/en/QA_process_for_validating_updates', 'YES you can help!', 'see how' ); } $html_figures = null; if (count($figures_list) > 0) { $html_figures = 'Packages: ' . implode(', ', $figures_list) . '.'; } ?>

« Back to full list'; } echo ''; // Stats $s = ''; echo $s; uksort($buildtime_stats, "timesort"); echo ''; echo mga_bs_charts::js_init(); } else { echo sprintf('
  • No package has been submitted in the past %d hours.

  • ', $max_modified * 24); } ?>